"General Dian is so powerful. He can suppress four people with one. He is simply a god general in the world!"

"Didn't you notice?"

"General Dian has been fighting cavalry with infantry from beginning to end!"

As soon as Ji Wuyi finished speaking, Dian Wei swept across with double halberds, directly cutting the two people off their horses, and then took advantage of the situation to strike back, and another head fell!

"Hahaha, a bunch of jumping clowns, dare to be presumptuous in front of your grandfather Dian!"


After harvesting the last head, Dian Wei showed a contemptuous smile on his face, and pointed the tip of the halberd at the barbarian cavalry not far away: "Can you send a few capable ones?"

"Don't send some cats and dogs to die!"

"A bunch of cowardly rats!"

Listening to Dian Wei's sarcastic words, Tan Tai Yunmu's face was gloomy, and his hands tightly grasped the spear. The only rationality told him that he couldn't go up!

"Who, go and capture this official for me?"

"After returning, I will reward you with 100 beautiful women and 1,000 taels of gold!"

Tan Tai Yun Mu seemed to be really angry, and he directly issued a reward. He looked at the generals beside him and spoke gloomily.

"General... General!"

"This man has extraordinary martial arts. Ordinary generals may not be his enemy. In my opinion, let the army charge directly!"

"We have been delayed here for a long time!"

A thin man whispered, and the anger in Tan Tai Yun Mu's eyes gradually faded a little, and he slowly raised the spear in his hand!

"My men!"

"This group of damn ants killed more than a thousand warriors of my barbarian tribe!"

"Charge forward and tear them apart!"


With an order, tens of thousands of cavalrymen behind him rushed towards the mouth of the col. Ning Fan listened to the sound of the bone flute coming from the hillside, and his expression immediately condensed.

"System, exchange a peerless general summoning card for me!"

"Congratulations, master, the exchange is successful!"


Ning Fan used the peerless general summoning card without hesitation. Now he still has a military summoning card in his hand, but he doesn't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary!

"Congratulations, master, you got the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms - Ran Min!"

"Ran Min?"

Ning Fan's face was stern. It was another general he was familiar with. He fought in the south and the north all his life. At that time, the Five Barbarians were invading China. Ran Min saved hundreds of millions of Han people from fire and water with a roll of the Killing Hu Order!

I didn't expect that this person would be summoned into the world!

"System, where is Ran Min now?"

"Reporting to the master, Ran Min will arrive at the battlefield within half an hour!"


Ning Fan showed a touch of joy on his face. Looking at the barbarian cavalry galloping in the distance, he slowly raised his spear and played a bone flute at his mouth!


"Our reinforcements will arrive soon. Do you dare to follow me and charge into this army of 10,000 people?"



Angry roars rang out, and the less than 600 men in the Fengzi Camp seemed to be aroused by the blood in their bodies. They held their spears tightly, regardless of the biting cold wind!



Ning Fan slapped his horse hard, and the purple lightning dragon under his crotch let out a long neigh, like a purple lightning, and suddenly rushed out.


Ning Fan killed his way out with the momentum of thousands of troops, and hundreds of cavalrymen followed closely behind him. Ji Wuyi and others were all guarding him carefully.

"Haha, you dare to charge us?"

"How ridiculous!"

"Men, rush over and tear them apart!"

For a moment, the cavalrymen of the Tantai tribe all roared excitedly and strangled Ning Fan and his party!

The dull sound of horse hooves trampled on the snow, the biting cold wind penetrated the armor and pierced the skin, and the ice and snow like blades hit the face.

Even so, in the battlefield where they kept charging, no knight stopped the offensive!

Even if there were only more than 500 people, facing enemies dozens of times more, there was no fear on their faces, and there was a touch of determination in their eyes!

Even if they knew that they could not stop the enemy's charge!

"Longing for you, longing for you, short longing for you, endless!"

"The first shot, longing for you!"

Ning Fan stood upright on the horse's back, and took advantage of the situation to charge a shot. When he charged in front of the formation, he suddenly stabbed out with a shot. The heavy gun force was like a swimming dragon, fiercely impacting the formation of the barbarian cavalry!


With a stab, more than ten barbarian cavalry were blown away by this terrible gun force, and the man in black armor jumped directly.

"How much love is there in a one-night stand? The corner of the earth and the world are not long."

"The second shot, heartbroken!"

When Ning Fan's second shot was stabbed out, the whole person was as light as a swallow, traversing among the thousands of troops, as if entering an unmanned area. Under the piercing of the long spear, many barbarian cavalry were directly pierced through the heart!

"Seeing is false, hearing is true, three fingers blind shot."

"The third shot, blind dragon!"

With this shot, the shadow of the gun in Ning Fan's hand seemed to transform into a winding dragon. The soldiers of the Fengzi Camp behind him were all shocked, and even forgot to attack, just staring at Ning Fan's shot!


With a low shout, Ning Fan's whole person directly spun horizontally in the air, holding the gun with both hands, and stabbed straight at a general in the barbarian army.


Accompanied by a muffled groan, the barbarian general was unable to resist after all, and was directly shot through the throat by Ning Fan!


"General Ning is awesome!"

"Take the enemy's head out of ten thousand troops. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today!"

"Hahaha, I will die with no regrets!"

All the old soldiers looked excited and laughed loudly. Their eyes accidentally glanced in one direction, and the laughter stopped suddenly.

"Look quickly?"

A veteran suddenly stopped his offensive and pointed in one direction.

"This is……"

"A cavalry group...is charging at the barbarian army?"


"What's the origin? There seem to be only a dozen or so figures?"

At this moment, not only the soldiers of Fengzi Camp were attracted by the figures of more than ten cavalry, but even many barbarian cavalry looked sideways, with a look of shock on their faces!


"don't want!"


I saw only those eighteen people, wearing masks on their heads, carrying long bows on their backs, holding scimitars in their hands, riding horses and galloping among the troops, like moving ghosts!

Wherever he passed, there were wailings and wailings, and where the soldiers pointed, heads rolled down!

The eighteen of them were like masters on the battlefield, no matter how many troops and horses surrounded them, they could not stop them.

"Devils, these damn devils~!"

"Where did they come from?"

"Back off, back off, back off!"

Eighteen people rushed all the way, but for just a short moment, no one of the thousands of barbarian troops around them dared to rush forward, and even unconsciously avoided it and made way for them to come out!


"Who told you to retreat? Come on!"

"Kill them!"

Tantai Yunmu's eyes were full of cold murderous intent. He looked at the eighteen black clothes and said angrily: "What are you afraid of? I have tens of thousands of cavalry. Is it possible that I can still be killed by these more than ten monsters?" Is it done?”


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