Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 125 Zhuge Wuhou: Driving the tiger to swallow the wolf

For half an hour, Chen Gong explained the pros and cons of the Southern Expedition. Emperor Yu's face turned from recognition to appreciation, and then to exclamation!

I didn't expect that an unknown person in Prince Xuanyong's palace would have such a big picture view, and even be able to discuss the strength and weakness of the enemy and ourselves!

There really is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon under the hands of the second brother!

"Yes, sir, your analysis is very much in my opinion!"

"That's why I haven't made up my mind yet!"

"My Dayu's treasury has been able to maintain its existence to this day, thanks to the corrupt officials who stole it!"

Emperor Yu glanced at Ning Fan, with a bitter smile on his face, and sighed softly: "How could I not know that it is not appropriate to use troops in this cold winter month!"

“It’s an opportunity not to be missed, it will never come back again!”

Emperor Yu's face was full of sadness. Ning Fan looked at Zhuge Liang, who had never spoken a word, with a dignified look on his face!

"Kong Ming, can you fight?"

Seeing the change in Ning Fan's expression, even Chen Gong looked at Zhuge Liang on the side with curiosity.

He was also full of curiosity about the chief counselor of Prince Xuanyong's palace who was several years younger than him!

How could the person who His Highness relies on so much be an ordinary person?

Moreover, from the first time Chen Gong saw Zhuge Liang, he felt a hint of the special strategizing temperament of a peerless counselor!

His eyes were so calm that they seemed to be able to tolerate all things!

It was hard for Chen Gong to imagine that this kind of temperament and aura came from a young man who had just passed the age of weak!

"It's a fight!"

After Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment, he spoke solemnly.


A flash of surprise flashed across Ning Fan's face. He silently opened the system mall and redeemed a memory rosary!

"System, use a memory rosary to awaken Zhuge Liang's memory!"

"Congratulations, master, it was successfully used!"

Hearing the system beep, Zhuge Liang, who was sitting across from him, looked at Ning Fan suddenly as if he had been struck by lightning, with an incredible look in his eyes!

Ning Fan nodded slightly, with a hint of concentration in his eyes: "Kong Ming, can you fight this battle?"


This time, Zhuge Liang didn't hesitate at all and spoke decisively.

Ning Fan nodded with a smile, and the smile on his face seemed to show a hint of confidence. He looked at Emperor Yu aside and said, "Father, this battle is feasible!"


Emperor Yu glanced back and forth from the two of them, his eyes almost narrowed to a slit, and said calmly: "Tell me a reason to fight!"

"His Majesty!"

This time, Zhuge Liang spoke first without waiting for Ning Fan to ask. There was a calm look on his face, and his temperament had changed from the previous moment!

If just now it gave people the vigor of a young man, full of strategizing energy, then at this moment, the Zhuge Liang in front of him was like a wise man on the outside!

Although he is clearly sitting in front of him, he seems to be thousands of miles away. Just sitting here quietly can intimidate people's hearts, and his every move exudes the aura of someone who has been on top for a long time!

Chen Gong on the side was secretly shocked.

"The common people think this battle can be fought!"

"Attack the Southern Barbarians, take control of Huainan, drive out the tigers and devour the wolves, and destroy both the tigers and wolves!"


Listening to Zhuge Liang's ambitious words, Emperor Yu showed a look of doubt on his face.

Ning Fan on the side suddenly showed a hint of surprise and looked at Zhuge Liang in surprise: "Mr. Kong Ming, do you mean to send troops to Huainan?"


Zhuge Lian smiled and nodded, calmly took a sip of tea, and said softly: "Although the King of Huainan supports his troops and respects himself, he is still my minister of Dayu!"

"Whether he admits it or not, people all over the world will think so!"

"Lu Kan is a minister of my Dayu, the Nanman are my mortal enemies, and Huainan is my territory!"

As soon as Zhuge Liang's words came out, Emperor Yu didn't have much joy on his face. Instead, he said in a deep voice: "The King of Huainan has a lot of troops. He has no regard for the imperial court for a long time. How can he obey the imperial court's orders?"

"Your Majesty, all you need is an edict!"


Seeing the doubtful look on Emperor Yu's face, Chen Gong couldn't help but ask: "Use the reputation of righteousness to coerce you?"

"What Brother Gongtai said is true!"

Zhuge Liang also looked at Chen Gong with a touch of kindness in his eyes. Chen Gong and he both came from the Eastern Han Dynasty, were in the same era, and even had a common enemy!

"Kong Ming, don't be too secretive. If you have any plans, tell me straight away!"


Zhuge Liang bowed his hands slightly and said softly: "Your Majesty, over the years, the King of Huainan has been sitting in the sixteen states of Huainan, obeying the orders but not the propaganda!"

"His wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed!"

"If Your Majesty continues to favor him, he will be crowned a prince and make known to the world!"

"At that time, another edict will be issued, asking the King of Huainan to send troops. Naturally, he will not be able to shirk it, otherwise the people of the world will drown him!"

"Lu Kan intends to usurp power, so he will be very concerned about the eyes of the people in the world. As long as your majesty promises him benefits and provides him with food and grass, Huainan may not send troops!"

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, everyone nodded in agreement, and Chen Gong also showed a look of admiration on his face: "But what if King Huainan sends troops, so what if we don't fight?"

"When it comes to the battlefield, he will not have the final say whether to fight or not!"

"Even if we don't fight, what's the harm?"

Zhuge Liang said calmly: "Your Majesty, the common people think that the imperial court's plan is not based on the Southern Barbarians, but on Huainan!"


"you mean……"

"Take this opportunity to recover Huainan!"

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in the eyes of Emperor Yu. He took a deep breath, calmed down his mind, and said in deep thought: "If the court has no legitimate reason to mobilize troops against the King of Huainan..."

"Father, how can there be no legitimate reason?"

Ning Fan on the side interrupted: "The King of Huainan colluded with the Chen family to plot a rebellion, bought a lot of military equipment, and sent secret letters to the Chen family and Xuanwu Hou to treason. The evidence is conclusive!"

Emperor Yu did not rush to speak, but was in deep thought. He first glanced at Ning Fan, and then said to Zhuge Liang: "Let me discuss this matter with the court officials before discussing it!"

"Tomorrow morning, you will go to the palace with King Xuanyong!"

"Meet the Nanman envoys!"

"As you wish!"

As soon as the voice fell, Emperor Yu hurried away with the three dukes. Ning Fan and Zhuge Liang looked at each other and smiled!

"Zhuge Liang, meet the lord!"

Zhuge Liang was the first to step forward and salute, with the respect on his face not diminished at all. When Ning Fan saw Zhuge Liang's 98 points of loyalty, he also showed a touch of joy on his face and stepped forward to salute!

"Zhuge Wuhou, I have long admired you!"

Chen Gong, Dian Wei and others watched silently on the side, with puzzled eyes, watching the two people saluting without reason, with a puzzled look on their faces.

"This is Cao Gong's personal guard, General Dian Wei Dian?"


After hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Dian Wei scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face, his eyes full of confusion!


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