Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 114 Qu Hongxiu's choice, Chen Qinghe's visit

"That's all, don't get involved in this matter!"

"After Jia Xu returns to Beijing, you will take over the Chen family's rebellion case and join the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Criminal Justice for a joint trial!"


Jiang Wei strode away. After Ning Fan washed up, he put on clean clothes.

"Lin Bo!"


"Where is that princess now? Take me to meet her!"


Lin Yong took Ning Fan to a remote courtyard. An exquisite attic was located in the center of the courtyard, with pavilions and waterside pavilions, elegant and indifferent.

Ning Fan stopped in front of the courtyard and looked toward the attic. A window was opened above, and a beautiful woman with a lonely look was sitting in front of the window with a lost look on her face, seemingly unaware of his arrival.

"You go back first!"

"Second Master..."

"Don't worry, it's just three weak women, they can't hurt me!"

"Yes!" Lin Yong nodded helplessly and whispered: "Second Master, you must be careful. After all, this person is..."

"piss off!"

Ning Fan rolled his eyes and strode into the attic. Two young women were waiting beside Qu Hongxiu with gloomy expressions.


Qing Wan'er suddenly looked back and saw a slender figure walking towards her. Her pupils shrank suddenly and she quickly came to protect Qu Hongxiu.

Ning Fan stepped forward, passed Qing Wan'er directly, and sat down next to Qu Hongxiu. Both of them said nothing, staring blankly at the pavilions outside the window!

Qing Wan'er also looked stunned, wondering whether she should step forward to stop him!

"Your mother and concubine's situation in Donghuai seems not to be very good!"

"During the time you were away, the queen made things difficult for your mother and concubine in every possible way!"

"Fortunately, with Donghuang's protection, I didn't suffer any harm!"

Ning Fan was the first to speak, and Qu Hongxiu trembled, "Have you received any news from my mother-in-law?"

"More than that!" Ning Fan shook his head slightly and said softly: "I have also thought about letting my people come into contact with your mother and concubine, and then expose the flaws to the queen!"

"To blackmail you into using me!"

"But when I think about it, you are helpless in this world, with only a mother and concubine who love you and love you. After all, I can't bear it!"

Qu Hongxiu suddenly looked at Ning Fan aside, with a hint of fear in her eyes, and even a hint of awe!

In this world, the only thing she cares about is her mother and concubine!

"So, how are you going to treat me?"

"What else is there in me that is worthy of you coming to see me in person!"

There were tears on Qu Hongxiu's eyelashes, and her crystal eyes were flowing back and forth, making people feel a sense of love.

"This king is here to let you go back to Donghuai!"

"What did you say!"

Before Qu Hongxiu opened her mouth, Qing Wan'er couldn't help but let out an exclamation and stared at Ning Fan: "What are you planning again?"

"The king has no calculations, he is just moved by pity!"

"Humph, the weasel is giving New Year greetings to the chicken..."

"Didn't you try so hard to escape from my house?" Ning Fan had a look of amusement on his face, "Since they gave up on you, I want to put you back!"

Qu Hongxiu was silent for a long time, looking at the pavilions in the distance, and said softly: "Wan'er, Xiu'er, you guys go down first!"


"Go down, Your Highness and I have something to discuss!"


The two women looked at each other, nodded helplessly, and silently exited the attic.

"Your Highness, tell me what your plan is. As long as it doesn't hurt my mother, I will agree to it!"


Ning Fan smiled faintly and said softly: "How do you know that I don't really let you go back?"

"Whether His Highness is sincere or not, it doesn't matter anymore. In this world, Hong Xiu is the only one who treats her sincerely, the mother and concubine. The rest of them either have plots or are utilitarian!"

"I have no one to rely on in this world. In this case, I might as well let Your Highness be my support!"

As Qu Hongxiu spoke, she leaned her head directly on Ning Fan's shoulder, with two lines of tears falling down her face: "Since I was born, I have been doomed to have this rough life!"

"I thought that after escaping from that deep palace, I would find some peace and quiet, but I didn't expect that that's when the strife began!"

"Now that I have become the abandoned son of my father, it seems to be reasonable."

Qu Hongxiu smiled self-deprecatingly and snuggled next to Ning Fan, her expression becoming extremely sad.

"Your Highness let me go back. Why do you want to tell me frankly? I will do my best to help you!"

"I only hope that Your Highness can protect my mother-in-law so that she will not be bullied for the rest of her life. Hongxiu is willing to be used by Your Highness, whether it is treason or betrayal of the emperor, it doesn't matter!"

Ning Fan's eyes became very deep, feeling the moisture on his shoulders, and said softly: "You are a smart man, I am a little luckier than you!"

"Get dressed up later and come with me to Fengxiang Tower tonight!"


Qu Hongxiu stood up, bowed and nodded respectfully!

"From today on, you are mine!"

"Yes, Hong Xiu belongs only to His Highness from now on!"

After leaving the courtyard, Ning Fan also had a look of sadness on his face. Qu Hongxiu was a woman who was not lacking in scheming skills and was able to assess the situation.

If you train him well, you may not be able to become your right-hand man!

"System, check Qu Hongxiu's loyalty!"

Ning Fan silently opened the system. Since the system upgrade, he has not used the new function - detection technique!

"Master, the detection technique requires the person to be within ten meters of the host to detect!"


Ning Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking back at the attic: "Forget it, let's talk about it in the evening!"

He was certain about Qu Hongxiu, and in her current situation, she had no more choices!

"Your Highness, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Mr. Chen Qinghe wants to see you!"


Ning Fan's face showed a hint of surprise, and he slowly stood up. After a moment of hesitation, he shook his head slightly: "No!"


After the guards strode back, Ning Fan's face showed a hint of contemplation. Now Emperor Yu's attitude towards him did not seem to have changed significantly!

Even the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun and the Xianzhen Camp only mentioned it briefly, and there was no intention to pursue it!

But he had to be cautious. The emperor's heart was unpredictable. If the father and son turned against each other, it would be in an instant!

So, Ning Fan's attitude towards Emperor Yu was very subtle. He had true feelings in his heart, but he never let down his guard!

"Your Highness, Lord Chen insisted on seeing you and sent you a visiting card... Please see..."


Ning Fan raised his eyebrows, hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "In that case, let him in!"


Not long after, a middle-aged man in official robes, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, strode into the hall.

"Your subordinate, Chen Qinghe, greets His Highness King Xuanyong!"

"Lord Chen, please don't be polite!"

Ning Fan nodded with a smile, and there was a touch of kindness on his face. He silently opened the system to check Chen Qinghe's favorability towards him!


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