After a bloody battle, the barbarian cavalry of a thousand men had been killed and routed. On the other hand, the soldiers of the Fengzi Camp, although everyone was injured, were all in high spirits and in high spirits!

"It's so satisfying, so damn satisfying!"

"These beasts are not as powerful as the rumors say, they all have two shoulders supporting one head!"

"Hahaha, Second Master, how many did you kill?"

Zhao Huaiyuan laughed, with a bit of complacency on his face, looking at Ning Fan and asked.

"Not many, only fifty-seven!"

Ning Fan replied with a smile, and Zhao Huaiyuan, who was drinking from the kettle, suddenly spit out a mouthful of water: "How many...more?"

"Only fifty-seven!"


Several second-generations looked at each other in an instant, and even Ji Wuyi raised his eyebrows, revealing a touch of surprise, and the old soldiers next to him were even more admiring!

"You look innocent, but you are so swift and decisive!"

"This kid is really good at using hidden weapons. He killed at least a dozen barbarians with that wave of flying needles!"


Listening to the praises from all around, Ning Fan shook his head slightly and looked towards the direction of the pass. The current situation is not optimistic!

The black-faced general seemed to have noticed something, his face darkened, and he came to Ning Fan.

"Boy, can the reinforcements come?"

"I don't know!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly and said softly: "I can ensure that the news will be passed to the hands of the Zhenguo Army, but I don't know how far they are from us now!"

"Whether they can arrive in time is still uncertain!"

The black-faced general also fell into silence, looking in the direction of the pass, and said softly: "Boy, don't be afraid, even if we all die, we will send you out safely!"


Ning Fan frowned slightly and said lightly: "What are you talking about!"

The black-faced general rarely showed a smile on his face, and clenched the long sword in his hand: "I know that people with the surname Ning are not afraid of death on the battlefield, but you are more valuable than us... Since you have joined our army, you can't let you die here..."

"Brothers, are you afraid?"


A weak voice sounded, and everyone was startled, and many people laughed directly, and the atmosphere was also much more lively!

"Who said I'm afraid?"

"Stand up for me!"

"Damn it, there has never been a coward in my Fengzi Camp!"


The black-faced general seemed to have been stepped on by someone, and he jumped up and cursed. His tiger eyes swept around and fell on a ruffian. He raised his foot and kicked him.

"Damn it, it turns out that you are the one who is teasing the men!"


The man smiled foolishly, took out a pancake from his arms, took a bite, and said while chewing: "General, we have killed no less than two thousand barbarians today!"

"You asked the brothers if they are afraid, isn't this taking off your pants and farting!"

"If there are really people who are afraid, why would they run here!"

"Is that right, brothers?"

The old man shouted, and there were echoes. The black-faced general also found it funny. He grinned and frowned again: "Who the hell asked you guys?"

"I'm asking these new recruits!"

"These idiots just killed more fiercely than you, you asked Are they afraid... "


Everyone laughed, and a young man in white leather armor strode forward and said in a deep voice: "General, this valley is a dead spot, surrounded by cliffs!"

"Now tens of thousands of troops from the ancient southern barbarian country have blocked the entrance to the valley. If we don't find a way, it won't be long before the barbarian army will swarm in!"

"Just now they underestimated the enemy, so they sent a thousand cavalry!"

"Next time, I'm afraid it will be a huge army and a cavalry attack!"

The speaker was Ning Rulai, a young talent who looked like a jade-faced scholar. At this time, he was wearing armor, which made him less delicate, but more heroic!

"What the Tathagata said is right!"

Ning Fan nodded in agreement and said thoughtfully: "We only have less than 600 remaining soldiers now, and our brothers are all injured!"

"To resist the barbarians' army..."

Ning Fan paused, and the faces of the soldiers around him all darkened. Although they all said they were not afraid, when the breath of death really hit them!

No one can remain calm and indifferent!

"What are you afraid of? Fight your way out!"

"Only fight to the death!"

"Yes, let's fight to the death!"

The old soldiers showed a carefree look on their faces. One of them, a white-haired old man, said, "I have followed the commander in the north and south. What kind of battles have I not seen?"

"In the past, we defended the territory and protected the people. We couldn't help but look ahead and behind!"

"Now I, Dayu, am conquering the outside world to expand the territory. Even if we die, my 200,000 soldiers can avenge us and kill our hatred!"

Listening to the old soldier's words, the soldiers stood up, tightly grasped the swords and spears in their hands, and shouted, "General, fight these barbarians!"

"You can't fight!"

The black-faced general shook his head and subconsciously glanced at Ning Fan. The soldiers around him all looked suspicious: "Why?"

"Now we are surrounded and there is no way we can survive..."


Ning Fan took a step forward and whispered: "Now our main force is on the way. As long as the army arrives, we can wrap up these tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry!"

"If we die, these barbarians will definitely retreat, and then our army will miss a chance to fight!"

"So, the most important thing for us now is to delay time!"

Ning Fan directly took off the standard armor on his body, fumbled in his bag, and took out the Taotie Baoxuan armor. Seeing this, Dian Wei stepped forward to put on the armor for him!

"Hiss, what a heavy armor!"

"Good armor!"

"Brother Ning, where did you get such a good set of armor?"

Ning Fan smiled lightly, without explaining, put two fingers into his mouth and whistled, only to hear a horse neighing, and the purple lightning chasing wind galloped from the mountains and forests!

"This is... such a handsome horse!"

"Purple hair?"


"Ning boy, what are you doing..."

Looking at the surprised eyes of the soldiers around him, Ning Fan grinned and said lightly: "Brothers, let's open your eyes today!"

"E Lai!"


"Let's go and challenge the barbarians!"


For a moment, the figures looked at each other, and even the black-faced general was stunned!

Ning Fan looked at the rows of gloomy iron cavalry in the distance, surging over like a tidal wave, and whispered: "Everyone, I promise you that I will definitely take you back alive!"


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