There were sounds of piercing the air, and the crashing of bowstrings was heard from all directions, and countless arrows seemed to fall from the sky.

Tantai Yunmu's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted: "There is an ambush, hurry up, rush out together!"

Having said that, he immediately rode his horse to take the lead. After walking a few hundred meters, he saw the jumble of rocks and rolling trees in front of him and reined in his horse!

"Damn Yu people!"


"One day I will make you, Dayu, exterminate your race!"


An arrow hit his back. Tantai Yunmu let out a cry of pain and fell off his horse.


"Quick, the general has been hit by an arrow, cover the general's retreat!"

"Fight your way out!"

The fighting lasted until dusk, and the entire mountain col was dyed red, as if covered with a blood-red carpet.

The corpses were scattered all over the ground, and heavy snow like goose feathers was once again floating in the sky. This seemed to be the norm on the grassland.

"Commander, we have captured more than 25,000 riders in this battle!"

"More than a thousand riders escaped, and more than 3,000 of our troops died in the battle..."

An adjutant strode forward and reported the results of the battle to Zhao Changying. Su Xuan on the side laughed and said, "We won the first battle!"

"Place the bodies of the soldiers properly and march in half an hour!"


Ning Fan returned to camp with the soldiers of Fengzi Camp, and Ran Min also stayed with him. As for Yue Fei, Qin Qiong and others, they were discussing military plans in the commander's tent!

"System, check Ran Min's property page!"

"Master, please wait!"

【Name】: Ran Min

【Dynasty】: Ran Wei

[Loyalty]: Die loyal

[Force]: 104

[Intelligence]: 71



[Military Type]: Begging Army

[Magic Weapon]: Hook halberd, double-edged spear

[Mount]: Zhu Long

[Stunt skill]: King of Heaven cross choke

[Special Attributes]: Wu Dao Tian Wang (title attribute, force value +3) Zhu Yi (when leading the beggar army to fight against foreigners, the force value of his soldiers and horses will be +3, and morale will increase by 50%)

After reading Ran Min's attribute page, Ning Fan couldn't help but be surprised. The king's basic force value actually reached 104 points. If special attributes were included, it reached 107 points!

"He is worthy of being the most powerful person in the Sixteen Kingdoms regime!"

"One of the four most powerful men in history who killed a hundred people!"

"With a force value of 107 points, even if we look at the entire history of China, very few people can surpass it!"

Ning Fan glanced at the thick-browed man in front of him and took out the troop summoning card!

"System, use the troop summoning card!"

"Congratulations to the master, the use was successful and I obtained the Beggar Army*10000"

"It turns out to be a beggar army!"

There was a sparkle in Ning Fan's eyes. You must know that the troop summoning card randomly summons troops from history or romance.

Unexpectedly, he happened to summon the begging army under Ran Min!

Now it seems that it is even more powerful than a tiger!

"System, where is the beggar army now?"

"The host can come at a designated location!"


Ning Fan pondered for a moment, looked at Ran Min in front of him, and said softly: "Yong Zeng, I have a task for you to do!"

"My Lord, please give me your orders!"

"You hold this talisman..."

After Ning Fan whispered, Ran Min looked shocked, bowed respectfully, and strode away.

"Second Master, dinner is ready!"

Zhao Huaiyuan also shouted, personally brought the food to Ning Fan, sat down, and smiled: "Second Master, you have really opened the eyes of the brothers today!"

"Standing among thousands of armies, taking the enemy's head is like picking up an item from a bag!"

"From now on, I will be your loyal follower!"

Zhao Huaiyuan looked at Ning Fan with admiration on his face and eyes full of hope: "Second Master, can you teach me two moves of your marksmanship?"


Ning Fan had a look of amusement on his face and said with a smile: "If you want to learn my marksmanship, you must become my master!"

"Disciple pays homage to master!"

Several figures knelt down to Ning Fan almost at the same time and said in unison.


Seeing Zhao Huaiyuan, Su Chi and Liu Yuan all knelt down in front of him, Ning Fan's expression froze. After knowing each other for so many years, this was the first time he noticed that they were so thick-skinned!

"Ji Wuyi is also a master of marksmanship. Why don't the three of you go find him?"


"Boy Ji is so cold, he looks like an ice cube!"

"The most important thing is that his marksmanship is not as good as the second master's, hehe!"

Zhao Huaiyuan chuckled, and Ning Fan was speechless. He said softly: "I can teach you a few tricks, but it won't be done overnight!"

"You have to work hard!"

"no problem!"

"Okay, let's wait until we return to Beijing!"

Ning Fan agreed immediately. Anyway, they were just teaching a few marksmanship skills. These three iron fools might be able to help!

After all, after returning to Beijing, the business layout will be fully launched!

You can use these three people as shields for things that you can't come forward for yourself!

"How do you guys feel?"

The black-faced general strode towards Ning Fan and his group and asked with concern on his face.


"Yes, Not Bad!"

The black-faced general smiled, glanced around, and landed on Ning Fan: "Ning Fan, the commander wants you to go to the commander's tent!"


Ning Fan put down his bowl and chopsticks, patted his butt, smiled kindly at General Heilian, and strode towards the commander's tent.

"Ahem, General!"

"Didn't the commander let us go?"


The black-faced general shook his head and returned to the camp.

Zhao Huaiyuan and others all looked disappointed, and couldn't help but mutter: "The old man doesn't care about our life or death. He just went through a bloody battle and he doesn't know how to say hello!"

"Come on!"

"Now that they have just won a victory, they are probably formulating their next battle plan!"

Chinese army tent!

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Ning Fan striding in, Zhao Changying, Yue Fei and others stood up and bowed respectfully.

"No need to be polite!"

"Now in the army, there are no kings and ministers, only generals and soldiers!"


The three of them, Zhao Changying, all looked at Ning Fan with good intentions. They had just made great achievements, but they didn't look arrogant. They were approachable and friendly.

How to make them dislike you?

"Your Highness, thanks to your information, we can win the first battle!"

"The commander has prepared a good news and can send it to Beijing!"

"Yes!" Ning Fan nodded with a smile and said softly: "If the Duke of Guo had not led the army to rescue us, I am afraid that our Fengzi Camp would have been completely wiped out!"

"I dare not take such great credit!"

"This battle was fought for with the blood of our three armies. If we talk about merit, the soldiers should take the lead!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Zhao Changying couldn't hide the smile on his face and bowed respectfully: "For the soldiers, thank you, Your Highness!"

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