Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 111: The King of Huainan is in a Difficult Position

Under the posthouse.

Hundreds of people kept rushing towards the posthouse, and some of the wanderers even drew their swords directly, the scene was very chaotic!


A middle-aged man in an official robe walked out of the posthouse, looking at the people below, his face full of anger!

"This is an official posthouse, and the people inside are my guests from Huainan!"

"How dare you break in, it's simply lawless!"

"Why don't you retreat!"

The official had a haughty look, and more than a dozen guards with knives stood by his side, their expressions were also quite indignant!

"Are you a dog official, a minister of my Dayu or a minister of those barbarians?"

"The barbarians are doing evil in my Dayu territory and persecuting several good girls. You, a dog official, not only protect the criminals, but also dare to scold us here!"

"Is that barbarian your father?"

A ranger holding a knife was full of anger on his face. He pointed at the official's nose and cursed, waving his hand and said: "Fellow villagers, charge up and break the dog official's legs first!"

"This traitorous bastard, I don't know whose traitor he is, actually recognized a barbarian as his father!"


"Yes, fuck him!"

In an instant, the people were mobilized and charged towards the posthouse.

"Lord Aguna, those people of Dayu are rushing in, you'd better leave quickly!"

"Hmph, a group of weak sheep, what's there to be afraid of!"

Aguna still looked proud, and smiled faintly: "Those guys in the Huainan Palace will definitely protect me. My grandfather is a southern barbarian noble, they will never dare to let me get into trouble on their territory!"


"Don't say buts, I'll go and see for myself, what can these lowly people do!"

As he spoke, Aguna picked up a scimitar and strode towards the posthouse!

"Lord Wuyou, Aguna is out, what should we do!"

"It doesn't matter, I think the envoy will be back soon. Aguna is a warrior of my Great Barbarians, no one can hurt him!"

"Since we have been discovered, the warriors of my Great Barbarians must not retreat!"

Looking at Wuyou's righteous face, the waiter also showed a touch of admiration: "Lord Wuyou, you are also a warrior of my Great Barbarians, the glory of the Barbarian God will definitely shine on you!"

"Okay, go and inform the envoy of what happened here!"



Under the posthouse, a figure was seen walking out with high spirits, and the people outside also stopped, their eyes all focused on that person.

"This person is Aguna, it was him who harmed the daughter of the old Li family!"

"You beast, give me my daughter back!"

An old man in his sixties staggered towards Aguna with a shovel in his hand, his face full of resentment!

"Hmph, trash!"

"Don't know how to live or die!"

Aguna sneered. The official of the posthouse had already been beaten half to death by the gathered people, and now he was so rude to step forward to stop them!

"Get lost!"

Aguna kicked Old Li in front of him and kicked him out directly, with a defiant look on his face: "I am an envoy of the Great Barbarians. Is this how you treat guests in Huainan?"


The ranger with a knife saw the old man fall to the ground and couldn't help it. He rushed towards Aguna with a knife.

"Damn barbarian, this is Dayu, not you Nanman!"

"You bullied the people of Dayu first, and now you are so righteous!"

"You deserve to be torn into pieces!"

"Kill, I want to kill you, give me my wife and children!"

Another man rushed forward with an iron rod, and Aguna's face was full of sneers, as if he didn't take the people in front of him seriously at all!

"Today I will let you see the style of my barbarian son!"

Aguna came up empty-handed, swinging his iron fist. He first knocked the man holding the iron rod to the ground with one punch, and then fought with the strong man holding the knife for several rounds!

"Stop it!"

An angry shout came from behind the crowd, and a man in a python robe strode forward with a group of elite armor!

"Is this... the King of Huainan?"

"The prince is here!"

"Humph, birds of a feather, replacing death row prisoners can actually happen in my Lingzhou. If you say there is no involvement of the palace, I will never believe it!"

"Could it be true that the King of Huainan colluded with the Southern Barbarians?"

In a moment, the people made way for them, and several men wearing barbarian animal skins walked out of the posthouse!

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

The people around saluted one after another, and there was a trace of panic on their faces. Looking at the team of armored soldiers behind Lu Kan, the swords flashed, and the armor pieces sparkled. For a moment, they were also afraid!

"Your Majesty, please help me!"

"I only have one daughter, and she was abused by this beast. She is still dead!"

"Please help me, Your Majesty!"

The old man who was kicked to the ground wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, rushed to Lu Kan, and knelt on the ground!

"Someone come!"


"Catch this daring barbarian envoy!"


After hearing Lu Kan's order, a group of soldiers rushed directly towards Aguna, and the people around were also stunned.


Among the Nanman envoys, a man wearing a tiger skin robe standing in the center suddenly stepped forward, his eyes fell on Lu Kan, and he crossed his arms and saluted: "Your Majesty, Aguna is my noble Nanman, please welcome me, Your Majesty." Leave it to me!"


There was a hint of displeasure on Lu Kan's face. Now this matter has aroused public indignation and even caused uproar in the city. Now he is riding a tiger and is unable to get off, but this barbarian doesn't know what is good or bad!

"Bach, Aguna insults my people, Dayu. According to my law, it is a death penalty!"

"Don't embarrass me!"

Lu Kan put one hand behind his back, and there was a dark light in his eyes. The old man was still crying on the ground, and Bach also had a look of embarrassment on his face!


Lu Kan waved his hand again, and there was a cold light in Bach's eyes: "Your Majesty, Aguna is the favorite grandson of my great Barbarian Grand Duke Hao Lian!"

"Are you going to provoke a war between the two countries?"

"Hmph, when I, Dayu, insults our people, no matter who it is, I will never tolerate it!"

Seeing that Lu Kan refused to give in, Bach's face gradually darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "My lord, I hope you will not regret your recklessness!"

"Fuck me!"

Lu Kan acted very tough, and all the soldiers rushed towards Aguna like wolves and tigers, while Wu You whispered in Bach's ear.

"Your Majesty, if Aguna is injured in the slightest on your territory today, the cavalry of my Haolian tribe will be galloping to Huainan tomorrow!"

"I am willing to apologize to the harmed people of Dayu on behalf of Aguna!"

"Don't let a little thing affect the friendship between Huainan and my Nanman!"

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