When Bach saw that Lu Kan was actually preparing to take action, there was a hint of anger on his face, and he stared at Lu Kan with cold eyes!

"Your Majesty!"

A middle-aged man dressed as a scribe next to Lu Kan took a step forward and said softly: "The Haolian tribe is also one of the best tribes in the ancient southern barbarian country. Don't make enemies with them!"

"It's better to seal off the post house first and calm down the public's anger!"


Lu Kan nodded slightly, looked at an armored general behind him, and said calmly: "I have ordered the king to seal the post house from today on. No one can take a step without my order!"


A group of armored guards directly surrounded the official post, and Lu Kan strode away. However, the people around him looked at the armored figures and did not dare to take a step forward!

"My lords, envoys, please come back!"


Bach snorted coldly, looked at Aguna and said angrily: "Why don't you get in!"

The corner of Aguna's mouth was slightly raised, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes as he looked at the old man, and he returned to the inn with his head held high.

"Your Majesty!"

"Please make the decision for the common people, Your Majesty!"

"My daughter was harmed by this beast and even lost her life. Please, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

The old man stood up and chased after Lu Kan's leaving figure. He took just a few steps before he was stopped by two royal guards. Lu Kan also stopped, glanced around, and said loudly: "Fellows, don't worry, this time The king will never tolerate this!"

"However, this matter is of great concern and can easily cause a border war. Even I, the king, have to be cautious!"

Lu Kan sighed softly, helped the old man up personally, and said earnestly: "Old man, I will send someone to send you back first. From now on, your food, clothing, housing and transportation will all be taken care of by my royal family!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The old man choked up his thanks and glanced angrily in the direction of Guanyi!

Prince Xuanyong’s Mansion!

back yard.

After Emperor Yu succeeded in asking Ning Fan for advice, he left with Concubine Xian in a hurry.

Ning Fan and Zhuge Liang sat opposite each other, Dian Wei stood aside, and Jiang Gu also hurried over.

"Kong Ming, are you ready to enter the temple?"

"My lord is wise!"

Seeing Zhuge Liang nod, Ning Fan's face also showed a flash of light, and he said in a deep voice: "How confident are you about the intention of the Nanman mission?"

Seeing the worried look on Ning Fan's face, Zhuge Liang instantly understood that the precise words he showed in front of Emperor Yu today made him very clear about Nanman's intentions and plot!

But if he guesses wrong, his image will immediately change from a talentless person to a boastful person, directly blocking his path to promotion!

"About ten percent!"

Zhuge Liang thought carefully for a while before speaking.


There was a trace of suspicion on Ning Fan's face, and Zhuge Liang chuckled: "My lord, don't forget, there is one of our people in the Nanman mission, and he still holds the position of deputy envoy, and has great say!"

"I almost forgot..."

Ning Fan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Now that the Nanman side's plan has not yet ended, I am very much looking forward to seeing what decision King Huainan will make!"

"If you protect Aguna, you will lose the support of the people, but if you kill Aguna, you will offend the Southern Barbarians!"

"Haha!" Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly and said with a smile: "My lord, King Huainan has high hopes for the Nanman, and he will never hate the Nanman easily!"

"Instead of letting King Huainan make a difficult decision, why not let us help them!"

"you mean……"

Seeing Zhuge Liang nod, Ning Fan's eyes also showed a hint of solemnity: "If Aguna died in Huainan, will the Nanman settle this debt on the court?"

Zhuge Liang smiled softly and looked at Jiang Yu: "Deputy Commander Jiang, if I remember correctly, Jin Yiwei has a secret technique of changing faces!"


Hearing Zhuge Liang's question, Jiang Yu nodded slightly and said softly: "It's a form of disguise. It requires making a human skin mask!"


Zhuge Liang nodded with a smile and said: "My lord, there are masters of disguise among the Jinyi Guards. If our people can successfully replace Aguna..."


Ning Fan was also shocked by Zhuge Liang's bold plan, with a look of contemplation on his face: "Replace Aguna with one of ours, and then leave Huainan openly!"

"If this happens, the Huainan king and people will be heartbroken!"

"However, if we want to successfully play the game of civet cat for prince, I'm afraid our dark man will also have to make a move!"

"Lord, just leave it to me to arrange it!"


In the post house.

Night came quietly, Wu You held a secret message in his hand, with a look of shock on his face.

"This plan is really brilliant!"

"But once it is leaked, all the hard work in Nanman will be ruined in one day!"

"That's it!"

Wu You gritted his teeth, with a look of determination on his face. He walked to the window, opened it, and lay down quietly on the bed.

A quarter of an hour later, the man in black flew in from the window and bowed respectfully!

"How are you prepared?"

"Reporting to Lord A, my subordinates have obtained all the information about Aguna!"

"The second room on the left, you know the consequences of failure!"

"Please don't worry, sir!"

The man in black bowed respectfully and disappeared in front of Wuyou.

"These damn two-legged sheep dared to send troops to block us. When I return to the Great Barbarians, I must ask His Majesty the Barbarian King to send troops!"

"How can a group of cowardly ants occupy this fertile land!"

"Only the warriors of my Great Barbarians are worthy of riding horses on this land!"

Aguna sat in the room with a proud look on his face, looking at the two barbarian boys in front of him!

"Brothers, drink!"

"Today we won't go home until we are drunk!"


The three of them pushed the cups and drank one cup after another. A cloud of smoke quietly seeped into the room. The two fell down one after another, and Aguna's face was full of pride!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that just a few glasses of wine would knock you down!"

"Two useless..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell headfirst on the table, and a figure suddenly appeared in the room.


The figure flew out carrying Aguna without alarming anyone!

"My mission is complete, and the next step is up to you!"

The man in black looked at a man in front of him who looked exactly like Aguna, and handed Aguna's personal belongings to the man one by one.


"From now on, I am Aguna!"

"According to the plan!"

The man in black nodded slightly, and cut the knife on his shoulder.

"Come on!"

'Aguna' looked at the man in black in front of him, nodded slightly, and the man in black whispered: "Hold on!"


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