Ning Fan silently cursed in his heart, with an expression on his face that said he dared not say anything but dared to be angry, which made Emperor Yu feel secretly happy!

"Your Highness, the greenhouse is set up!"

"Come on, take me to see it!"


An old craftsman led Ning Fan towards the main courtyard. The paper was spread flatly on the bamboo poles. Ning Fan walked into the greenhouse and looked around, and nodded with satisfaction!


"Go, light the fire and let the greenhouse heat up quickly!"

Dian Wei nodded and went to the outer room to light the fire himself. Ning Fan had someone get a shovel and started digging a hole in the greenhouse!

"Uncle Lin, go get the potatoes cut into pieces and bring them to me!"


Lin Yong responded and followed Ning Fan's instructions. Emperor Yu, Shen Li and others also put down their chopsticks and came to the greenhouse from the palace!

"Boy, can these potatoes and sweet potatoes really yield forty shi per mu?"

"have no idea!"


Emperor Yu suddenly became angry and suppressed the rest of his words, silently watching Ning Fan bury the potatoes into the soil!

"Go, get a kettle and water it!"

After some busy work, Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction, but as soon as he walked out of the greenhouse, his brows furrowed.

"Not good!"

"These papers are most afraid of water, but the humidity in the greenhouse is heavy, and these papers will be corroded in a few days!"

"Damn it, ancient books are all lies!"

Ning Fan cursed secretly and stepped forward to check the paper on the bamboo pole. Shen Li on the side suddenly said: "Your Highness, why not try it with cowhide?"


Ning Fan's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly looked at Lin Yong: "Go quickly and get all the cowhide from our house!"


Ning Fan suddenly stopped him and said, "Let the tailor sew the cowhide together!"


Lin Yong responded, and Emperor Yu looked at Ning Fan and asked, "How many times a year do these potatoes and sweet potatoes get ripe?"

"If you don't consider the season, it should be cooked every three months!"


Emperor Yu and Shen Li looked at each other deeply, with a solemn look on their faces: "Boy, are you sure these potatoes and sweet potatoes can yield forty shi per mu?"

"Thirty or forty stones, it's not a big problem!"


Emperor Yu nodded heavily, looked at him deeply, and said seriously: "Even if these two crops can produce twenty dan per mu, I will remember your great contribution!"


Ning Fan rolled his eyes and said yin-yang: "I wonder who wants to punish my son-in-law for deceiving the emperor!"


Hearing Ning Fan's mocking words, Emperor Yu's eyes flashed with a dangerous light. He was about to get angry when he saw Shen Li winking at him!


"The recruitment of wise men will be completed within half a month!"

After saying that, he strode away with Shen Li and his entourage. As soon as they left the palace, they stopped in front of the door and took a deep look at the door plaque.

"Mr. Shen, tell me why the second son's eyes don't show any respect for me!"

"His Majesty!"

Shen Li slightly cupped his hands and said meaningfully: "In this palace, you and His Highness are not like monarchs and ministers, but more like a father and son from an ordinary family..."

When Emperor Yu heard this, he stood there blankly for a long time: "Yes, among all my children, only the second child dares to be so presumptuous in front of me!"


Compared with the early morning, King Yu's City at night lacks the smell of fireworks, but it presents a more prosperous scene!

The shops on the street have hung up lanterns, and pedestrians are rubbing shoulders. On the wide bluestone streets where exquisite and luxurious sedans are traveling, carriages come and go from time to time!

"Lord, Fengxiang Tower has arrived!"


Ning Fan in the carriage nodded slightly, looked at the woman in front of him who was covered with gauze and wearing a long purple dress, gently stretched out his hand, nodded slightly with Qu Hongxiu, and put her hand on his palm with a bright red face!

As soon as the two of them got off the carriage, they saw a young and beautiful woman in palace attire coming forward to greet them. She bowed slightly and said, "Among the two guests... you are the second master..."

After the beautiful woman in palace attire saw Ning Fan's face clearly, she was stunned for a moment, with a look of deep surprise on her face!

"Xiao Qiniang, long time no see!"

"Second Master, you haven't been home for more than a month. Miss Qingyue has never forgotten you!"

"Who is this……"

Xiao Qiniang's eyes fell on Qu Hongxiu beside her, with a look of surprise on her face: "Could it be the princess..."


Ning Fan shook his head and said: "This is my good friend, Miss Qu!"

"I've seen Miss Qu!"


Xiao Qiniang only paused at Qu Hongxiu for a moment, then turned her gaze to Ning Fan: "Second Master, you came at the right time today. We have many distinguished guests upstairs today!"

"The young princes and His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince have just entered!"


Ning Fan had a playful look on his face and said softly: "Take me in. As per the old rules, let Qing Yue sing for me first!"


"I'm going to tell Miss Qingyue right now!"

"Master, you go to the box on the second floor first!"

Xiao Qiniang personally led Ning Fan to a private room on the second floor. Qu Hongxiu sat down beside Ning Fan.

"Your Highness is a regular customer here?"

"Well, I almost think of this as my home!"


Qu Hongxiu couldn't help but burst out laughing, and her beautiful eyes under the veil looked at Ning Fan with a hint of curiosity: "Why haven't you come for more than a month?"

"Ah, I don't have time. My father treats me like an ox that can't be tired to death and squeezes me hard!"

"Corrupt officials are waiting for me to chop off their heads one after another. I can't sit still!"

"But fortunately, I have time to come and sit for a while today!"

Qu Hongxiu gently held Ning Fan's arm and whispered: "Is that Miss Qingyue your Highness's person?"


Ning Ning Fan shook his head slightly, with a faint light in his eyes, and said with a smile: "The origin of this Miss Qingyue is much more mysterious than yours!"


Qu Hongxiu's face showed a touch of surprise, and she heard Ning Fan slowly say: "The Jinyiwei can't find out the whereabouts of this person, it's like she appeared out of thin air!"

"However, this girl has a special liking for me!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, he saw a woman in palace clothes walking with two maids. When she saw Ning Fan's figure, her eyes were filled with joy!

"Wan Qingyue, meet your highness!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan waved his hand and stretched out his arm directly. Wan Qingyue didn't hesitate at all, and stepped forward and threw herself into Ning Fan's arms.

"Your highness, you haven't come for a long time, I miss you so much!"


Qu Hongxiu, who was standing aside, looked at the two people's intimate appearance, and for some reason, she cursed with some jealousy in her heart.

"I heard that Fengxiang Tower is very lively today?"


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