"Everyone, please take a look!"

"Now King Huai has led an army of 200,000 to join forces. My, Dayu's main army has reached 400,000!"

"This place is only more than 700 miles away from the Nanman King's City!"

Zhao Changying pointed to the map on the wall and introduced the current situation. Yue Fei, Qin Qiong and others sat aside in silence.

Lu Kan and several of his followers also squinted their eyes and looked like an old monk sitting still, quietly listening to Zhao Changying's introduction.

"My commander-in-chief wishes me to divide my 400,000-strong army into three groups!"

"Straight attack the Southern Barbarian King's City from three directions!"

"What do you think?"

As soon as Zhao Changying finished speaking, Su Xuan took the lead and nodded in agreement: "Old Zhao's words are reasonable. The major tribes of the Southern Barbarians are relatively scattered!"

"At this time, the whereabouts of our army must have been exposed!"

"If my prediction is correct, the Barbarian Emperor is gathering troops and horses at this time, preparing to attack!"

"If we can blitz the major tribes before they gather and defeat them one by one, we will be able to attack the royal city with overwhelming force!"

Seeing the three men nodding, Lu Kan also had a look of contemplation on his face. After a long time, he said softly: "Three commanders, our army now only has a total of 400,000 soldiers!"

"Although the national power of the Southern Barbarians is not as good as that of Yu the Great, their military strength is far superior!"

"If we divide our troops at this time, there is a risk of being surrounded!"

Lu Kan is naturally unwilling to divide his troops. Now his 200,000-strong army is monolithic. If he divides his troops rashly, maybe the court will take this opportunity to weaken his troops!

Zhao Changying squinted his eyes and smiled: "Don't worry, Prince Huai, our three armies are at the horns of each other. Once the southern barbarians show signs of encircling one area, the other two armies will be able to respond quickly!"


"If the Southern Barbarians encircle one place, the Southern Barbarian King's City will definitely be empty. With the wisdom of the Barbarian Emperor, he will never act like this!"

"In half a month, our three-pronged army will encircle the Southern Barbarian King's City, and we will definitely make it impossible for them to look at each other from head to tail!"

Hearing the three people speaking like this, Lu Kan couldn't refuse. He nodded slightly and said, "In that case, I will personally lead the Huainan Army and march from the middle!"

"Three people will lead the national army and march towards the royal city from the east and west wings!"


Zhao Changying readily agreed, glanced at the map and said, "Tomorrow morning, our three armies will go south together!"

Phoenix camp.

Ning Fanku sat in the tent, holding a secret letter in his hand, and fell into deep contemplation.

"grown ups!"

A figure quietly appeared in front of Ning Fan and bowed respectfully.

"What's going on in the Nanman?"

"Back to your lord, the Emperor's Secret Agent No. 2 has received news that the Barbarian Emperor has summoned the leaders of various tribes and is currently gathering an army!"

"How many troops can they muster?"

"At least three hundred thousand!"

Ning Fan's brows instantly knitted together, he pondered for a long time, and said softly: "Inform Wu You and ask him to do all he can to weaken King Huai's troops at all costs!"


"Where is Jia Xu now?"

"Back to your lord, Sir Jia has arrived in Huainan now!"

"Well, send a message to Jia Xu and I'll send him a fine armor. The plan can be started!"

"As you command!"

The man in black quietly disappeared into the tent, and Ning Fan's eyes flashed with sharpness as he walked out of the tent.

"Assemble the entire army!"

"Soldiers, the commander-in-chief has ordered me, the soldiers of Fengzi Camp, to be the vanguard!"

"Start immediately and march in advance!"

The black-faced general shouted loudly, and figures walked out of the tent and quickly formed a queue!

"Report, General Yue, Feng Ziying's subordinates have assembled!"


The black-faced general stood in front of a heroic man, with a look of respect on his face.


"From now on, Fengziying will be at my command!"


Ning Fan and Yue Fei's expressions met for a moment, and they nodded imperceptibly.

"Soldiers, make food at the third watch and go to war at the fifth watch!"


All the soldiers shouted in unison and went down to prepare. This time they could go out with the vanguard army again. The soldiers of Fengziying looked excited!

"My lord, this time my subordinates issued a military order to the three commanders!"


Ning Fan smiled, with a sharp look in his eyes, and said solemnly: "This time, I will defeat the Southern Barbarian Royal Court in one go!"

"My lord, what's your plan?"

"Go all the way south, blitz!"

Early the next morning.

It had just arrived at the fifth watch, and the soldiers had already finished their meal. They were wearing armor and holding long swords in their hands, standing in the wind and snow regardless of the icy cold wind.


"From now on, you will be officially incorporated into the vanguard of the national army in our town!"

"We will have no logistics, no supplies, no reinforcements!"

"My three thousand brothers are each other's strongest backing, and the soldiers of my fifth battalion are our last support!"

Yue Fei was wearing chainmail and holding a Liquan gun. He glanced around and felt a powerful aura coming from his body, which made people feel awe in their hearts!

"I cannot guarantee that I will bring every one of you back alive, but what I can tell you is this!"

"Even if I die, I can at least attract five times more enemies to support you!"

"Tell me, general, are you afraid?"

Yue Fei raised his spear, his tiger eyes widened, and he swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger. As if he had been given blood, the soldiers shouted crazily: "Don't be afraid!"

"very good!"

"Go to war!"

Yue Fei took the lead, flanked by Qin Qiong and Xu Chu. Ning Fan, Dian Wei and his entourage were mixed in the queue, each riding a good horse and running towards the vast snowy field!

Several miles away from them, eighteen black knights followed them all the way, like ghosts, coming and going without a trace and their whereabouts were uncertain.

"Lord, there is a tribe of ten thousand people fifteen miles ahead!"

"Should we go around or not?"

Qin Qiong looked at Ning Fan, with a look of hesitation on his face, and reminded softly: "We only have three thousand Qingqi..."

"What do you think?"

Ning Fan was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at Yue Fei first and asked.

"My lord, if we have three thousand light cavalry against a tribe of ten thousand people, we will be able to hit them hard by surprise!"

"Besides, the soldiers don't have much water, so we should replenish supplies!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, with a fierce light in his eyes, and said calmly: "It's exactly what I wanted. Now that I have met him, I will slaughter this tribe!"

"We only pursue one strategy during this trip south!"

“Kill all those who are not my kind, Dayu!!”

Yue Fei and Qin Qiong both had stern expressions on their faces, and seemed to be shocked by the murderous aura revealed by Ning Fan.

Dian Wei's blood boiled for a while, and after feeling his scalp numb, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and a bloody light appeared in his eyes.

"My lord, my euphorbia is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Set off!"

Ning Fan silently opened the system mall, his eyes fell on a system function, and he said silently in his heart: "System, open the dynamic military sandbox!"

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