"I didn't expect Chen Qinghe's favorability to me to have reached 53 points!"

Ning Fan was secretly surprised after taking a look at Chen Qinghe's favorability. Looking at the upright and serious man in front of him, he also felt a little closer!

"I wonder why Mr. Chen came to visit today?"

"Your Highness, when I was received by His Majesty the day before yesterday, I heard His Majesty mention that it was because of your strong recommendation in front of the emperor that I was able to take the position of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue!"

"Therefore, after taking office today, I came to see you immediately!"

Chen Qinghe has a rough voice and a sense of righteousness. His words and deeds are generous. With the stubble on his face and his tall figure, he is full of masculine masculinity!

"I have heard of Lord Chen's talent and that he is upright and just, and has made the county prosperous!"

"I just mentioned it in front of my father. Lord Chen should thank my father for his reputation and virtue for being able to sit in his current position, and for his diligence and dedication to the people over the years!"


Hearing this, Chen Qinghe laughed and said, "I have admired your talent for a long time. Everything that happened in Beijing has spread to the north and south of the Lijiang River!"

"Especially the tough national motto that your highness mentioned, it is simply These are the words that will keep the world in peace!"

"Your Highness knows that I was once the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, but was later exiled from Beijing. I was extremely angry about the atmosphere in the court, and offended many people because of my outspokenness!"

"But now that I have returned, the atmosphere in the court has been completely renewed. I am like a new spring, and I have great ambitions in my heart. This time I am determined to create a new atmosphere for Dayu!"

Chen Qinghe's words were extremely excited, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Ning Fan. His words were sincere and sonorous. Even if it was just a short contact, Ning Fan knew that this person could be used!


Ning Fan shouted "good" and said frankly: "Before Lord Chen came to my house, I was still worried that Lord Chen was a flatterer and flatterer, and I was afraid that he would recommend the wrong person!"

"But now that I see you, I am relieved!"

"It is a blessing for the court and the people to hand over the Ministry of Revenue to Lord Chen!"

Chen Qinghe laughed again when he heard this, and said bluntly: "Although your highness has recommended me, public is public, private is private, and I will not violate the bottom line for your highness!"

"Hahaha!" Ning Fan also laughed and said: "If you, Chen Qinghe, violate the bottom line and violate the law, my Jinyiwei will never show mercy!"

After these words came out, the two smiled at each other again, and there was a sense of mutual appreciation!


The palace!

Emperor Yu looked at the food on the table and moved his chopsticks but had no appetite at all!

Since he went to Xuanyong Palace, his taste buds seemed to be paralyzed, and everything he ate became tasteless!

"Wei Ying!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Did the second prince send anyone into the palace?"

"The second prince?" Wei Ying showed a hint of doubt on his face and shook his head slightly: "Reporting to your majesty, the second prince did not send anyone!"

"This little bastard!"

Emperor Yu cursed inwardly, put the chopsticks on the table, and pondered for a moment: "Then, you go and ask Prime Minister Shen to go to Xuanyong Palace to see me!"


Wei Ying looked at Emperor Yu with some doubt, and after a respectful salute, he sent someone to invite Shen Li.

"Your Majesty?"

"Jing Li, change into casual clothes and follow me to Xuanyong Palace!"



After Ning Fan sent Chen Qinghe away, he asked Lin Yong to find a few craftsmen to test the materials for building a greenhouse in the courtyard!

"So, paper is theoretically feasible, whether it is light transmittance or sealing, it meets the standards of a greenhouse?"

"Your Highness, if it is normal weather, it is fine. If it encounters the rainy season or gets wet, I am afraid that the paper will rot!"

"Besides, the price of rice paper is comparable to gold. If paper is used to build a greenhouse, the paper consumed may be..."

Hearing the craftsman's answer, Ning Fan's face was full of joy. In this way, it is feasible to use paper for sealing. Whether it is light transmittance or sealing, it barely meets the standards of a greenhouse!

"Don't worry, paper is not a problem!"

"Lin Yong!"


"Did you hear that? Go and prepare a hundred kilograms of rice paper for this king first!"


Lin Yong didn't know what his second master was doing, but after hearing the order, he immediately started to do it!

"Come, take a look at the blueprint!"

"The main structure of the greenhouse is built with bluestone, and an iron pipe is needed to burn fire and control temperature!"

"There is a temperature control area in the outer room of the greenhouse. A large iron pot is hung upside down and connected to the iron pipe to pass heat and achieve the effect of controlling temperature!"

Ning Fan briefly explained the principle of the greenhouse, and several craftsmen nodded frequently, with a hint of expectation on their faces!

"Your Highness, don't worry, we can build the framework of the greenhouse in half an hour at most!"

"Very good!"

Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction, and was extremely excited in his heart. If the greenhouse can be built and the thousand seeds can be planted successfully, then in the spring of next year, the whole Dayu can grow potatoes and sweet potatoes on a large scale!

"Master, the paper is here!"

Lin Yong shouted, and strode over with two servants, carrying a stack of paper.

"Put it there, put it there, can't you see that Master is busy?"

"What are you yelling about!"

Ning Fan was interrupted by Lin Yong in the middle of the process, and he scolded him a little unhappily. Lin Yong smiled and didn't care, but stepped forward to help.

"Pay attention to the tightness of the iron sheet!"

"No air leakage!"

There was no welding technology in this era, so the blacksmith could only use a mold to forge it, which was as difficult as forging a hundred-tempered sword!

"Your Highness, how does this main body look?"

"Well, not bad!"

Ning Fan nodded in appreciation. Now the one in his yard is just a small greenhouse, only seven or eight meters long and wide!

So with the efforts of a group of craftsmen, it only took an incense stick of time to build it!

That is, there was no plastic film in this era, otherwise, Ning Fan could build it alone without the help of others!

"Come on, stick one end of the bamboo pole into the ground and the other end on the stone wall!"

"Spread the paper flat on the bamboo pole, and pay attention to the seal!"


Ning Fan shouted, and the craftsmen below were also full of energy. The movement in the yard did not last long, and it alarmed Zhuge Liang.

"Your Highness, what are you doing..."

"Building a greenhouse!"


"Yes!" Ning Fan said with a smile: "Once I build a greenhouse successfully, I can plant in the cold winter!"


Even Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment, and Lin Yong said worriedly: "Your Highness, will it go against the will of heaven?"

"His Majesty is here!"

Before Ning Fan could reply, he heard a loud shout from outside!

"Why is my father here?"


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