Ning Fan saw eighteen figures in the battle formation, and immediately stood on horseback with guns. The sound of the bone flute sounded, and eighteen figures turned their horses' heads and charged towards him!

"Second Master... this cavalry is..."

Zhao Huaiyuan looked at Ning Fan putting away the bone flute and asked with some stammering.

"Yanyun Eighteen Riders, a personal servant under my command!"


Zhao Huaiyuan and others all changed their expressions, and there was a touch of awe in their eyes when they looked at Ning Fan.

Such a terrible cavalry, even a ghost-like existence, turned out to be just a personal servant under the command of His Highness?

It's so hidden!


"Follow me to kill!"

Seeing that the Yanyun Eighteen Riders crossed thousands of troops in just a few breaths and came to Ning Fan, he shouted immediately!

"Meet the Lord!"

Eighteen people stood on horseback together and bowed respectfully!

"Open the way ahead and kill them!"


The eighteen people responded softly, and immediately controlled their mounts, turning their heads together and heading back to the way they came.


Accompanied by the hoarse roar of the leading man, the eighteen riders once again launched an offensive against the dark barbarian army!

Now, Tan Tai Yunmu also personally stepped forward to command and came to the forefront of the two armies!

"Stop them for me!"

"If you let one go, I will never let you go!"


Tan Tai Yunmu raised his spear and took the lead to kill the eighteen riders of Yanyun. Ning Fan raised his eyebrows instantly and whispered: "Dian Wei, Wuyi, find a chance to take this man down!"


The two nodded together and rushed towards the direction of Tan Tai Yunmu. Ning Fan looked at the blood dripping from the tip of the spear, and his eyes became cold again!

"The universe is flowing under the sky, the moon is like a hook, it's hard to ask for anything else."

"The fourth shot, Fengliu!"

Ning Fan turned his body over, and the whole person seemed to fall off the horse accidentally, but just as his toes touched the ground, the Fierce Dragon Soul-breaking Spear swept along and directly swept down many barbarians!


"Dayu's National Defense Army is here!"

"Barbarians, die!"

A roar suddenly came from afar, accompanied by the deafening sound of horses' hooves, the momentum was several times greater than the galloping of the barbarians!

"Reinforcements are coming!"

"It's the flag of my National Defense Army!"

"Haha, great, my dad and the others are here!"

Zhao Huaiyuan's face was also overjoyed in an instant, showing a sense of pleasure like surviving a disaster, looking at the people next to him and said: "Brothers, the reinforcements are here, let's kill these barbarians together!"


The old soldiers of the Fengzi Camp were like chicken blood, following closely behind the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, killing all the way to the periphery!

At this time, Tan Tai Yun Mu looked at the black mass of Dayu's cavalry and the enemy troops with flags flying and stretching for miles, and felt dizzy!

"How is it possible?"

"How could Dayu's cavalry appear here?"

"Dayu is attacking?"

Tan Tai Yun Mu looked a little dazed, and suddenly a long halberd swept across, making him suddenly come back to his senses. He hurriedly blocked the attack and saw a black-faced man holding a halberd and killing him!

"It's you!"

Tan Tai Yun Mu's face suddenly showed anger. Wasn't this black-faced man the one who killed several of his generals in a row when they were fighting just now?

"My men, there are no warriors in my barbarian army who are afraid of death!"

"The great barbarian god will welcome us on the grasslands of the divine world!"

"Raise your swords and guns, and follow me to kill!"

Tan Tai Yunmu did not have too much entanglement with Dian Wei, but looked at the followers behind him and shouted: "Follow me to kill!"


The barbarian riders seemed to be aroused by the desire to survive. Facing the siege of several times the number of Dayu soldiers, they did not stop at all and directly launched a charge!

"Haha, overestimating your own abilities!"

Zhao Changying sat quietly in the center. On the left was a man with a gun, with a heroic look on his face, a wise luster in his eyes, and a calm general style on his body!

On the right stood a burly man holding two maces, with a sharp and stern look between his eyebrows, and his eyes were bright, revealing a majesty that could not be concealed!

"Pengju, Shubao!"

"You guys fight this battle!"

Zhao Changying looked at the two men on the side, and simply gave up the right to fight, and handed the seal in his hand to Yue Fei: "Let the three of us old guys see what you can do!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Yue Fei's face became serious, and after taking the seal, he said in a concentrated voice: "All generals, listen to my orders!"


"Heavy armor soldiers, defend them!"

"Archers, throw!"

"Make a hole, let them rush out!"


Yue Fei gave an order, and the generals below went down to convey the order and arrange the troops.

Soon, a team of heavy armored shield soldiers directly held shields to block the front of the barbarian cavalry charge, trying to resist the offensive of the barbarian cavalry!

Thousands of arrows were thrown at the barbarian cavalry, and Zhao Changying and the other two stood on a small hillside, nodding frequently, with admiration on their faces!

"Pass my order, and block the space for the barbarian army to move."

"The cavalry will strangle the barbarian army from both wings!"


Yue Fei's face was full of confidence, and his calmness impressed many generals. His calmness in arranging troops and battle formations revealed his superb military accomplishment!

"Pile some stones and wood at the mouth of the pass!"

"Send an archer to ambush in advance!"

"Once the barbarian cavalry finds the opening we reserved, they will definitely do their best to break out of the encirclement!"

While Yue Fei was speaking, he jumped on his horse, looked at the battle formation, and whispered: "Three generals, my plan has been set, now go and pick up His Highness!"

As soon as the voice fell, he and Qin Qiong jumped on their horses, glanced at Xu Chu not far away, and whispered: "Zhongkang, follow me to break through the formation!"


Xu Chu also responded, and the three led a team of cavalry and rushed towards Ning Fan!

Outside the battle formation, only one man and one horse were seen flying over. This person was wearing black armor and holding two long-pole magic weapons in his hands. The dull sound of horse hooves sounded, and he kept rushing towards the barbarian army!



Even if it was just one man and one horse, it attracted the attention of many people. This person was nine feet tall, burly, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a hint of murderous intent on his body!

"Who is this?"

"He doesn't look like a soldier in my Dayu army!"

"Could it be a barbarian general?"

As soon as Zhao Changying finished speaking, he saw that man directly passed Dayu's army formation, raised his hook halberd and swept towards a barbarian soldier!


The hook halberd swung directly in the air and made a circle. More than ten barbarian heads rolled down, but the man's expression did not change at all, and he charged on his own!


A hook halberd, a double-edged spear, a man and a horse, broke through the army of 10,000 people, and there was no stagnation. Hundreds of people rushed up to block them, but they didn't stop for a moment...

Yue Fei seemed to have noticed the figure in the crowd. Looking at the two weapons in the man's hands, his expression changed instantly: "Holding a hook halberd in the left hand and a double-edged spear in the right hand, this person is not..."

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