Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 137 Go deep into the grassland and make a name for yourself!




The dull sound of drums resounded through the camp. Ning Fan and Dian Wei also stood up immediately, put on the standard armor issued by the army, and strode out of the camp!

"Assemble the entire army!"

"Get ready for dinner. In half an hour, the army will set off!"

A man wearing general armor shouted loudly, and more than 600 people from Fengziying lined up in formation!

"I saw the second master!"

In the queue, Xie Yan saw Ning Fan's figure and murmured softly. Zhao Huaiyuan and three people on the side all looked over!

Ning Fan seemed to feel the gazes of the three people. He looked sideways and nodded slightly!

"Let's eat!"

With a shout from the Huotou Army, the queue of six hundred people dispersed instantly. After a feast, the army officially set off!

[Congratulations to the master, the training of the new army has been very effective, it has reached one-star combat strength, and gained 500 achievement points! 】

On the ancient road, Ning Fan followed the queue and headed south, and the system's reminder sounded in his mind!

"One-star combat power?"

"It seems that the military competition is over, but what's going on with the combat strength of this one unit?"

A look of confusion appeared on Ning Fan's face, and the system's explanation came: "Master, the system divides the combat power of the military units from one star to five stars!"

"An ordinary army is one star, also called a rabble!"

"The powerful force is a two-star unit. It can defeat many with fewer people. The soldiers have experienced hundreds of battles!"

"The Hundred Battles Division is a three-star military unit, such as Dayu's Zhenbei Army, the White-Eared Elite Soldiers from the previous life, the culprit Liennu, the First Dead Soldiers, and the Xiliang Iron Cavalry!"

"As for the four-star military units, they can be the trump card of a country, such as Wei Wuzu, Beifu Army, Xuanjia Army, White Robe Army, Begging Army, etc.!!"

"Even if the five-star peerless military units are famous in China for five thousand years, there are only a few, such as the Iron Eagle Warriors of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Wei Army under Yue Wu Mu, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry during the Three Kingdoms period, the Qi Family Army that fought against the Japanese, and so on!"

After hearing the system's introduction, Ning Fan also had a look of shock on his face. If it hadn't been for what the system said, he wouldn't have known that there were so many peerless arms in the history of China!

"System, why are Wei soldiers only listed as four-star soldiers?"

"The martial arts of Qi cannot meet the soldiers of Wei, and the soldiers of Wei cannot meet the warriors of Qin!"

Ning Fan silently closed the system, with a glint in his eyes. Now he still holds a troop summoning card in his hand!

This trip to the south is his perfect opportunity!

For three consecutive days, the army marched long distances, and it was not until the dusk of the fourth day that they arrived at Zhennan City, a border town in the south!

"The army has set up camp, rested for a day, and headed straight to the Nanman King's City tomorrow!"

The black-faced general shouted, and the soldiers of Fengzi Camp also set up tents one after another, and Zhao Changying and several other boys came over.

"Second Master, please rest. Just leave small things like setting up a tent to our brothers!"

"Yes, Second Master, please sit there and rest for a while. Lao Zhao is very quick with his hands and feet. This work is not enough for him to do alone!"

Su Chi said with a smile from the side.

"piss off!"

After a few people laughed, the tent was set up, and they were about to go in and rest for a while, when they saw the black-faced general striding forward!

"Fengzi Camp, assemble!"

"The general has ordered us, Fengzi Camp, to be the vanguard, one step ahead of the army, and enter the grassland to spy on the enemy. Let's set off immediately!"

As soon as the black-faced general finished speaking, the soldiers below looked stunned for a moment: "As soon as we set up the tent, you let us set off?"

"General, if a few hundred of us go into the grassland to spy on the enemy, aren't we going to die?"

"that is……"

A series of complaining voices sounded, and the black-faced general's face darkened: "If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you can take off your armor and get out of our Fengzi camp!"

"The general's order has been issued. If anyone disobeys it, military law will be enforced!"

As soon as the words fell, all the soldiers did not dare to complain at all, and stood up one after another and packed their bags!

"Bring three days' rations, and the general will equip each of us with two fast horses!"

"The climate is cold on the grassland, so everyone should bring an extra set of cotton-padded clothes!"

Ning Fan also stood up, with a glint in his eyes. Unexpectedly, he received the assigned task as soon as he entered the camp!

What a coincidence!

After simply packing his luggage, Ning Fan rode his purple electric flying dragon and headed south with six hundred light cavalry!


Horses neighed one after another, and more than six hundred horsemen went straight into the southern grassland, galloping with momentum like a rainbow!


"Now that we have arrived in the hinterland of the ancient Southern Barbarian country, we are isolated and helpless. Please keep your spirits up!"


The dark-faced man's eyes were filled with vigilance. He held an animal skin map in his hand. After checking it, he pointed in one direction and said, "There is a small tribe in the southwest!"

"Come on, let me grab some tongues!"


More than six hundred people roared away in an instant, and after traveling for more than thirty miles, they arrived outside the stronghold of a barbarian tribe!

"General, this is a small tribe with a population of only more than 3,000 people!"

"what to do?"

The black-faced man hesitated for a moment and said coldly: "Kill!"

With an order, more than 600 cavalry rushed towards the camp, instantly alerting the guards on the camp!

"Enemy attack!"

"Quick, Dayu's cavalry is coming!"

"Notify the chief immediately!"

A series of panicked shouts rang out, and the black-faced general led the soldiers of the Phoenix Camp to charge in, just like calling in a wolf pack. Under the charge of the cavalry, many barbarians fell in a pool of blood before they could resist!


Ning Fan put the standard long spear issued by the general camp into the system space and took out his own Fierce Dragon Soul-breaking Spear!


With a long shout, Ning Fan held the long spear and stabbed it out, directly picking up a barbarian and flying out, accompanied by the system prompt sound!

"You use the first style of the Thirteen Deadly Spears to kill one person and gain 57 points of proficiency!"

[You kill a barbarian soldier and get the mission reward merit value +10]

Two system prompt sounds rang in Ning Fan's mind one after another, as if he had two chicken blood shots!

In just a few encounters, Ning Fan waved the long spear in his hand and cut down the barbarians one by one, and his battle robe was instantly stained with blood!


"Is the Second Master so fierce?"

"This, this, this... Doesn't the Second Master know martial arts?"

Zhao Huaiyuan and others were all stunned. Even Ji Wuyi, who had a dull personality, had his eyes fixed. There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes when he looked at Ning Fan!


The soldiers around him also looked sideways at the young man with a bronze mask, with a touch of awe on their faces!

The black-faced general showed a hint of surprise on his face, and a hint of appreciation in his eyes!

"Soldiers, destroy this barbarian tribe for me!"

"After returning, I will ask for credit for you!"


For a moment, the morale of the soldiers in the Fengzi Camp was greatly boosted!


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