"King Wu Dao!"

"Ran Min!"

Yue Fei's eyes were fixed on the flying figure on horseback, and he couldn't help but show a deep respect!

This man was born in the most chaotic era, but he left a strong mark on that turbulent era!

He once led his army of beggars to fight in the south and north, fight against the Wuhu, and save the Han Dynasty, which was about to collapse like a building!

Although it is impossible to verify the existence of Killing Hu Ling, no one can deny his contribution to the Han people!

"I didn't expect that this person actually entered the world!"

"A peerless warrior comparable to the ancient overlord!"

Yue Fei sighed with emotion, and Xu Chu and Qin Qiong on the side looked at him in surprise: "Pengju, do you know that person?"

"Have heard a little bit!"


A look of surprise appeared on Xu Chu's face, and he murmured: "Are you from me, Dayu?"

I saw the man in the battle formation, the hook halberd in his hand had turned scarlet, and the tip of the double-edged spear was dripping with blood.

Even though there were tens of thousands of people resisting in front of him, it was still difficult to stop him. Behind him, corpses lay everywhere on the ground, as if accompanied by the cries of the innocent souls!


Ran Min gave a long shout, and the war horse jumped suddenly. Ran Min's two weapons turned into countless afterimages, strangled in all directions!

Along with the screams, there was no one alive within three feet around!

A vacuum belt formed directly around the whole body.

"Too cruel!"

"Hiss, with such force, I am afraid that no one among the generals in Yu's army can be his rival!"

"Awesome, more terrifying than the one next to His Highness!"

There was a sparkle in Zhao Changying's eyes, and he was very curious at the same time. This person was not from Dayu's army. Why did he come here?

"Damn, that guy is so fierce!"

"Second Master, look!"

Zhao Huaiyuan also noticed Ran Min's figure and immediately exclaimed!

Ning Fan swept a barbarian off his horse, looked in one direction, his face suddenly condensed, and he said with some surprise: "Ran Min!"

"Second Master, do you know him?"


Ning Fan nodded with a smile, and while riding his horse to charge out, he said: "Like Dian Wei, he is also a guard by my side!"


After hearing Ning Fan's words, the expressions of Zhao Huaiyuan and others around him froze, and their eyes couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Ran Min again, showing a look of deep shock!

First, the mysterious 18th Cavalry penetrated the formation of tens of thousands of barbarian troops, and now there is a peerless general, one man and one cavalry, charging in from the outside!

Are they all here for King Xuan Yong?


In just a few breaths, Ran Min rode his horse all the way and came to Ning Fan's side without any obstruction. He turned over and dismounted respectfully and saluted!

"Yong Zeng, there is no need to be polite on the battlefield!"

"Kill out first and then talk!"


Ran Min nodded slightly, glanced around, got on his horse, and said loudly: "Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he charged directly in front of Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry, raised his hooked halberd in his hand, and shouted: "Follow me and charge!"


A cold word of "kill" came out of his mouth, directly leading Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry and Feng Ziying to kill in the direction of Dayu's main force!

"Damn it!"

"Where did these people come from?"


Tantai Yunmu's face was ashen, and at the same time he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Now that the war situation has developed to this point, it is no longer under his control!

Not to mention whether they can break out of Dayu's encirclement, even the hundreds of remaining soldiers who are now surrounded by them are no longer at his discretion!

"General, leave quickly, we will cover you and fight out!"

Several soldiers tried their best to block the offensive of Dian Wei and others, while shouting hoarsely at Tantai Yunmu.


"I am the commander-in-chief of the three armies. If all the soldiers are wiped out, how can I return to the tribe with no appearance?"

"All soldiers, follow me and fight out together!"

Tantai Yunmu hit Kaidianwei's halberd with all his strength, looked at the Nanman cavalry under his command, and shouted: "Kill!"

Seeing that Tantai Yunmu was about to lead his army to break out, even though Dian Weidang wanted to catch up and stop him, he was stopped by Yue Fei who had just arrived: "General Dian, don't chase!"

When Dian Wei saw Yue Fei and the others coming on horseback, his face showed a hint of joy: "Pengju, Zhongkang!"

"Hahaha, why is it you?"

"See my lord!"

Yue Fei, Qin Qiong and the others first bowed to Ning Fan, and then laughed and said, "After receiving the secret message from the lord, the three princes directly ordered their troops and horses, and galloped all the way to come for reinforcements!"

"Fortunately it came in time!"

"Haha!" Dian Wei laughed and said, "Yes, fortunately we arrived in time, otherwise the formation of these barbarians would have been penetrated by us!"

"Okay, let's stop talking and make peace with the Duke and the others first!"


After half a day of bloody battle, Ning Fan felt deeply exhausted at this moment. As Ran Min and others charged, they rushed all the way towards the col's entrance!

"Hey, how did you let them get out?"

"Where is our army?"

Zhao Huaiyuan watched the group of barbarians rushing toward the col's entrance with overwhelming force. He frowned slightly and looked away!

"Young Master, don't worry, the army has already prepared countermeasures!"

"Yes, since our main army has arrived, how can we let them escape?"

"Since ancient times, the imperial court's army should have an ambush outside the pass!"

This time, it was Li Yan who spoke. He had been on the battlefield in the northern border three years ago. In three years, under the training of Duke Jingguo, he was fully capable of standing on his own!

As soon as Li Yan finished speaking, he saw arrows flying all over the sky towards the barbarian cavalry charging in front!

Hundreds of southern barbarian cavalry fell to the ground with the rain of arrows, screaming, crying, and wailing!


Ran Min roared again, and the two fierce weapons in his hands had almost turned blood red!

The robes and armor on his body had long been stained with blood, and the whole person almost turned into a bloody man.

At this time, the barbarian cavalry was only concerned with retreating, and the pressure on Ning Fan's side was suddenly relieved.

"I didn't expect that we could actually fight our way out of the encirclement of tens of thousands of people alive!"

"Hahaha, I saved my life!"

"This is the first time I've had such a good fight!"

Some old soldiers in the Fengzi Camp were excited, looking at the fluttering Dayu army flag in the distance, and they were all very excited.

Tan Tai Yunmu led the army all the way to the pass, and saw that the 30,000 cavalry behind him had almost been reduced by half, and he couldn't help but feel a little painful.

"Dayu, I will definitely get back this account today!"

"Let's go!"

Tan Tai Yunmu looked back, waved his hand, and led the army to rush to the periphery.




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