Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 120 Ning Fan's Poetry Recitation Contest

With the arrival of Emperor Yu, the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall obviously became much more solemn, and the talented people below also restrained their unruly and arrogant expressions on their faces!

"Fourth brother, today's poetry meeting is held by you. Why don't you come first and make some three or five poems to give everyone a sample?"

"Yes, His Highness the Fourth has always been famous for his talent since childhood, and now that he is the host, he should compose a song!"

"Hahaha, I have admired the talents of the fourth prince for a long time!"

All the talents looked at Ning Shu with compliments on their faces, with a look of anticipation on their faces!

Ning Shu glanced at Ning Fan calmly and said calmly: "Everyone, although this is my king's court today, how dare you do something wrong with the two emperor brothers here?"

"I think it's better for the emperor to come and offer some advice!"

"Yes, the second brother is a famous and talented man in the capital. With him in charge, how dare we try to do anything for him!"

Ning Yu, the seventh child, also spoke with a sinister look on his face, looking at Ning Fan with mocking eyes!

Emperor Yu behind the screen had a look of amusement on his face. Although the second brother was rising to prominence during this period, he was always scheming with the courtiers!

Now we can see their brothers fighting each other, which is the best test of fire!

"Second dick!"

"Since your fourth brother and seventh brother both want to see your talent, you don't have to hide it anymore!"

A majestic voice came from behind the screen, and there seemed to be a hint of joking in his tone. Ning Fan secretly cursed the old fox in his heart, Emperor Yu, this dog... wanted to see him make a fool of himself!

Hearing Emperor Yu open his mouth, Ning Shu and Ning Yu looked at each other, with a hint of joy on their faces. They looked at Ning Fan and said, "Second brother, please!"


Ning Fan laughed and said calmly: "I have always liked wine and sex, and it has been spread throughout the capital for a long time. If you ask me to write and write, I am really not good at it!"

Seeing Ning Fan's calm face, his gestures and gestures with a touch of grace that is difficult to replicate, and his body exuding a touch of elegance, people couldn't help but take a high look!


"Although I am not good at poetry, I know a few poetry masters and bought dozens or hundreds of poems from them!"

"Since you all want me to take the lead, I won't be polite!"

Ning Fan had a hint of amusement on his face, glanced around, and said calmly: "As soon as I open my mouth, I am afraid that from now on, I, Dayu, will redefine the poetry world!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall fell into silence. Everyone was silent for a moment before speaking one after another.

"Hahaha, His Highness's words are a bit arrogant!"

"Although my poetry circle, Dayu, is not as bright as that of Dayan, I have produced several great poets!"

"Redefining Dayu's poetry?"

Lin Chong and Zheng An looked at each other, both of them trying their best to suppress their laughter. They had been playing with Ning Fan all day long!

It wasn't until the incident at Fengxiang Tower last time that they gradually stopped contacting each other. It could be said that they knew exactly how much Ning Fan had in his belly!

As for buying dozens of poems from everyone in the poetry community?

Even more ridiculous!

Since ancient times, the most important thing for literati is reputation. Whether they are poets or literary figures, the most important thing is reputation. How can they sell their works for a few taels of silver!

"Second brother, are you sure that the poems in your hand can redefine the poetry world of Dayu?"

Ning Shu also had a look of ecstasy on his face. During this period of time, Ning Fan had dominated the limelight in front of his father and had gained real power!

It made him feel a great sense of threat!

But he didn't expect that today, the second child would be so arrogant in front of his father and all the important ministers. If he can't produce a work later, it won't be just him who loses face!

"Haha, in my opinion, today's poetry world is just a joke!"

"Although there are gorgeous words, they are all just innocent moans!"

"Although I can't compose poetry, it doesn't mean that I don't know how to appreciate poetry!"

A look of arrogance appeared on Ning Fan's face, his eyes glanced around with contempt, and he said lightly: "Today, the King of Japan will recite all the poems of my good friend!"

"Gentlemen, just listen!"

Ning Fan looked at Qu Hongxiu and Wan Qingyue on the side, and said with a smile: "Prepare pen and ink records!"


The two women nodded slightly, with a look of expectation on their faces, and wrote and inked themselves. Emperor Yu behind the screen also narrowed his eyes, looking at Ning Fan with a hint of confusion in his eyes!

This kid is not a arrogant person, but his words and actions today are so arrogant. Is there any deeper meaning?

"The first song, "Thoughts on a Quiet Night," was written by my friend Li Bai!"

"The moonlight shines in front of the bed!"

"It's probably frost on the ground."

Ning Fan only recited the first half of the sentence. Shen Li, Lin Qiushi and others sitting aside couldn't help but their eyes lit up and they nodded secretly!

"Look up at the bright moon, lower your head and miss your hometown!"

Ning Fan finished reciting a poem, and Shen Li had a look of wonder on his face. He was about to comment, only to hear Ning Fan speak again!

"The author of the second song "Qing Ping Diao" is: Li Bai!"

"The clouds are like clothes, the flowers are like faces, the spring breeze is blowing on the threshold, and the dew is thick."

"If we hadn't met at the top of Qunyu Mountain, we would have met under the moonlight at Yaotai."

"What a poem!"

After listening to the second poem, Shen Li couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Lin Qiushi on the side also had a look of wonder on his face, stroking his beard and nodding!

"Yes, I didn't expect that I, Dayu, would have such a talented person. These two poems are of the highest quality, and they are rare to see in ten years!"

"I just don't know who this Li Bai is?"

"After the poetry meeting is over, I will definitely go there to see his true appearance in person!"

The old guys talked among themselves until Ning Fan's voice sounded again!

"The third poem "Farewell to a Friend" was written by Li Bai!"

"Green mountains across the northern suburbs, white water around the eastern city!"

"This place is a farewell, and I will travel thousands of miles alone!"

"Floating clouds are the thoughts of a wanderer, and the setting sun is the feelings of an old friend!"

"Wave goodbye and leave from here, and the horses will neigh!"

Ning Fan kept recalling the contents of the elementary school textbook in his mind, reciting Li Bai's classics one by one!

It actually felt like a primary school student reciting a text!

"It's Li Bai again!"

"Who on earth is this Li Bai? Logically speaking, my Dayu has such a talent, and he should have been famous all over the world!"

"Has anyone heard of Li Bai?"



The talented people present all asked each other about Li Bai, but found that among all the talented people in the room, no one knew him, and they were stunned for a moment!

"The fourth poem, "Looking at the Waterfall", was written by Li Bai!"

"The sun shines on the incense burner and produces purple smoke, and I can see the waterfall hanging in front of the river from afar."

"The waterfall falls straight down three thousand feet, and I wonder if it is the Milky Way falling from the sky."

"The fifth poem, "Early Departure from Yuwang City", was written by Li Bai!"

"I left Baidi in the morning among the colorful clouds, and returned to Jiangling a thousand miles away in one day."

"The monkeys on both sides of the river are crying endlessly, and the light boat has passed thousands of mountains."

"The sixth poem, "Staying at the Mountain Temple at Night", was written by Li Bai..."

Ning Fan was like a demon, reciting Li Bai's poems to himself, leaving the people in the room in amazement, with dull faces and shocked expressions...

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