Royal study room!

Emperor Yu and several important officials in the court gathered together, while Ning Fan, Qin Qiong, Dianwei and others were also standing.

"Everyone, now the southern barbarian grassland is suffering from a heavy snow disaster that has not happened in ten years. I want to march south. What do you think?"

Emperor Yu's eyes glanced around and landed first on Left Prime Minister Lin Qiushi, his expression extremely deep.

"Your Majesty, I, Dayu, have just experienced a bloody battle, and now it is the twelfth lunar month of winter. The soldiers have traveled long distances. At this time, it is difficult to achieve success in the southern expedition!"

Lin Qiushi advised Emperor Yu softly while observing his expression.

"Mr. Shen, what do you think?"

Emperor Yu did not express his opinion, but instead set his eyes on Shen Li again, quietly waiting for his answer.

Shen Li's face pondered for a long time, and he did not rush to reply. Instead, he first looked at Chen Qinghe, the Minister of Household Affairs.

"Chen Shangshu, is the national treasury full enough to support a southern expedition?"

"Prime Minister Shen, what His Highness obtained from ransacking his homes some time ago is enough to support a large-scale southern expedition!"


Shen Li nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Zhao Changying and the other two people standing on the opposite side: "Three princes, can I use the military morale of General Yu?"

"Mr. Shen, the soldiers are preparing their troops and are ready to fight at any time!"


Shen Li nodded slightly, cupped his hands to Emperor Yu and said, "Your Majesty, the ancient Southern Barbarians have been harassing our border for many years, plundering our people and massacring our villages in the south!"

"The relationship between me, Dayu, and the Southern Barbarians has long been like fire and water. I believe that this battle will determine the southern territory of my Dayu!"


Emperor Yu also had a smile on his face, and his eyes fell on Ji Sui, Minister of the Ministry of War: "Ji Aiqing, since this battle can be fought, from now on, the Ministry of War will start planning the southern expedition!"

"The Ministry of Household Affairs is preparing logistics, and the Ordnance Supervisor of the Ministry of Industry is working hard to build ordnance!"

"According to the order!"

Emperor Yu did not continue to discuss with the ministers, but directly made a decision, looked at Lin Qiushi and said: "Prime Minister Lin, immediately draft an order to order the King of Huainan to lead an army of 300,000 under his command to join the imperial army to attack the Southern Barbarians!"

"Send a message to Marquis Qingyun of the Southern Territory and prepare for war with all your strength!"


Lin Qiushi took a deep look at Emperor Yu and bowed respectfully. Ning Fan took a step forward and said softly: "Father, I would like to ask you to accompany the army on the expedition!"


Emperor Yu frowned slightly, glanced at the generals behind Ning Fan, and muttered: "It's been bitterly cold in the south. You've been frail since you were a child and can't stand the cold, so you'd better stay in the capital!"

"However, Qin Qiong and Xu Chu are brave and can accompany the Duke of Zhen in the southern expedition!"

【Boom! Release system task: Participate in the Southern Expedition! 】

[Task requirement: Join the Southern Expedition Army and establish some achievements]

[Mission reward: Mo Dao forging craftsmanship, you will get 10 merit points for every barbarian soldier you kill! 】

Hearing the mission reminder sound from the system in his mind, Ning Fan looked stunned for a moment, looked at Emperor Yu and said, "Father, I have admired my eldest brother since I was a child. He can guard one side, travel across the battlefield, and share your worries!"

"Now that the soldiers are marching south, my son has grown up. As a prince, he should be at the forefront and set an example for all the people. Only in this way can we live up to the sentence: the prince will guard the gate of the country, and the king will die in the country!"

"Please allow me, Father!"

Ning Fan knelt down directly on the ground, his face full of sincerity. Emperor Yu frowned, pondered for a long time, and looked at Zhao Changying: "Mr. Zhao, what do you think?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, since His Majesty has the ambition to serve the country, it would be better to allow him to enlist in the army and gain some experience!"

"Yeah, that's fine!"

Emperor Yu nodded, looked at Ning Fan and said: "In that case, you, Qin Qiong and others, join the army to gain experience!"

"According to my ancestral system of Dayu, the royal family is not allowed to reveal their identity when joining the army. They need to start as a vanguard, so you should be a vanguard!"


Ning Fan's expression froze. He thought that when he joined the army, he would be at least a captain, and maybe even a deputy marshal, but he didn't expect that he was just a pawn!

"Father, can I buy an official position?"

"My son is willing to pay ten thousand taels of gold to buy the position of the Southern Expedition General!"


Following Emperor Yu's roar, Ning Fan slipped out of the hall with a glint in his eyes!

Since Emperor Yu specifically ordered him to start from the vanguard in front of the ministers, it naturally had a deep meaning!

"This is an opportunity!"

Ning Fan's eyes flashed brightly, and now there were Wuyou and Aguna among the Southern Barbarians to support him. Both of them came from the large Southern Barbarian tribe.

It's just that Aguna has not yet established a firm foothold. If he can go back without being discovered, then Ning Fan can use Aguna's identity to control the Haolian tribe!

Each of Jinyiwei's Tianzihao spies has been invested with a large amount of resources. Each one is an elite soldier and is extremely good at infiltration and disguise!

Now that he can take the opportunity to go out with the army, it means that he can completely get rid of Emperor Yu's sight, and even find opportunities to expand his power!

Although he has never thought about plotting to usurp the throne, he must continue to accumulate strength so that he can have the confidence to dare to fall out with Emperor Yu at any time!

This is the professional quality that a qualified time traveler should have!

If one day Emperor Yu really banishes him to the cold palace, or even puts him under house arrest in Beijing, he must always have the strength to fight back!

It's like a 'peace' weapon from my previous life. I can use it, but I can't live without it!

Fengxiang Tower.

A unique elegant room, with mountains and flowing water, the music of the piano, the beauty fluttering her sleeves, and the young man discussing poetry.

"What did you say?"

"Second Master is going to join the army?"

"Damn, is the sun rising from the west?"

When several young masters heard the news that Ning Fan was going to join the army, they were all shocked. They had known Ning Fan for a long time. Although they had been restricted by their elders and had less contact during this period, the "comradeship" of many years had not faded at all!

"Brothers, during this period, I was beaten and scolded by the old man every day after I went home!"

"Before, with Second Master in front of us, what we did was not considered out of line!"

"But now, Second Master has retired, and we have become thorns in the eyes of our old man every day. He scolds us every three days and beats us up every five days!"

Zhao Huaiyuan, the son of the Duke of Zhenguo, had a helpless look on his face. Every time his old man came back, he would force him to join the army. Now that he has Second Master as an example, he is afraid that he can't escape!

"Brothers, have you noticed that in just two months since the Second Master did that ridiculous thing two months ago!"

"The Second Master's power in the court has far surpassed that of the Fourth and Seventh Princes!"

"Even the court officials respect and fear him, and the Jinyiwei in his hands have the power of life and death!"

Su Chi, the son of the Duke of Yue, looked thoughtful and said in a concentrated voice: "Your Majesty has been very kind to him during this period of time, and now he is going to join the army at this time..."

"If I am right, there should be a big move in the court!"


Zhao Huaiyuan was also stunned when he heard this: "You mean..."


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