The court officials did not seem surprised by Ning Fan's fight. They could even say that they were used to it. After all, this madman had beaten even the officials of Dayu, not to mention a few barbarian envoys.

Bach looked at Ning Fan with anger, and the Nanman envoys behind him also glared at him, with their fists clenched tightly!

"Is this how you treat guests in Dayu?"

"You call yourself a country of etiquette, is this how you treat your guests?"

Bach stood up slowly, looking at Ning Fan coldly, and looked at Emperor Yu who was at the top: "Your Majesty, I am the envoy appointed by His Majesty the Great Barbarian King!"

"You are humiliating me like this, do you want to declare war on my ancient Nanman country?"

"Declare war?"

There was a cold light in Emperor Yu's eyes, and he said lightly: "Your Excellency, think twice before speaking Then, although I, Dayu, do not love fighting, I am not afraid of fighting! "

"Hahaha, these barbarians are simply ridiculous!"

"They are obviously rude to His Majesty, but they dare to bite back and even threaten to declare war! "

"Humph, uncivilized barbarians dare to shout in the court of Dayu!"

Unexpectedly, the court officials were unprecedentedly tough at this moment. Facing the threats of the southern barbarian envoys, there was no hesitation on their faces, and they directly spoke sarcastically!

Ning Fan nodded slightly. It seems that the butcher knife he wielded some time ago was not in vain. At least, these people's bones have become hardened!

"Envoy Bach, I want to ask you, since you are on a mission to visit my Great Yu and even brought a letter of credence, why do you still stay at the Huainan Palace for a few days?"


Bach suppressed his anger for the sake of his grand plan and said with a haughty face: "My ancient country has always been on good terms with Huainan. It seems not too much to stay for a few days when passing through Huainan!"

Hearing Bach's answer, Zhao Rui's face sank instantly, and he said coldly: "I'm afraid you are not colluding with Huainan and plotting something illegal?"


As soon as these words came out, all the civil and military officials in the court changed their color!

Shen Li and Lin Qiushi looked at each other and said calmly: "I wonder what your intention is for your mission to visit my Great Yu this time. Do you want to make friends with my Great Yu or do you have other intentions?"

"This envoy is ordered by the Great Barbarian King to express my Great Barbarian's friendship with the Yu Kingdom, especially His Majesty the King of Huainan..."

"How outrageous!"

This time, even Lin Qiushi and Shen Li showed a hint of anger, and there was a hint of murderous intent in the eyes of the Emperor Yu!

"Envoy Bach, Huainan is the fief of Dayu, and the King of Huainan is a minister of Dayu!"

"If you continue to sow discord, don't blame Dayu, I will ask for an explanation from the ancient country of Nanman!"


Bach's face was completely fearless, and he even showed a confident smile, and said loudly: "Your Majesty Emperor Yu, I heard that the relationship between Huainan and Dayu's court is not friendly!"

"However, the King of Huainan was very friendly to us on this trip, and even prepared to give our ancient country 100,000 stones of grain and grass to express his respect for our Great Barbarian King!"

Hearing this, Ning Fan couldn't help but look at Zhuge Liang, and Emperor Yu also showed a meaningful smile in his eyes.

"I wonder what the envoy wants to say?"


Bach smiled arrogantly and said lightly: "We had a very pleasant negotiation with the King of Huainan this time. He even promised to give us 500,000 stones of grain and grass in exchange for our sending troops to help him seize the throne!"


"How dare the King of Huainan do this?"

"Colluding with the Southern Barbarians, the King of Huainan, this traitor who is eating his own food, finally can't stand it anymore?"

"Your Majesty, I ask to send troops to attack Huainan!"

When the officials of Dayu heard this, they were all furious. Emperor Yu's face was as calm as water, and his eyes fell on Zhuge Liang and stayed for a long time.

"Bach, you came all the way here just to sow discord?"

"Your Majesty, I have said what I should say..."

Bach looked completely unconcerned and smiled faintly: "To be honest with Your Majesty, I, the Great Barbarian King, am very interested in the proposal of the King of Huainan!"


The Emperor Yu suddenly laughed out loud, and the Duke of Zhenguo and others also sneered, and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I ask for a fight, and send troops to attack the Southern Barbarians!"

"Your Majesty, I ask for a fight!"

"The Southern Barbarians are bullying too much, please give the order! "

One by one, the generals came out, but Bach's face was not afraid at all. He smiled and said, "Have you thought it through? I have a million soldiers and thousands of generals in the South Barbarians!"

"As long as my Majesty the Great Barbarian King gives an order, millions of my barbarian men can enter the pass in an instant, and Dayu's southern border will be wiped out in an instant!"

"Now, I intend to show Dayu a clear way, don't make a mistake!"

This time, not only Bach, but also Wuyou and Aguna and others behind him were all proud, as if they had never taken Dayu Kingdom into their eyes.

Ning Fan's eyes showed a hint of teasing. These barbarians are really brave. They dare to bluff to such an extent!

Are they really confident that the news from the grassland will not reach Dayu?

Or are they sure that Dayu will not march to the south?


The Emperor Yu, who was sitting at the top, finally couldn't help laughing, and then Zhao Changying and others also laughed.

Lin Qiushi and the others were stunned. They didn't know why they were laughing. Bach had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Bach, I want to know how many cattle and sheep have died on the grassland since the beginning of winter?"

"I heard that there was a severe drought and then heavy snow on the grassland?"

"Is your Nanman royal court still there?"

Ning Fan looked at the burly man with pigtails in front of him, stepped forward and gently grabbed Bach's pigtails, rubbed them in his hands, and smiled playfully.


"What do you mean?"

Bach's eyes flashed with panic, but he asked calmly.

"Haha, a group of uncivilized barbarians, savages whose intelligence has not been fully civilized, want to blackmail my Dayu!"

"With a few broken scimitars, you dare to shout and attack my Dayu!"

"If you want to fight, come and fight!"

"Who are you trying to scare by talking nonsense here?"

Ning Fan's eyes showed a trace of disdain, and he said lightly: "I have a rule in Dayu. All foreign envoys who meet my Emperor Dayu must kneel down to speak!"

"Kneel down first!"

"You...don't go too far!"

"Don't kneel?"

Ning Fan raised his eyebrows , Wu You beside Bach couldn't help but stand up, gave Ning Fan a veiled look, and shouted angrily: "How could the envoy of my Great Barbarian tribe be humiliated in the outer court?"

"I have heard that Dayu's youth are talented, dare to compete with my barbarian men!"

"If you win, we will kneel, if my Nanman men win, I want you to apologize to our envoy!"

"Wu You!"

Bach showed a look of surprise on his face, not knowing why Wu You wanted to make such a fuss, but out of trust, he did not rush to stop it, but showed a hint of intention!

Yu Huang's eyes narrowed into a line, and before he spoke, he saw Zhao Rui, the Minister of Rites, stand up: "Your Majesty, Nanman proposed a contest, and as the host, how can Dayu be afraid of fighting?"


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