Zhuge Liang smiled and said nothing, his eyes shifted from Dian Wei to Chen Gong, stayed there for a long time, and sighed sadly.

"Sir, how about a talk in the hall?


Zhuge Liang nodded slightly and followed Ning Fan's footsteps into the hall.

The two sat down in the main hall. Ning Fan screened away the servants and even asked Dian Wei and Xu Chu to personally guard them outside the hall.

"Sir, you have awakened the memory of your past life. Do you regret it?"

"My lord, the Kong Ming of yesterday was not the real Kong Ming. The Zhuge of today is the real Zhuge!"

Zhuge Liang had a gentle smile, and a glint flashed in his eyes: "I just didn't expect that Liang would be able to live a new life and work as a colleague under the lord's tent with the eternal hero!"

"The enemies of the past are today's friends, the sages of the past and those of the future are all gathered together. My lord, this is a blessing!"

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Ning Fan nodded with a smile, glanced outside the palace, and said softly: "Eilai and Zhongkang have not yet recovered their memories of their previous lives!"

"Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe are also not reborn with memories. In your opinion, what should we do?"


There was a deep luster in Zhuge Liang's eyes, and he said calmly: "From the moment Zi Liang awakened his memory, he felt a trace of the same origin from Gongtai, Erlai and the others, just like they were connected by blood!"

"I can't help but feel a sense of closeness, probably because they are all from China!"


A look of deep surprise appeared on Ning Fan's face, and he quickly opened the system and asked: "System, what is going on?"

"Master, as Zhuge Liang said, the great people of China have the same origin, and there is a natural sense of blood connection, just like flesh and blood brothers!"

"Because you all came out of China!"

Ning Fan's eyes sparkled and he asked in a serious voice: "So, if I awaken my memory for them, I won't draw a sword against them?"

"Master, the outstanding Chinese people summoned by the system will naturally have a sense of intimacy and awe towards the master!"

"No one will betray unless they have a certain [naturally rebellious] attribute!"

"I won't do anything detrimental to my master!"


Ning Fan breathed out a deep breath, with a relaxed smile on his face. Ever since he used the first memory rosary, his heart has been heavy!

Now that there is a system guarantee, I feel more at ease!

"However, memory beads are too dark. They are worth a full 50,000 reputation points!"

"It's really a bit of a trap!"

Ning Fan did not forget to complain, looked at Zhuge Liang who looked sad in front of him, and said softly: "Kong Ming, all the people under my command now, including Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others, are all first-rate generals!"

"Qin Qiong is the famous founding general of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in later generations!"

"Jia Xu, Chen Gong, you all understand, there is no need for me to say more!"

"Yue Fei from the south of the Yangtze River was a famous general of the Rich Song Dynasty in later generations. His ability to rule can be ranked among the top ten heroes of China for five thousand years. He is also loyal, capable of literary and military skills!"

"As for the commander of the Jin Yiwei, Jiang Wei, he was a close friend of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. He also served as the commander of the Jin Yiwei in his previous life!"

"These are our most trustworthy team members here!"

Ning Fan did not mention the underworld. Only he and Dian Wei knew about the existence of the underworld. It was his biggest trump card!

Even if he turns against Emperor Yu one day, the underworld will always be the sharpest blade in his hand!

After Zhuge Liang heard about the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the prosperous Song Dynasty, there was a hint of longing in his eyes, he nodded frequently, and pondered for a long time.

"Now that my father intends to plot against the Southern Barbarians, I would like to take this opportunity to let Yue Fei and Qin Qiong establish some achievements to enrich our team in the army!"

"What do you think?"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment and said softly: "My lord, there must be a battle between Dayu and the ancient country!"

"However, if Huainan is lost for one day, Dayu will never be able to destroy the ancient Nanman Kingdom!"

"Now that we are among the Southern Barbarians, my advice is to plan first and then act!"

"Your Majesty intends to mobilize troops. His Highness can take this opportunity to establish military exploits and gain the title."

"Now, General Yue and General Qin are both my lord's confidants. Not only your Majesty knows this, but the civil and military officials of the DPRK and China are also aware of this!"

Ning Fan looked at Zhuge Liang's profound eyes, nodded slightly, and said softly: "Father is not a dim-witted lord, he is also tolerant!"

"As long as I don't break the rules, my father will not touch me!"

"However, we have to guard against it!"

Ning Fan stated his words directly and looked directly at Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming, in your opinion, what if I leave the capital and live in Tibet?"

"If my lord is willing to surrender, he will definitely stay away from the court and even give up the authority of the Imperial Guard!"

"After you die, you can accumulate strength in the fief and wait for the opportunity!"

"If we stay in the capital, we have to wait for His Majesty to appoint him as the heir apparent. These are two different paths!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and sighed: "With the current situation, this is not enough!"

"Your Majesty may not let the lord die!"


Ning Fan pondered for a long time and said softly: "Tomorrow morning, I will meet with the Nanman delegation first!"

The next day.

Early morning.

"Xuan, the Nanman envoys are here to see you!"

Following Wei Ying's loud shout, a burly bearded man strode into the hall.

Emperor Yu sat high on the throne, his eyes were stern, his body was even more domineering, and he exuded an aura that could swallow up the world!

"Bach, meet His Majesty Emperor Yu!"

Bach, the Nanman commander, bowed slightly to Emperor Yu, with no sign of respect on his face, and a hint of imperceptible contempt in his eyes!


As soon as Bach finished speaking, he saw a sharp shout coming from the side, glaring angrily: "Southern barbarian envoy, why don't you kneel down when you see me facing your majesty?"

A calm smile appeared on Bach's face, and he said lightly: "I am the envoy of the ancient country, and I only kneel to my Majesty the Barbarian King!"


Zhao Rui, the Minister of Rites, suddenly became angry and pointed at Bach and was speechless for a long time.


I saw a flying foot suddenly kick towards Bach's legs, and with a soft thud, Bach's body suddenly fell to his knees.

"What are you talking about with these uncivilized barbarians? They don't know how to behave. Just go up and teach them how to behave!"

There was a hint of ridicule in Ning Fan's eyes. He looked down at the kneeling Bach and said calmly: "This is not your ancient southern barbarian country, but the court of Dayu!"

"The person sitting at the top is not your wild and bumpy bullshit barbarian king, but His Majesty Emperor Yu!"

"Not to mention that you are a little envoy. Even if you, the Barbarian King, come in person and see me facing His Majesty the Emperor, you should kneel down and salute me!"

"Do you understand?"

Ning Fan squatted on the ground, patted Bach's head gently, and said seriously.

" you……"

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