A graceful and plump lady in palace attire walked up to Emperor Yu, picked up the tea on the dragon table, put it to her lips and took a sip.

"It's a little cold!"

After hearing this, Emperor Yu put down the memorial in his hand, touched the teapot on the table, and refilled half the cup: "Here, drink something hot!"

"Thank you!"

Concubine Xian thanked her, held up the tea cup without ceremony, took a sip, and said softly: "You want to ask me, where did Fan'er's soldiers and horses come from?"


Emperor Yu nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "As Jiannan said, both the eight hundred traps and the eighteen iron cavalry are somewhat beyond my expectations!"

"Is it just beyond His Majesty's expectations?"

Concubine Xian asked in return, somewhat playfully: "If I guessed correctly, it should be beyond His Majesty's control!"


Emperor Yu gave a dull snort and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. He wanted to get angry, but he couldn't find the slightest anger.

"I don't know the origin of those soldiers and horses!"

"However, my son is very talented and tough, so it doesn't seem surprising that he can be followed by a group of people!"

"If you are afraid of him and he is out of your control, you can take away his power and let him leave the capital!"

Concubine Xian spoke very calmly, as if she didn't have much fear towards the most powerful figure in Dayu in front of her!

Emperor Yu was already accustomed to his attitude. There was no trace of anger in his eyes, but rather he was very gentle.

"I have said that no matter what outrageous things you, mother and son do in this life, I will protect you!"

"What if I take away your throne?"

"Hahaha!" Emperor Yu burst out laughing when he heard this: "If this kid can kick me out of this position, why not give up this country to him?"

"If my son could look like Jackie Chan, I would be happy!"

Seeing that Emperor Yu seemed to be showing some true feelings, Concubine Xian said calmly: "He went to see me some time ago and said that he wanted to compete for the supreme position!"

"I told him, since you have made up your mind, go ahead and do it. Mom will support you!"


A look of surprise flashed across Emperor Yu's face, and he nodded slightly and said, "I didn't expect that in just over a month, he could reach this point. Not only did he gain a firm foothold in the court, but he even It solved my worries for many years!”

"Concubine Xian!" Emperor Yu's eyes showed a complex look: "Over the years, I have suppressed him and refused to let him go out, not because I care about his bloodline!"

"Whether he is from Zhou or Yu, he is my son after all!"

"It's just that in the past few years, he has been domineering in the capital and acted absurdly. He has not shown any talent. In addition, he is weak and has no scheming in the city!"

"So although I love him very much, I will not let him interfere in any government affairs!"

Emperor Yu sighed sadly: "I am here to protect him, and no one can touch him under my nose!"

"If he is really released, I won't be able to worry about him given his skills, character, and ability!"

"However, what makes me happy is that what he has done during this period not only impresses me, but even makes Ji Sui, Xie Xingxian and others admire him, and he can also invite Master Shen to come out!"

"I know, this kid, the second child, seems to have grown up overnight!"

When Concubine Xian heard this, her expression couldn't help but be moved, and she said softly: "Don't you mind the blood flowing in his body at all?"

"If one day, he really takes this position, and the dynasty changes, and Zhou replaces Yu, will you regret it?"

"Hahaha, I'm not as miserable as you think!"

Emperor Yu looked straight at Concubine Xian and said playfully: "How did you know that he would definitely be able to sit in my seat?"

"My eldest son has been gifted with extraordinary talents since he was a child. He is a handsome young man and has many loyal followers among the court officials!"

"Just because I allow him to fight, it doesn't mean that I will definitely give this position to him!"

"If he can't suppress the boss, I will still send him out and become a wise king in the prosperous age!"

Listening to Emperor Yu's remarks, Concubine Xian was speechless. She pondered for a long time and said, "That kid Ning Chen does have the appearance of a virtuous king, but guarding the border over the years has been really hard!"

"At the end of this year, let him come back!"


Emperor Yu nodded in agreement: "Let's wait until the end of the year. The Western Region is not peaceful during this period. Now Dayan has just withdrawn from Dali and seems to be interested in expanding eastward!"

"Fan'er is going back to Beijing today. Let's go sit at his house later!"

"I haven't left the palace for a long time, so I want to go out for some fresh air today!"

"By the way, take that girl Ning Yao with you!"

Prince Xuanyong’s Mansion!

Ning Fan took Dian Wei and Gao Shun back to Beijing first, and stayed with them all the way!

Jia Xu stayed in the south of the Yangtze River and continued to pursue the Chen family and his party. Yue Fei and the five thousand western border troops went directly to Zhen Guogong's military camp to resume their duties and stayed in the south of the Yangtze River!

"Your Highness, there has just been news from Huainan!"


A look of surprise flashed across Ning Fan's face. After taking it apart and taking a look, a sparkle suddenly shone in his eyes!

"What a Lukan!"

"Such a cunning method can be used. Where will we put the people of Dayu?"

Seeing Ning Fan's angry expression, Zhuge Liang's face showed a hint of curiosity: "Lord, what happened?"


Ning Fan snorted coldly and said softly: "An envoy from the Nanman envoy group harmed several decent women in Huainan, and the people surrounded the posthouse to ask for an explanation!"

"I didn't expect Lu Kan to come up with a trick to deceive the world!"

"A death row prisoner pretended to be a Nanman envoy and handed him over to the officials to quell the public anger!"

"It's simply a disgrace to my Dayu!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Zhuge Liang also quickly read the letter and said softly: "My lord, now this is a good opportunity to lose the hearts of the people!"

"What does Kong Ming mean?"

"Send someone to make this news public, and then Secretly inciting the people, when the public anger reaches its peak, the King of Huainan will definitely be in a dilemma! "

"Not only will his reputation be ruined, but the Huainan Palace will also lose face!"

"Moreover, under the public anger, if the King of Huainan continues to protect the Nanman envoys, he will definitely lose the support of the people!"

"But if he kills the Nanman envoys to vent the public anger, he will definitely offend the Nanman!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes sparkled: "Now the Nanman envoys intend to come to Beijing. If we can alienate the relationship between the two parties at this time, we will completely cut off the idea of ​​the King of Huainan to unite with the ancient Nanman country!"

"For me, Dayu, there are only benefits and no harm!"


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