
"Zhao Rui is such a loser!"

"I, the envoy of Dayu, suffered such a great humiliation outside. It has brought great disgrace to the court!"

"And this Lu Kan..."

Emperor Yu's face was furious, he was almost speaking through gritted teeth, and his face was as gloomy as water.

Concubine Xian gently put her hand on the back of his hand and comforted her softly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be angry. Whether it is Huainan or Nanman, I, Dayu, are prospering and I will regain my face sooner or later!"

"Isn't the Nanman envoy group going to Beijing?"

"When they come, they will see the magnificence of my Dayu!"

After hearing Concubine Xian's words, Emperor Yu's face gradually returned to calmness, and he looked at Ning Fan and said, "These barbarians chose to enter the capital at this time. I'm afraid they are coming with bad intentions!"

"Winter is about to begin now. The water on the grasslands in the south may have turned into ice and the rivers have dried up. Their life will not be easy!"

"Kong Ming!"

Ning Fan suddenly looked at Zhuge Liang, who had never spoken, and said with a smile: "In your opinion, what is the purpose of the Southern Barbarian envoys' visit this time?"

Seeing that Ning Fan actually asked a young man with a handsome face, Emperor Yu also had a hint of curiosity on his face. Could it be that this is the number one aide in Prince Xuanyong's palace?

"His Majesty!"


Zhuge Liang first stood up and bowed respectfully to the two of them. Then he bowed to Ning Fan and said softly: "In my humble opinion, the Nanman envoy came to Beijing at this time to ask for food from us. At the same time, , alienating our relationship with Huainan!”


Emperor Yu's face was full of surprise: "The Southern Barbarians have always been at odds with our dynasty, and have even harassed our border for many years. How can I, the Great Yu, give them food!"

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly and said softly: "Your Majesty, if the ancient southern barbarian country directly asks us for food, I am afraid that the people of Dayu will not agree to it, and they will even beat it up and send it out of the country!"

"But during this trip to Nanman, they first went to Huainan and then came to Beijing!"

"According to the speculation of the grassroots, the Nanman sent an envoy to Huainan just to confuse our court!"

"In fact, the real purpose of this trip to the ancient southern barbarian country is to send Yu the Great as an envoy, not to Huainan!"

Seeing that Zhuge Liang looked confident and even able to talk in front of him, Emperor Yu couldn't help but be interested. To be so confident and calm, he was either a talker or a genius in strategy!

"how you said that?"

"Reporting to your Majesty, as far as the grassland people know, the grasslands in the south have been experiencing droughts for many years since the rainy season, causing the grass on the grasslands to weld to death and many livestock to die of thirst!"

"And this year is another year of severe cold. There may already be three feet of snow on the southern grasslands!"

"Because of this, our southern border has been very peaceful this year. Even the cavalry of the ancient Southern Barbarian Kingdom has disappeared in the southern border!"

"So, at this time, the Nanman dare not antagonize me, Dayu!"

Ning Fan listened to Zhuge Liang's words and asked doubtfully: "The Nanman were the first to send envoys to Huainan. How did you know that it was not to form an alliance with them?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Your Highness, the people of the ancient Southern Barbarian country don't even know how to survive this cold winter, so how can they plan for the outside world?"

"Their top priority is to fill their bellies and survive this winter!"

"Even if we reach an agreement with Huainan, the ancient southern barbarian country's current national strength will definitely not be able to move north on a large scale!"

“We have to wait until next spring at the earliest!”

"But they can't afford it. Although Huainan intends to unite with the southern barbarians, it is already difficult to support the 300,000 troops under Lu Kan's command, so how can they send out food?"

"Therefore, the Nanman's mission to Huainan is destined to be difficult for both parties to reach an alliance!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes became unusually deep, and he mused: "And the Nanman sent an envoy to Huainan first, which will give us the illusion that the Nanman and Huainan have reached an alliance!"

"In this case, the pressure will be put on our court!"

After Zhuge Liang's analysis, both Emperor Yu and Ning Fan looked thoughtful.

"How can they guarantee that I, Dayu, will definitely lend him food?"

"Your Majesty, if we confront Huainan, or even if the King of Huainan raises troops, what will be the threat to us from the Southern Barbarians?"

"Tiger on the bed!"

There was a sparkle in Emperor Yu's eyes, and there was also a hint of realization in his eyes. It is still unknown whether Huainan and Nanman have reached an alliance!

Even I didn't believe it. The Nanman delegation went to Huainan, but nothing was negotiated!

"Yes!" Zhuge Liang's eyes sparkled: "Even if Huainan intends to subsidize the ancient southern barbarian country's food and grass, the southern territory is in our hands. There is absolutely no way they can quietly transport the food out without telling the court!"

"In this case, Nanman has no choice!"

"But the imperial court won't think so. After they arrive in Beijing, they will definitely tell us that they have reached an agreement with Huainan!"

"They will even directly threaten us. If we don't borrow food, we will immediately send our troops north!"

"If this happens, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty will definitely feel panic!"

Zhuge Liang shook a feather fan in his hand and said softly: "As long as this sentence comes from the mouth of the Nanman envoy, whether it is true or false, the court will definitely be worried!"

"Everyone will be wary of Huainan. In this way, the Nanman's goal will be achieved!"

"Take advantage of the situation and ask for grain. Make an agreement with Dayu to exchange some grain for a winter of stability in the southern border. I believe the court will also be shaken!"

Emperor Yu's eyes also became unusually deep. His face was as calm as the lake, and his heart was as turbulent as waves. He said lightly: "Your analysis does make some sense!"

"I know about this matter. If it is true, I will reward you greatly!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang was extremely humble and even bowed before speaking.

"Your Highness, the dishes are ready!"

"Serve them up!"


Lin Yong walked out with a smile. Not long after, a group of young women came in with exquisite porcelain plates.

"Father, mother, this first dish is the signature dish of my palace, braised pork!"

"It's unique in the world, fat but not greasy, with good color, aroma and taste!"

"The second dish is called boiled pork slices, which is also the signature dish of the palace. You can't even smell it outside my palace!"

"The third dish..."

Ning Fan personally introduced the dishes to Emperor Yu and Concubine Xian, with a proud look on his face. Zhuge Liang, Dian Wei and others stood respectfully by his side.

"Not bad!"

"This taste is really tempting, and it looks so delicious!"

"It's cooked a bit!"

Emperor Yu smelled the meaty aroma in the air, and his face was full of satisfaction!

"It doesn't look like beef, and it doesn't seem to be mutton..."


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