Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 147 His Royal Highness King Xuanyong has the qualities of a great ruler!

The wind tonight was a bit biting, and it was biting after blowing on his face. It seemed that because of this cold wind, Emperor Yu's expression was particularly sober at this moment.

Zhuge Liang's expression was still as calm as water, and his eyes were as calm as ever. There was no fear in Emperor Yu's imagination, but instead he was very indifferent, showing a hint of thinking.

He seemed to be thinking about how to answer Emperor Yu's question.

"Your Majesty, today's question cannot be answered by a single official. For the emperor to establish a crown prince, it is a major matter of the country, related to the ancestral temple, and endangering the country!"

"Yu Zi, I am just a commoner, but thanks to His Majesty's favor, I am able to meet Long Yan. Liang is also a staff member of Prince Xuanyong's palace and a retainer of Heaven!"

"If you talk nonsense about the crown prince, you may be suspected of committing a crime!"

"Of course, when His Majesty asks about this matter, I have no choice but to answer!"

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Emperor Yu also had a look of amusement in his eyes. He played with the wine glass in his hand and said lightly: "How do you want to answer?"

"Your Majesty, the eldest son of the emperor has the appearance of a wise master, but His Royal Highness King Xuanyong has the appearance of a heroic master!"


Emperor Yu seemed very surprised by Zhuge Liang's answer. After thinking about it carefully, he nodded in agreement: "You are right!"

"Ning Chen has been talented and intelligent since he was a child, diligent and studious. He has shown amazing talents at a young age. He is also capable of literary and military skills, and has unique insights into the administration of government officials!"

"But!" Emperor Yu changed the topic and shook his head slightly: "Chen'er's concept of governance is too idealistic. Although he has the ambition to govern the country and the ability to understand people, he does not know how to govern his subordinates!"

"Although the second child has a naughty nature, I have always wiped his butt since he was a child. However, the second child is much more tactful in his actions. He may seem rough but everything is thorough!"

"Consider the overall situation and plan a strategy, know how to adapt and be good at controlling subordinates, be able to deal with the world or deal with it with ease, have great ambitions, have good plans, act without rules but understand the principles!"

Emperor Yu's face showed a deep thought, and he didn't know what he thought of, but he actually smiled.

"This kid... I can't see through it anymore!"

Zhuge Liang didn't answer, Emperor Yu drank a glass of wine by himself, and the two sat across from each other quietly.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a woman in palace clothes was seen walking towards him. She glanced at Zhuge Liang first, and then sat down beside Emperor Yu very easily.

"Your Majesty, why are you drinking here?"


When Emperor Yu saw Concubine Xian's figure, he didn't care about her rudeness and said with a smile: "Look, the second child's good news!"


Concubine Xian seemed very surprised. She held up the good news and took a look at it. She said with a smile: "My son has become successful. It seems that he has secretly cultivated a lot of influence!"

Zhuge Liang's expression changed slightly, and he was about to speak when he heard Emperor Yu say: "Hahaha, even my secret guards can't find out the details of this kid!"

"Jiannan told me that the information he can find about Lao Er now was all revealed by him deliberately. In other words, what I can see is what Lao Er wants me to see!"

"I can't find out the things he doesn't want me to know!"

Emperor Yu was not as angry as he expected, and there was not even the slightest hint of resentment. Instead, he looked somewhat relieved.

"When Fan'er comes back this time, Your Majesty will appoint a heir apparent!"

"Li Chu..."

Emperor Yu's expression showed a hint of contemplation, he shook his head slightly and said: "The second child is still too young!"

"It still needs a beating, let him go and eat it!"

"Go first

Zhuge Liang listened silently, but his expression changed for a while, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

"When will that kid Ning Chen come back?"

"We'll start setting off in ten days and a half!"

"Now he has to take care of all the mess in the Western Territory. He can only leave after handing over!"


The two of them looked like an ordinary old couple, and their words were filled with worries about their son.

"By the way, the Queen's memorial day will be after the new year. Please prepare and let the children go and pay their respects!"



The army tent in the grassland!


"Commander, King Huai leads his army to join us!"

The guard announced, Zhao Changying, Su Xuan and others looked at each other and said, "Let's go out to greet him together!"

Everyone strode towards the outside of the tent. As soon as they walked out of the camp, they saw a middle-aged man wearing a python robe standing quietly with several followers.

"Meet King Huai!"

"No need to be polite!" A polite smile appeared on Lu Kan's face, his eyes fell on Zhao Changying, and he said softly: "Shuai Zhao, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have the same style!"

"Hahaha, King Huai is the one who remains the same, but the three of us look much older!"

"Boy, this is not the place to reminisce about old times, let's go in and talk!"

"That's right, Prince Huai, please!"


Zhao Changying invited King Huai and his entourage to enter the camp. Lu Kan took more than ten people with him and walked all the way to the Chinese army tent before looking back: "You are all waiting here!"


Zhao Changying squinted his eyes, couldn't hide his smile, strode into the tent and sat on the main seat.

Lu Kan sat down unceremoniously at the lower position. As soon as he sat down, he said: "Commander Zhao, I, under His Majesty's order, am leading the army southward!"

"Come here this time to lead an army of 200,000 to join forces and listen to your orders!"

"Don't dare!"

Zhao Changying raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said softly: "They are all fighting for Dayu, how can they be dispatched?"

"However, when we march and fight, we have to arrange our troops in formation after all. There should be a plan for everything!"


Lu Kan behaved very gently and said with a smile: "Commander Zhao, as soon as you give the order, I will immediately command my troops and go straight to the Southern Barbarian Royal Court!"

After some pleasantries, Zhao Changying looked solemn and said softly: "King Huai, to tell you the truth, although the ancient Southern Barbarian country is a nomadic country, its claim to be able to control a million strings is a bit exaggerated!"

"But it can still be done by gathering half a million cavalry in a short period of time!"

"This battle is not easy to fight!"


Lu Kan also showed a solemn look: "Although our army has been fighting all year round, the number of cavalry is far inferior to that of the Southern Barbarians!"

"Especially on this grassland, the disadvantage of walking versus riding is even more difficult to make up for!"

"I claim to have an army of 200,000 men and 100,000 cavalrymen, but in fact, there are only over 10,000 men with horses!"

"But fortunately, the imperial court took over the Chen family's Jiangnan racecourse!"

Hearing the implication of Lu Kan's words, Zhao Changying smiled but said, "Yes, with the Jiangnan Racecourse, in the spring of next year, I, Dayu, will be able to ride a hundred thousand horses!"

"It's a pity that these war horses were allocated to the Northern Territory years ago!"

"After returning to Beijing this time, I, Old Zhao, must give your Majesty some advice!"

"How come such a big horse farm doesn't have 8,000 horses for our Zhenguo Army and Huainan Army?"

Lu Kan's mouth twitched and he smiled without saying a word. Su Xuan on the side smiled and said: "Old Zhao, you can't see through this!"

"Why did Your Majesty send us to conquer the south?"

"When we get to the grassland and fight against the barbarians, will we still be short of horses?"

Zhao Changying looked startled, then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Old Su, you are right, yes, when we get to the grassland, the most important thing we lack is horses!"

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