Hearing Ning Fan's powerful words, the black-faced general was also shocked, and immediately stood up and followed Ning Fan's side: "From now on, all members of the Phoenix Camp will obey Ning Fan's orders!"


All the soldiers looked stern, obviously respecting the black-faced general very much, and naturally they would not change their words to his!


"Does the Feng camp have my Dayu dragon flag?"

Ning Fan looked around, and the black-faced general was startled. He said softly: "My Feng camp is the vanguard camp of the national defense army, and we always have the Dayu dragon flag!"

"But according to the military system, it cannot be raised unless the commander-in-chief is present or the first battle is a great victory!"

"Raise the dragon flag!"

Ning Fan spoke directly, and at the same time winked at Ning Rulai who was not far away. The latter nodded slightly and stepped forward: "Dayu Imperial Family Qin Wang Mansion, Ning Rulai is here!"

"Dayu Imperial Family?"

"Hiss, this person is actually from the royal family?"

"Greetings to the little prince!"

"Greetings to the little prince!"

All the members of the Feng camp, including the black-faced general, knelt down and saluted Ning Rulai, and looked at Ning Fan from time to time.

This person who has the same surname as the emperor, what is his identity?

The dragon flag was slowly hung on the flagpole. Ning Rulai personally held up the dragon flag, and a battalion of soldiers pressed towards the iron cavalry of the Southern Barbarians!

"Elai, go up and challenge!"


Dian Wei heard Ning Fan's order, without any fear on his face, picked up a pair of halberds and rushed towards the army of the Barbarians, shouting like thunder: "Barbarians, do you dare to fight your grandfather Dian?"




The black-faced general led the soldiers of the Phoenix Battalion to roar, and for a moment, tens of thousands of Barbarians stopped their offensive!

"Are these two-legged sheep challenging us?"

"Hahaha, a few hundred remnants of the army dare to challenge us against tens of thousands of our barbarians?"

"I have to admire the courage of these Yu soldiers!"

The bearded man had a cold look in his eyes and a bit of rage on his face. He said calmly: "The army, press forward and grind these two-legged sheep into meat paste!"


"General, look!" A lieutenant general pointed in the direction of the Fengzi Camp and shouted: "That's the Dayu Dragon Flag!"


The bearded man He raised his arm immediately, with a gleam of excitement in his eyes: "It's really Dayu's Dragon Flag!"

"Could it be that there is Dayu's royal family in this remnant army?"


"God really helps me!"

The bearded man laughed wildly in an instant, looked at the generals next to him and said: "Who dares to go up and take down this black-faced man for me!?"

"General, I am willing to go!"

"Okay, you go!"

Tan Tai Ying Xin held a copper spear and rode towards the center of the battlefield, with a bloodthirsty luster on his face.

The blood in his body was completely boiling. If he could seize the Dayu Dragon Flag, or even capture Dayu's royal family alive!

Then he would be the first warrior of the tribe!

The girls in the tribe would rush to throw themselves into his arms. Thinking of this, Tan Tai Ying Xin drove his warhorse and increased his speed again!

"Weak two-legged sheep!"

"I don't know who gave you the courage to come to this sacred land!"

"But today, you met me..."

With a sinister smile, Tan Tai Ying Xin swung the bronze spear in his hand towards Dian Wei. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the head of the black-faced man rolling down!

But, the next second, a flying halberd suddenly flew out of the sleeve of the black-faced man!


A touch of blood bloomed on his chest, and a small flying halberd suddenly pierced into his heart. Just a face-to-face, Tan Tai Ying Xin's body fell directly off the horse!


"Brother Dian is mighty!"

"Hahaha, trash barbarian, that's all you can do!"

The soldiers of the Fengzi Camp were all shocked, laughed out loud, and mocked without any hesitation.

"General, Tan Tai Ying Xin... is dead!"

"I am not blind!"

Tan Tai Yun Mu glared at him fiercely and said angrily: "Go, skin this black-faced man alive!"

"After capturing the royal family of Dayu, I will celebrate your success!"


Four figures rode out in a row and charged towards Dian Wei!

"Second Master!"

Ji Wuyi, Li Yan and even the black-faced general were ready to take action. Ning Fan shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, Dian Wei can handle it!"

Ning Fan's face was filled with confidence. With Dian Wei's martial arts, his peak was infinitely close to that of a peerless general. There was really no pressure to deal with a few young barbarian generals!

However, if these four were killed, I am afraid that the barbarian general would overturn the table!

"Old Zhao, I hope you don't let me down!"


On the snowy plain not far away, Zhao Changying led the army to run wildly, and Su Xuan and Liu Fengping also had a solemn look on their faces.

After receiving Ning Fan's news, the three dukes all looked horrified. They didn't expect that these guys were actually in the Feng Camp.

Now that they were being held captive by tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry, if something unexpected really happened, half of Dayu's world would collapse!

"Damn, how could it be such a coincidence?"

"Why did these bastards gather together?"

"Hurry up!"

Zhao Changying shouted loudly while riding his horse. Liu Fengping also looked worried and said softly: "They only have more than 600 people. Facing tens of thousands of barbarian troops, can they really wait until we arrive?"

"must be able to!"

Zhao Changying's tiger eyes revealed a glint, and he said in a deep voice: "With that person here, everything will be fine!"

Su Xuan exhaled hot air and said: "Old Zhao, besides the kid from our three families and that one, who else is there in Fengzi Camp?"

Hearing Su Xuan's question, Liu Fengping on the side said solemnly: "The eldest son of Ji from the Ministry of War, Ji Wuyi!"

"The only son of the Xie family from the Ministry of Industry, thank you!"

"Jingguo Duke's Mansion, Li Yan!"

"Prince Qin's Mansion...Ning Rulai!"

"There are also some second-rate nobles, more than ten of them!"

Su Xuan looked shocked for a moment, with an expression of disbelief: "How could it be?"

"Why did they get together? What on earth is the Ministry of War doing?"

"Is it possible that they are all going for that person?"

The three of them fell into silence, and the army rushed towards the mountain col marked on the map!

"How long will it take for us to reach that col?"

"It's more than ten miles away!"

"Send my order to the general and speed up the march!"



On the other side of the snowfield, outside the mountain col, eighteen ghostly figures were running across the vast snowfield.

They wore ferocious masks on their faces and long boots on their feet. There was a long rope tied to the back of each horse, which tied up each... barbarian head!


When they came to a steep slope of the mountain col, all eighteen horses were riding. Looking at the black cavalry below, the leading knight in cold clothes slowly took out a bone flute!

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