"Haha, no need to be polite!"

"Sit down!"

Ning Fan waved his hand very casually, pulled the two of them and walked towards the fourth prince Ning Shu who was sitting at the top, and said with a playful smile: "Fourth brother, why didn't you say hello in advance when you came to the second brother's territory!"


Ning Shu looked at Ning Fan's condescending look, and a trace of displeasure appeared on his face, but he still stood up reluctantly and bowed in a proper manner!

"Hello, second brother!"


Ning Fan nodded with a smile, walked forward without hesitation, sat directly in Ning Shu's seat, and pulled Qu Hongxiu and Wan Qingyue to sit beside him!


"What do you want, Second Master?"

"Go, let the girls of Fengxiang Tower sing, and exchange all these wines for Changxiangsi from Daxia Liquor Store!"

"Second Master will pay for all the consumption of Fengxiang Tower tonight!"


Xiao Qinniang nodded with a smile, her eyes full of joy. As expected of Second Master, he is still as generous as ever!

"I heard that you are holding a poetry meeting in our house, so I rushed here without stopping, and invited several great scholars to come and take charge!"

"Perform well today. Anyone with real talent will be recommended to the court by the king and find a position for you!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, all the talented and famous people below were delighted, and looked at Ning Fan excitedly and asked!

"Second Master, are you serious?"

"Of course!"

The fourth prince Ning Shu, who was standing aside, looked at Ning Fan, who was stealing the show, and stood quietly by the side, his face gloomy!

"Hmph, second brother!" The seventh prince Ning Yu was the first to attack Ning Fan: "You keep saying that you have invited several great scholars, but who are they?"

"The people sitting here are the masters of literature and Taoism that my fourth brother invited from Jiangnan!"

"Where are the great scholars you are talking about now?"

"The selection and appointment of court officials has its own set of rules. When will it be your turn to recommend someone?"

When these words came out, many people were startled, and their eyes turned to Ning Fan with half-belief and half-doubt.


This is a famous playboy in the capital!

Although he has made a lot of noise in recent days and is in charge of the Jinyiwei, he is not an official of the Ministry of Personnel after all!

It seems that he really has no control over the appointment of officials!

Ning Fan sat at the top, lying in Wan Qingyue's arms, holding the grapes that Qu Hongxiu handed to his mouth, and said with a smile: "Which great scholars..."

"Lord Lin Qiushi Lin, the left prime minister, has arrived!"

A shout suddenly came from outside the hall, and a waiter respectfully led an old man to stride forward!


"Why are you here?"

Zuo Yu was stunned!

Lin Qiushi glared at the two fiercely, then walked up to Ning Fan and bowed respectfully: "Greetings, Your Highnesses!"

"Prime Minister Lin, there is no need to be polite. I am taking the liberty of inviting you tonight. Please don't be offended!"

"Your Highness is too polite. I am very happy to see the young talents of Dayu with my own eyes!"


Ning Fan personally invited Lin Qiushi to sit aside. He looked at Ning Yu, whose face was as pale as pig liver, with some amusement, and said with a smile: "Seventh brother, don't you want to know which great scholars I invited?"

"Prime Minister Lin is one of them!"

Ning Yu snorted lightly, turned his head away silently, and said nothing.

"Right Prime Minister, Mr. Shen Li is here!"

"Minister Chen Qinghe of the Ministry of Revenue, Mr. Chen is here!"

Hearing Shen Li's name, Lin Qiushi, who had just sat down, also showed a touch of surprise, stood up again, and faced the outside of the hall!

"Meet Lord Shen!"

"Lord Chen!"

When all the talented scholars and celebrities saw the old figure of Shen Li, they all showed a look of respect, and there was a flash of excitement in their eyes!

This is a peerless scholar who is praised as the teacher of the world!

I didn't expect to see his face today!

"Lord Shen, please take a seat!"

"I dare not!"

Lord Shen respectfully bowed to each of the three princes, sat down next to Lin Qiushi, and said with a smile: "I was invited by the second prince today to join in the fun!"

"You continue!"

As soon as Shen Li finished speaking, two more figures strode over. They were the Minister of War Ji Sui and the Minister of Works Xie Xingxian!

"Greetings, Your Highness!"

"Lord Ji, Lord Xie, you..."

"Hahaha!" Ji Sui and Xie Xingxian smiled at each other: "Your Highness, we heard that it's lively here, so we came here uninvited. Please forgive us!"

"You are too polite. Today, I am here to join in the fun. This is my fourth brother's place!"

Seeing the big guys sitting down one by one, the talented people in the two rows secretly wiped their cold sweats and were extremely nervous!

"I didn't expect that a small poetry meeting could alarm so many big figures!"

"Could it be that they came for the Fourth Prince?"

"Hiss, the Fourth Prince is so proud, I didn't expect that he could even invite two prime ministers!"

"That's not right... Just now, these people all greeted the Second Prince with a smile, but the Fourth Prince seemed to be ignored!"

Ning Shu listened to the whispers of the people below, and his face became extremely ugly!

It was obviously his home court, but unknowingly, he, the host, was ignored!

Thinking of this, Ning Shu looked at Ning Fan with a hint of gloom in his eyes...

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started!"


Suddenly, an envoy strode into the hall, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to Ning Fan, who was sitting at the top: "Second Master, a distinguished person has come outside. Please wait a moment!"

"Distinguished person?"

Ning Fan was shocked, and a trace of deep surprise appeared on his face. Could it be that the person who could be honored as a distinguished person in front of him was...

Shen Li and Lin Qiushi also looked at each other, with a look of disbelief in their eyes. They didn't expect that a small poetry gathering would even alarm His Majesty!

"What distinguished person? Such a grand ceremony!"

"Hmph, I want to see who is more distinguished than us!"

Seventh Prince Ning Yu showed a trace of displeasure on his face. Being robbed of the limelight by Ning Fan was enough to make him depressed, but now any random cat or dog actually made such a grand ceremony!

"Seventh brother!"

Ning Shu seemed to have thought of something, and a deep awe flashed in his eyes. He shouted at Ning Yu!

Not long after, a figure appeared behind the screen, and several figures stood beside him. A majestic voice came out: "Let's start!"

Ning Yu trembled all over when he heard this familiar figure: "Father...Father!"


Shen Li and Lin Qiushi stood up silently and bowed to the screen. Ning Fan curled his lips and said jokingly: "I said I would bring you to meet the girls in our Fengxiang Building, but you are still not happy!"

"I didn't expect that I would sneak out today..."

"Qiniang, go and call out all the beautiful girls in our building!"

The forehead of Emperor Yu behind the screen was already covered with black lines. He grinned secretly and clenched his fists tightly at the corners of his clothes...

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