
Ning Fan and Dian Wei have already charged to the front of the Fengzi Camp. On the left is the black-faced general, and on the right are Ji Wuyi, Li Yan and others!

The three teams of soldiers are in a corner, like three cones piercing into the barbarian army.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The entire barbarian camp has become a mess. Barbarian soldiers are constantly gathering in this direction, but it is difficult to form an effective resistance!

The Fierce Dragon Soul-Breaking Spear in Ning Fan's hand is like a life-seeking sickle. Every time it is swung, it takes at least three or five lives!

Dian Wei guards Ning Fan with a cautious face, fearing that his lord will be hurt in the slightest!

The black-faced general is also more and more courageous in the battle, waving the long sword in his hand, and the cold light flashes, and blood flowers bloom!

"Kill them!"

"Set fire to their tents!"

There are only more than 3,000 people in this tribe, but there are as many as 1,000 people who can form a fighting force. Even children in their teens are holding scimitars and killing the soldiers of the Phoenix Camp!

Ning Fan looked at the barbarians who were bloodthirsty, and there was a deep surprise in his eyes!

"As expected of a nation on horseback, the fierceness of their folk customs and the barbarity of their race are really deep in their bones!"

"Damn, these barbarians are really crazy when they fight!"

"Be careful, on the battlefield, don't be merciful at all!"

An old soldier looked at Zhao Huaiyuan and others with a dazed look, and hurriedly shouted a reminder.


Dian Wei also shouted loudly, waving the big double halberd in his hand back and forth, like a living demon god, and his clothes were completely dyed blood red!

"My Lord, I'll clear the way for you!"

Seemingly worried that Ning Fan was running out of energy, he saw that there were still hundreds of barbarian soldiers rushing in front of him, so he simply stepped forward!

"Who dares to stop me!"

With a long whistle, Dian Wei's armor fluttered, and he rushed towards the swarming crowd step by step.

"Brother, don't be reckless!"

"Come back quickly, keep the formation!"

"Damn, why is this idiot so wild?"

"Quick, rush up, don't let him get surrounded!"

Seeing that Dian Wei actually broke out of the queue alone, the surrounding Fengziying soldiers all changed their expressions slightly, and hurriedly moved towards him.

Dian Wei's eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty light, and he swung the double halberds in his hands, directly shaking off the two barbarian soldiers who rushed up, and they fell into the crowd and hit several figures!


The soldiers of the Fengziying were all stunned, and they stood there in a daze!

The figure in the enemy's encirclement had his hair gradually spread out, and his double halberds flashed with sharp light. Wherever he passed, blood and flesh flew, broken arms and limbs, and wailing continued!

At this moment, not only the soldiers of the Fengzi Camp were shocked, but even the black-faced general looked towards Dian Wei with a dazed look!

"What a peerless general!"

"My Fengzi Camp has picked up a treasure this time!"

"It's really fucking proud!"

The black-faced man grinned and rushed towards the barbarian army with a knife again. With Dian Wei's opening, the barbarian army's formation was instantly torn open!

After more than an hour, the fight finally ended, and the entire village became a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and the thick layer of snow was dyed scarlet!

The black-faced general strode over, first set his eyes on Dian Wei, stayed for a moment, and looked at Ning Fan.

"What's your name?"

"Ning Fan!"


The black-faced man was startled, looked at him deeply, and said softly: "From now on, you will be promoted to the rank of officer!"

"Thank you, General!"

Ning Fan was a little surprised that the system rewarded him with 100 merit points for a small promotion.

"What about you?"

"My name is Dian Wei!"

"Not bad!"

The black-faced general squeezed out a kind smile on his face, patted Dian Wei's shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "With your bravery, it won't take long for you to become famous!"

"Thank you, General!"

Dian Wei smiled honestly, and the black-faced general glanced around and said loudly: "Quickly collect the spoils, bring some dry food for cattle and sheep, and continue marching!"



Accompanied by a shout, the Fengzi Camp set out again and marched towards the vast snowfield.

"Second Master, who taught you martial arts?"



Ning Fan smiled and used the system's detection technique to check the personal attributes of these guys. Zhao Huaiyuan and Su Chi's martial arts values ​​were similar, and they barely entered the second-rate realm!

And Liu Yuan's martial arts value actually reached 87 points, just three points away from the top ranks!

Because Li Yan of the Jingguo Mansion had fought on the battlefield for three years, his martial arts value had entered the top ranks early, reaching 92 points!

What surprised Ning Fan the most was the eldest son of the Minister of War Ji Sui, Ji Wuyi!

His martial arts value was actually 95 points!

You know, since he crossed over, he has encountered very few local masters!

And like Ji Wuyi, who has reached 95 points in martial arts at the age of twenty, it is unprecedented!

If he is well trained, he will definitely be a peerless general in time!

"System, check my property page!"

[Name]: Ning Fan

[Merit Points]: 880

[Reputation Points]: 32990

[Identity]: The second most popular prince of the Dayu Dynasty, the pillar of the Xuanyong Palace, the robber leader of the Jinyiwei, the nemesis of corrupt officials, and the close partner of Fengxianglou...

[Power]: Jinyiwei (directly affiliated) Hell (under the command) Eighteen Riders of Yanyun (personal servants)

[Military power]: 92

[Intelligence]: 84

[Command]: 76

[Politics]: 71

[Magic weapons]: Lielong Soul-breaking Spear, Xuanyuan Sword

[Mount]: Purple Lightning Flying Dragon

[Skills]: Photographic memory, calligraphy (master level) Hidden weapons (grandmaster level) Gentle and elegant (temperament) Cooking (master level)

[Items]: Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Suoyang Gujing Pills, Jinkui Shenqi Pills, Wuzi Yanzong Pills, Quenching Ancient formula, salt purification method, ancient winemaking process, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-Six Stratagems, potato seeds*1000, sweet potato seeds*1000, curved plow manufacturing drawings, one soldier summoning card

[Special Skills]: Thirteen Deadly Spears (First Style Grandmaster, Second Style Great Master...), Leaf Flying Flower Picking (Beginner)

[Summoning Talents]: Dian Wei, Shen Wansan, Qin Qiong, Zhuan Zhu*, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Yue Fei, Gao Shun, Chen Gong, Xu Chu

[Summoning Soldiers]: Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, Xianzhen Camp

Ning Fan showed a hint of contemplation on his face after seeing his attributes. Now he has also entered the threshold of top-level generals, and the prompt of force value is also extremely difficult!

At this level, every bit of improvement is extremely difficult!

And this time, the trip to the southern border is a great opportunity!

If you can't practice peerless, then kill a peerless general!




The sound of horse hooves rang out, and a black line appeared in the distant sky, galloping towards the direction of Fengziying!

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