Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 129 Qin Qiong was promoted to General Po Lu!

"Kong Ming, has Shubao arrived?"

"My Lord, General Qin is already waiting outside the Meridian Gate for an audience!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, strode towards Emperor Yu, and said loudly: "Father, the new army general Qin Qiong is waiting outside the Meridian Gate!"

"Please summon him into the palace, we can win this battle!"


Emperor Yu responded, and saw a burly figure walking under the steps in the distance, with two maces hanging from his waist, a spear in his hand, thick eyebrows and big eyes!

"General Qin Qiong, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

"No need to be polite!"

Emperor Yu's eyes fell on Qin Qiong, and he couldn't help but look at him with a higher opinion. Apart from anything else, just this armor gave people a sense of excellence!

"Qin Qiong, is it possible to win this battle?"

"Your Majesty, I will do my best to win!"


Emperor Yu nodded with satisfaction and said loudly: "If you win this battle, I will give you a big reward!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Changying and others sitting beside Emperor Yu all showed a touch of appreciation and whispered: "Your Majesty, this General Qin is not only powerful, but also has the talent to manage the army!"

"It's a good seedling!"

"Yes, it's time to add some fresh blood to my Dayu army!"


Emperor Yu looked at Liu Fengping and Zhao Changying singing the same tune, and couldn't help showing a hint of curiosity: "Do you know him?"

"Haha!" Zhao Changying laughed: "We old guys just returned to Beijing and went to the new army camp!"

"Qin Qiong's talent for leadership is no worse than our old guys!"

Emperor Yu nodded slightly, and the eyes looking at Ning Fan had a touch of unfathomable depth.


Neither of the two people on the ring was in a hurry to attack. Qin Qiong thrust his spear into the ground. The tiger-headed golden spear pierced through the bluestone slab and stood upright on the ring, with the spear shaft trembling!

The four-sided golden mace was swung lightly, making a rustling sound.

The black-clothed man opposite had a calm expression, with a hint of aggressive fighting spirit in his eyes. He stepped on his feet suddenly, and the bluestone on the ring under his feet exploded instantly!


The spear was pointed, but was calmly blocked by Qin Qiong!


At this moment, not only Qin Qiong was shocked, but even Dian Wei and Xu Chu showed a hint of surprise on their faces!

"I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person among the barbarians!"

"Haha, now Old Qin has something to fight!"

"My Lord, why did you let me lose on purpose just now?"

Dian Wei showed a hint of depression on his face. He could have beaten that damn A Gu just like beating his son. He could have knocked him off the ring with three halberds, but he had to fight for dozens of rounds and lose on purpose!

Ning Fan didn't rush to answer, but cast his eyes on the ring and asked softly: "The more intense the fight, the better!"

"I hope this barbarian can hold on for a few more rounds!"

Xu Chu glanced at Ning Fan and said softly: "My Lord, I'm afraid that the battle with E Lai just now can't be hidden from the one next to your Majesty!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, seemingly not surprised: "I didn't intend to hide it from the beginning!"

"Maybe, after it's over, it's time to show my cards to my father!"

On the ring, Qin Qiong held two maces and pressed forward step by step, but the barbarian man seemed calm and unhurried, fighting and retreating!

"Su Le's military power is among the top ten among the ancient countries, and we will definitely win this battle!"

"Lord Bach, if I am right, I am afraid that Dayu's officials have already known the current situation on our grassland!"

Wu You came to Bach's side and spoke softly.

"So, our plan has failed this time?"

"Sir, if Dayu Kingdom really takes advantage of the situation and goes south, the ancient country will be in danger!"

"Haha, it's not that I look down on them. With the cowardly character of Dayu's courtiers, even if they have a hundred courage, they dare not invade our ancient country!"

"It has been like this since ancient times. Military generals clamor and scholars are afraid of death. As long as they are threatened, they will be scared to death!"

Bach's face was full of sneers. Looking at the two people fighting on the ring, he whispered: "When we return to the ancient country this time, send people to contact Huainan!"

"It's time to change the owner of this fertile soil!"

A disdainful sneer flashed in Wuyou's eyes, but he echoed: "The glory of the barbarian god will one day be sprinkled in every corner of the Central Plains!"

Bach nodded in agreement and saluted to the south with a sacred face.



On the ring, Qin Qiong's double maces turned into afterimages and swung quickly towards Su Le. Under the attack of the double halberds, Su Le's moves finally showed a flaw!

"I'm not playing with you anymore!"

Qin Qiong flew up and stepped directly away from Su Le. He turned over and held the tiger-headed golden spear in his hand. He stabbed it with a flash of cold light!

"Damn it!"

Su Le shouted angrily, and the spear in his hand also stabbed straight at Qin Qiong.

"Say the mace!"

Qin Qiong's figure suddenly turned over, and the long spear swept Su Le's figure back, and the double maces just hung on his waist instantly slipped out of his hands!


With a muffled sound, the four-sided golden mace hit Su Le's chest heavily, and a cold light pierced straight, and the tip of the tiger-headed golden spear went straight into Su Le's chest!


Su Le screamed and was nailed to death by Qin Qiong's shot!




The Forbidden Army officers guarding outside the palace were holding guns and shouting loudly, and the sound spread far away!

"In the third game, Dayu wins!"


Bach looked at the figure on the ring with a shocked expression, and kept murmuring: "Suler was also defeated..."

"Barbarian, do you have anything to say?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on Ning Fan's lips, and he said lightly: "I lost two of the three games. According to the agreement, I, Dayu, will win the battle!"

"Still not kneeling down!"

Ning Fan shouted sharply, and saw Dian Wei and Xu Chu rushing forward. Each of them kicked Bach with both feet, causing him to kneel on his knees!

"You... are simply barbaric and rude!"

The faces of all the Southern Barbarian envoys turned red, but no one dared to step forward to stop them, allowing the two strong men to ravage their envoys!


Emperor Yu spoke at the right time, with unconcealed joy in his eyes, and said calmly: "Your envoy is a guest, so you must not be rude!"


Xu Chu and Dian Wei retreated. Emperor Yu looked at Qin Qiong who was walking down the ring, and said with a smile: "Yes, Qin Aiqing is brave and resourceful. This battle has made great contributions to me, Dayu!"

"Your Majesty, this is the responsibility of the general!"


"Qin Qiong and Xu Chu have made great contributions to me, the Dayu. Qin Qiong is made the general of Polu, and Xu Chu is the general of Yunhui. Each of them will be rewarded with a hundred gold pieces and thousands of pieces of brocade!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Both of them respectfully thanked Emperor Yu and silently retreated to Ning Fan's side.

"Your Majesty Emperor Yu, during this mission, my envoy from the Great Barbarians has been humiliated many times. After I return home, I will definitely report the details to His Majesty the King of the Barbarians!"

"If you, the Great Yu, cannot give me an explanation for my ancient Southern Barbarian country, my millions of sons of the Great Barbarians will soon knock on the door!"

"I hope you will take care of yourself!"

"let's go!"

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