"Not good!"

The expressions of the soldiers of the Phoenix Camp all changed, and they looked in one direction suddenly. The black-faced general's face had completely darkened.

The dark cavalry was like a moving black cloud, which made them breathless!

The tens of thousands of cavalry galloping, the overwhelming momentum, even a few miles apart, can give people a strong sense of suffocation!

"Brothers, turn your horses around!"

"Charge towards the valley!"

The black-faced general shouted loudly, and more than 600 cavalrymen of the Phoenix Camp turned their horses around and rushed towards the valley they came from!

Ning Fan's eyes showed a hint of doubt. Where did these cavalrymen come from? Could it be that their whereabouts were leaked?


"This is not a solution!"

"We are carrying baggage and food. If we keep running like this, they will catch up with us sooner or later!"

Ning Fan rode his horse to the side of the black-faced general and said loudly: "Let the soldiers leave the spoils and baggage behind and only take one day's rations!"


The black-faced general did not hesitate and immediately ordered the soldiers to leave the baggage they had just seized!

"General, has our army set out?"

"According to the time, our main force should be on the way!"


Ning Fan immediately took out a flute from his arms and blew it. Not long after, a small spirit pigeon landed on his shoulder.

"You are..."

The black-faced man beside him saw this and his face suddenly became serious. Ning Fan raised his lips slightly and whispered: "Since we have bumped into them, we can't let them go!"

"It should be a coincidence that these cavalrymen bumped into us!"

"In other words, they don't know the news of our southern expedition. It is better to join forces with the main army and completely take down this cavalry!"

While Ning Fan galloped on his horse, he took out a small piece of paper from his sleeve, put it in his palm, bought a charcoal pencil from the system mall, and stuffed the written note into the letter box of the spirit pigeon!


Watching the spirit pigeon fly away, the black-faced general did not stop it. He looked at Ning Fan with a little more respect in his eyes and whispered: "The army is coming, I'm afraid it's too late!"

"Let's go to that col first!"


More than 600 riders began to rush all the way on the snowy plain. The tens of thousands of cavalrymen followed like a dog-skin plaster that could not be shaken off!

"Damn it, brothers, are we going to die here?"

"Tens of thousands of barbarians are chasing after a few hundred of us, how shameless!"

Zhao Huaiyuan cursed as he ran, looking back from time to time, with a hint of anger on his face.

"What are you afraid of? These guys may not be able to catch up with us!"

"I'm so unlucky. I encountered a life-and-death crisis on the first battlefield!"

"Did our whereabouts get leaked?"

Li Yan shook his head slightly and said softly: "It shouldn't be. Although the ancient country of the Southern Barbarians is one, the tribes are not harmonious!"

"The news of our southern expedition should not have been passed on yet. It should be a coincidence that we met this cavalry!"

"In this case, it's a blind cat meeting a dead mouse!"

Zhao Huaiyuan was a little tearful. Looking at a valley that gradually appeared in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said: "If it doesn't work, fight these barbarians!"

The soldiers of the Fengzi Camp rushed directly into the valley, while the cavalry gradually stopped outside the valley and surrounded the entire valley entrance!

"This group of two-legged sheep dared to go deep into my Barbarian God Grassland!"

"Hahaha, they are really courting death. This valley is a dead end!"

"As long as we surround this place, they will not be able to escape!"

Under the Barbarian flag, a bearded man laughed heartily, and several generals beside him were excited.

"General, our mission is to plunder!"

"Don't delay here for too long, otherwise, once your whereabouts are exposed, I'm afraid Dayu will be on guard!"

"What's the hurry!"

The bearded man smiled disdainfully and said softly: "It's just a few hundred two-legged sheep waiting to be slaughtered. How long can it take!"

"Pass my order, send a thousand cavalry, rush in and take them down!"


The Barbarian general gave an order, and a thousand-man team immediately rushed into the valley.

Ning Fan and his party stopped in the valley, looking at the barbarian cavalry rushing in, with a sneer on their lips: "Brothers, here come those who are going to die!"

"Hahaha, it's just a team of a thousand people, this is too much of a disdain for our brothers!"

"Brothers, kill them, we won't lose today!"

"Kill them!"

The black-faced general raised his long sword and took the lead in killing the cavalry rushing in. Ning Fan and Dian Wei looked at each other, and immediately raised the Fiery Dragon Soul-breaking Spear and followed closely behind!

"Hehe, this time we can kill happily again!"

Dian Wei simply turned over and dismounted, holding a large double halberd, and was actually one step faster than the cavalry. In a few breaths, he had already charged to the front!

"What a fierce man!"


"Just don't know what the origin of this person next to His Highness is!"

Su Chi and others whispered softly, silently raised their weapons, and charged forward with the team!


Ji Wuyi and Ning Fan rode out almost at the same time, holding their spears horizontally, and directly knocked down the three or five cavalrymen who were charging towards them!



Ning Fan waved his hand, and dozens of cold rays shot out from his sleeves, sweeping towards the cavalrymen who were charging in front, and in an instant, figures fell off their horses one after another!


Ji Wuyi had a look of shock on his face, took a deep look at Ning Fan, and then went to kill him with a gun!

"Come on, let's compete and see which of us can kill more!"


Dian Wei laughed, responded, and slammed his halberds, sending a barbarian flying and knocking down a group of others!

"Take me one!"

The black-faced general appeared behind the three of them at some point, and shouted lowly. The sword in his hand was also very powerful!

"Hahaha, okay!"

Ning Fan smiled heartily, Ji Wuyou glanced at him and said softly: "And me!"

"And us!"

Zhao Huaiyuan and others also chased from behind to the front. Ning Fan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said softly: "Whoever kills the least will wash the socks of the soldiers when they get back!"

"It's a deal!"

"Ha ha, alright!"

For a moment, the fear that filled the hearts of the surrounding soldiers receded a lot. Ning Fan swept across with a gun in one hand, and kept shooting out hidden weapons with the other!

In just a few short encounters, more than ten barbarians died under Ning Fan's hidden weapon!


"Second Master, you cheated!"

"Why are you carrying a concealed weapon?"

Zhao Huaiyuan couldn't help but be stunned as he watched Ning Fan continuously throwing out unknown hidden weapons, harvesting the heads of barbarians like wheat!

"Hahaha, who said concealed weapons are no longer allowed!"

"You can do it, come on too!"

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