Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 108: Emperor Yu's Private Workshop, from open to secret

"Jiang Yu!

"Did you hear everything sir said?"

"It's Your Highness, please go and do it immediately!"

"Remember, we must pay attention to the secrets and never let them find out the clues. Our people's foundation in Huainan is still shallow now, so we must not take it lightly!"


After Ning Fan gave some instructions, Jiang Gu left quickly. Zhuge Liang looked at his leaving figure, his eyes gradually becoming deeper: "My lord, the Jin Yiwei has now become our arms, we should prepare early!"


Ning Fan responded softly and looked at him deeply: "Before I left for Jiangnan, I ordered Jia Xu to turn the backbone of the Jin Yiwei from light to dark!"

"Now that the imperial court has control over the Chen family's weapons private shop and the Jiangnan racecourse, one of the four prominent families is gone. As Mr. Shen said, we can take this opportunity to continue to suppress the four prominent families!"

"My lord, the power you have now cannot be ignored easily even by His Majesty!"

"In my opinion, Your Majesty will not take back power, especially the Jin Yiwei!" Zhuge Liang's eyes flickered: "The Jin Yiwei was built by you, my lord. Even if His Majesty takes it back, he will never use it easily!"

"On the contrary, the royal guards are in your hands, my lord, and you are the royal guards of the imperial court!"

After hearing Zhuge Liang's trade-offs, Ning Fan felt relieved. No matter whether Emperor Yu moved him or not, the power he had now was enough to protect himself!

"Second Master, Your Majesty and Concubine Xian have arrived with Princess Leyao!"


“It’s the first time that my father and my mother and concubine came out of the palace together!”

"My son, please see your father, the emperor, and your mother, my concubine!"

"Get flat!"

Emperor Yu waved his hand and his eyes fell on the three people behind Ning Fan. Two men on the left and one on the right were like door gods, standing beside him. There was also a young man with a slender figure and a delicate face, who looked like a scholar. The attire and temperament on his body are exceptionally outstanding!

The most commendable thing is that the eyes of these three people looking at him did not show the slightest fear and awe, but their expressions were very calm!

"Thank you, Father!"

After Ning Fan stood up, he grinned at Concubine Xian: "Concubine, why are you leaving the palace too?"

"If you have nothing to do, come out with your father for a walk."

"Father, mother, concubine, please come inside!"

Ning Fan respectfully invited the two of them into the main hall, looked at Lin Yong aside and said, "Lin Yong, go and prepare. Today, my father and mother will have a meal at my residence. They will serve all the signature dishes of our palace." !”


"Wangfu's signature dish?"

A look of surprise appeared on Concubine Xian's face, and Ning Fan chuckled: "Concubine, some time ago, when I had nothing to do, I personally trained a few cooks!"

"Okay!" Concubine Xian looked at Emperor Yu with a smile: "Your Majesty, it seems that we are in good luck today!"

"Second brother, didn't you see me?"

"why do you ignore me?"

"Father, a few days ago I came to my second brother's house to play with him, and he actually sent someone to kick me out. It's so abominable!"

When Ning Yao saw that Ning Fan had completely ignored her, she became furious and filed a complaint against Emperor Yu!


Emperor Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Ning Fan, then stared at Ning Yao with a straight face: "So, you sneaked out of the palace a few days ago?"


Ning Yao smiled and hid silently behind Concubine Xian: "Concubine, I know I was wrong!"

Although Ning Yao was not born to Concubine Xian, since the Queen passed away, this girl and Concubine Xian have become very close, and their relationship is extraordinary!

However, Ning Fan thought about it carefully and found that the mother-in-law seemed to have a good relationship with everyone. Whether it was the concubines in the harem, the princes and princesses, or even the civil and military officials in the court, she seemed to be able to speak a few words!

"Okay, your father has no intention of punishing you. If you want to leave the palace in the future, you should say hello to your father first. Don't sneak out privately!"


Ning Yao nodded obediently and walked to Ning Fan silently: "Second brother, you haven't been to Fengxiang Tower during this time, and Miss Qingyue has never appeared!"

"There was a wealthy businessman who spent tens of thousands of taels of gold to invite Miss Qing Yue to sing in a play, but in the end, she didn't even meet him!"

"When can we go shopping again? I have admired Miss Qingyue for a long time!"

When Ning Fan heard Ning Yao's words, his eyes lit up. This Fengxiang Tower is an excellent place to increase reputation points!

"Okay, I'll see the father and mother off later, and I'll take you for a walk!"



Seeing Ning Fan nodding heavily, Ning Yao suddenly became happy and sat down next to Ning Fan obediently, waiting for the meal to be served.

"Second brother, tell me what you saw and heard from Jiangnan and his party this time!"

"Yes, Father!"

Ning Fan started from leaving Beijing and recounted his trip to the south of the Yangtze River. When he mentioned the trapped camp, Emperor Yu's face lit up: "Where are these eight hundred trapped men now?"

"Back to my father, I placed him in the Western Camp!"


There was a strange color in Emperor Yu's eyes. He looked at Ning Fan and said with stern eyes: "If I remember correctly, the competition between the new armies will begin soon, right?"

"Father, there is still nearly a month!"


"This trip has been well done. The Duke of Zhen has received news that there is no movement in the direction of Huainan. It seems that Lu Kan has not made up his mind after all!"

“So best!”

Ning Fan had an elegant smile on his face: "Not only is he unprepared, but we also shouldn't fight him at this time!"

"Although the Duke of Zhenguo has 200,000 border troops, Lu Kan has 300,000 troops. It is winter now, and it is not a good time for the soldiers to travel long distances!"

"That's right!" Emperor Yu nodded in agreement: "Lu Kan has always been shrewd and will not do anything easily without absolute certainty!"

"Besides, the sixteen states of Huainan need to be defended, and it is impossible for his 300,000 troops to come out in full force."

"Now that we have taken down the Chen family and controlled the Jiangnan horse farm and the private military workshop, within half a year, the combat effectiveness of my Dayu soldiers will definitely be greatly improved!"

"On the other hand, Huainan has sixteen states to support 300,000 troops, and Lu Kan's pressure is But it's not small!"

"Father, I got the news that the Nanman envoys intend to come to Beijing!"


Yu Huang showed a look of surprise on his face: "Is the news accurate?"

"Yes!" Ning Fan nodded slightly and said softly: "Lord Zhao should arrive in Beijing in the next two days. As far as I know, this trip doesn't seem to be smooth!"

"Those barbarians are very arrogant. Lu Kan, the old fox, actually used the power of the Nanman to suppress our envoys. He deserves to die!"

Seeing that Ning Fan's face was also a little angry, Yu Huang was stunned: "I haven't received any news from Huainan. Tell me what happened in Huainan!"



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