Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 116 The miserable condition of the oxen working in the Xuanyong Palace

"Your son greets you, father!"

"Your Majesty!"

Ning Fan led a group of people from the Xuanyong Palace to greet him. Seeing that Emperor Yu was dressed in casual clothes again, with Shen Li, who was dressed in cloth, standing beside him, Jing Li and Wei Ying standing by his side, they all showed a look of surprise on their faces!

"Father, are you here to visit my house incognito?"


Emperor Yu coughed lightly, but his eyes fell on the papers scattered in the yard, and his face darkened instantly: "Second brother, what are you doing in the yard?"

"Father, your son is building a greenhouse!"


Emperor Yu frowned slightly and looked at Shen Li and others beside him, "Do you know what a greenhouse is?"

Shen Li shook his head slightly, picked up the scattered papers one by one, and carefully cleaned up the dust.

Seeing that no one could explain it, Emperor Yu cast his eyes on Ning Fan, with a hint of displeasure on his face: "Tell me, what is a greenhouse?"

"Reporting to the emperor, I built this greenhouse to reverse the seasons to grow crops!"


Emperor Yu strode forward and walked to the center of the courtyard, his brows almost forming a "川" character: "Planting summer fruits in winter is against the will of heaven, and reversing yin and yang, how can it bear fruit?"

"Hehe, father, just watch!"

Ning Fan showed a confident smile on his face, He whispered: "The sweet potatoes and potatoes grown in my greenhouse have a yield of 30 dan per mu without any problem!"

"What did you say!"

Emperor Yu was stunned, his face full of shock: "What are these sweet potatoes and potatoes? How can they produce 30 dan per mu?"

Shen Li, who was standing aside, also looked at Ning Fan in shock, with a frown on his wrinkled face: "Your Highness, this matter is not a joke!"

Ning Fan chuckled, reached into his sleeves, took out a potato and a sweet potato from the system space, and handed them to the two of them respectively!

"This red one is a sweet potato, and this round one is called a potato!"

"Thirty shi per mu is just my conservative estimate. If it is fertile land and the right season, forty shi per mu is not a problem!"

Emperor Yu turned a deaf ear to Ning Fan's words, put the sweet potato in his hand, and his face was full of doubts: "What is this sweet potato, why have I never heard of it?"

"And this potato, if it is really as you said, why have I never seen these two crops?"

"Father, these two crops have never been planted in my territory of Dayu, but I bought them from a merchant in the Western Regions at a high price!"

"According to him, this crop was found in a wasteland in the Western Regions. I have tasted it and it tastes very delicious!"

"Potatoes and sweet potatoes can be roasted, stewed, or made into potato chips, mashed potatoes, braised with beef, or stir-fried with chicken!"

Hearing Ning Fan's introduction, Emperor Yu's eyes were filled with a strange color, and he asked suspiciously: "Is it really as magical as you said?"

"Father, if you don't believe it, I will ask the chef in the mansion to make a few dishes for you to try!"


Emperor Yu nodded without hesitation. He came here to eat for free, so he would not refuse. He did not forget to ask: "How many potato and sweet potato seeds do you have?"

"Father, don't worry, when the greenhouse is built, the potatoes can be planted!"


Emperor Yu was relieved and sat down in the hall, waiting for Ning Fan to serve delicious food!

"The first dish is big plate chicken!"

"The second dish is beef brisket with potatoes!"

"The third dish is beef stewed with potatoes!"

"The fourth dish is beef..."

Watching the chef of the palace serve one dish after another with good color, aroma and taste, Emperor Yu's brows were getting deeper and deeper. It was not until the fifth dish that he could not help but speak.

"Second brother, my Great Yu Kingdom prohibits the slaughter of oxen, but your Xuanyong Palace has five dishes in a row, and four of them have beef!"

"Are you breaking the law knowingly?"

Emperor Yu deliberately looked at Ning Fan with a stern face and questioned.

"Father, I am wronged!"

"I have never slaughtered cattle. The beef in today's dish is from a cattle in my mansion that went crazy and insisted on hitting the old locust tree in the back mansion!"

"The tree was fine, but the cattle was killed!"

"What a pity! How could a living cattle be so upset?"

Lin Yong nodded in agreement: "Maybe cattle have troubles too!"


Emperor Yu sprayed a mouthful of tea directly on the table, his expression extremely speechless. He glanced at Ning Fan and grabbed the chopsticks directly!

"Jing Li!"

"I'm here!"

"If I remember correctly, all of Dayu's oxen are registered, right?"

"Your Majesty, that's right!"


Emperor Yu nodded, picked up a piece of beef and said, "Then go check how many cows in Xuanyong Palace have been upset in the past month!"


Jing Li strode away, but Ning Fan was stunned. He didn't expect his father to be serious about this!

Emperor Yu ate the dishes by himself, glanced at Ning Fan, and a playful look flashed in his eyes!

"Mr. Shen hasn't eaten yet, come, accompany me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Shen Li and Emperor Yu sat opposite each other, and the two of them started talking. Ning Fan looked at Emperor Yu eating with relish, and instantly understood that this old guy was obviously here to eat for free!

"Mr. Shen, I have thought about the matter of recruiting talents!"

"You will draft a recruiting order and pass it to all states and counties!"

"As for the assessment method... Second Brother, what suggestions do you have?"

Emperor Yu changed the subject and looked at Ning Fan, who was frowning beside him.

"Your Majesty, I have already found out that in the past month, a total of eight oxen in Xuanyong Palace have died in various accidents!"

"Some were killed by hitting trees, some were drowned in ponds, and some were drowned while climbing on roofs..."


Emperor Yu was instantly furious, slammed the table and stood up, glaring: "Second Brother, tell me, how could an ox fall from the roof and die?"

"Hehe!" Ning Fan chuckled and said, "Father, calm down. This ox was completely an accident. That day, I saw a ox with a depressed look all day, so I asked someone to send it to the roof to think about life. Who would have thought that it would fall from the upstairs after a slip!"

"I am also very sad..."

"What a bunch of nonsense! ! ”

Emperor Yu frowned: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Come here!"


"King Xuanyong is deceiving the emperor and killing oxen without permission. Drag him away!"


Ning Fan looked at Emperor Yu's playful face and said with a sad face: "Father, if you have any instructions, just tell me directly. Why do you have to slander and frame me in a roundabout way..."

"How dare you!"

Emperor Yu saw that this kid had no fear on his face, and suddenly felt embarrassed. He snorted angrily: "Okay, I will give you a chance to atone for your sins!"

"The matter of recruiting wise men for the court will be handed over to you to supervise. If you do a good job, you will atone for your sins. If you don't do it well, you will be punished for both crimes!"



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