"Congratulations, Master, the primary dynamic military sand table is activated, with a range of five kilometers!"

A system prompt sounded, and a three-dimensional light curtain appeared in Ning Fan's mind. Mountains, hills, cols, and valleys were all clearly visible in his mind.

Hundreds of red light spots were vaguely seen moving quickly, constantly approaching their direction!


"System, what do these red light spots, white light spots, and yellow light spots mean?"

"Reply to Master, the red light spots are hostile forces, and each light spot represents a person!"

"White light spots are unknown life forms, and yellow light spots are neutral forces!"

Hearing the system's explanation, Ning Fan's face showed a touch of surprise.

This dynamic military sand table is also one of the functions after the system update, but it has never been used. Now on the battlefield, Ning Fan has opened it!

Now even if it is only primary, within five kilometers, all terrains, enemies, and neutral forces are clear at a glance!

In other words, as long as an enemy approaches Ning Fan within five kilometers, he can be detected by him at the first time!

It can be called abnormal!

"Shubao, Zhongkang, Elai!"

"Zhao Huaiyuan, Ji Wuyi, Su Chi, Liu Yuan, Xie Yan, Ning Rulai, Xie Yan, Li Yan, you guys follow me!"

"Pengju, you continue to lead the army, I will take them and come back soon!"

"Lord, be careful!"

Yue Fei reminded softly, and saw Ning Fan riding out with several riders, Xu Chu and Dian Wei on the left and right, looking at Ning Fan in confusion.

"Lord, where are we going?"

"Capture a few barbarian women?"

Hearing Dian Wei's words, Ning Fan's head was full of black lines, and he said lightly: "There are hundreds of barbarians approaching us in front!"

"Let's go up and kill them first!"


Hearing Ning Fan's words, not only Xu Chu was stunned, but Dian Wei also widened his eyes: "Lord, there is not even a ghost in front..."

"What's the hurry!"

Ning Fan rode on the purple lightning chasing wind and rushed for three or four miles before he saw a cloud of dust rising. The snow layer here was much shallower!

There were even many places where only a trace of snow remained, and it was obvious that the snow had stopped for many days!

"Here they come!"

"My Lord, look!"

"There is a group of barbarian cavalry, at least four or five hundred people!"

Dian Wei was excited when he saw the figures riding horses one after another, and Zhao Huaiyuan and others were also excited.

"Damn it!"

"We have ten people against five hundred cavalry, it's really fucking exciting!"

"My Lord, let's go straight in?"

Xu Chu seemed to be a little impatient, Ning Fan's mouth twitched, and he whispered: "If more than ten of us rush forward, I'm afraid we will be shot into sieves by the opposite side!"

"Shubao, go and lead them over!"


Qin Qiong responded, flew forward, holding a longbow in his hand, bent the bow and put the arrow on it with a sharp whistle, and saw the arrow suddenly shot out, hitting a barbarian who was charging in front.

"Enemy attack!"

"Damn it, there are only more than ten riders?"

"Which tribe are they from? Why are they trying to kill us?"

"Look at their attire, they don't look like barbarians!"

The leading sturdy man had a gloomy face, staring at Qin Qiong's departing figure, and said coldly: "No matter who it is, if they kill the men of my Guyang tribe, they must pay with their lives!"

"Chase them!"

Instantly, more than 500 people were all angry, and they rode their horses to chase Qin Qiong and his party until they came to a slope.

"Brothers, get ready!"

Ning Fan looked back, his mouth slightly raised, and said lightly: "Just treat this place as their hiding place!"


With a low shout, he immediately raised his spear, turned his horse's head, and took the lead in charging towards more than 500 riders. Before the barbarian riders could react, they saw more than ten riders on the opposite side actually killing them fearlessly.


"They are really Yu people, so brave!"

"My men, tear them apart and cook them first and then boil them!"

More than 500 riders rushed towards Ning Fan and his party like a group of fierce wild wolves, sweeping away the remnants of the storm. A long spear was across, directly sweeping down several figures charging in front with one shot!


Dian Wei and Xu Chu rushed out from the left and right, rushing directly into the formation of the barbarian riders. In just one encounter, more than ten barbarian riders fell off their horses.

"Hahaha, die for me!"

"Zhongkang, let's see whether your axe is more powerful or my halberd is more powerful!"


Xu Chu's mouth curled up slightly, and the Chiyou Waterfall in his hand shattered into a series of residual images, accompanied by screams, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

"These two are really rude!"

"Haha, Xu Chu, the Tiger Maniac, and Dian Wei, the Evil, are both fierce generals of the time!"

"If they join forces to break through the formation, if we act too late, I'm afraid these five hundred people will not be enough for them to kill!"

Ning Fan also had a gleam of excitement in his eyes. Holding the Fiery Dragon Soul-Breaking Spear, he swept across with one shot and directly killed seven or eight barbarians!

Ji Wuyi, Zhao Huaiyuan and others were not to be outdone. Even Xie Yan, who had the most ordinary martial arts, rushed forward with gritted teeth.

Twelve riders faced more than five hundred riders, not only did they not fall into a disadvantage, but they directly broke up the formation of five hundred people!

"Be careful of their flying arrows!"

"Li Yan, protect Xie Yan!"


Xie Yan's martial arts were mediocre, and facing the siege of two barbarians, it was already difficult to hold on. Li Yan hurriedly stepped forward and pierced a barbarian with a gun!

"Thank you, Brother Li!"

"You're welcome, we are all brothers!"

Ning Fan, Dian Wei and others were like living gods of death, crisscrossing among the hundreds of riders, wielding their weapons again and again. In just half an incense stick of time, no less than a hundred people had been buried under their magic weapons!


"These people are all highly skilled in martial arts!"

"When did the weak two-legged sheep become so fierce?"

"Brothers, tear them apart at all costs!"

The barbarians seemed to be aroused by anger, and their eyes looked at Ning Fan and his party with resentment.

"A bunch of garbage!"

Ning Fan showed a trace of disdain on his face, and a series of system prompts sounded in his mind until he killed the seventeenth barbarian.

"Congratulations, Master. The first shot of the Thirteen Deadly Shots, [Lovesickness], has reached perfection!"

"Great, the first shot is finally perfect!"

"I can clearly feel that my understanding of the way of spear has reached a new level!"

"I just don't know if my strength has improved!"

Ning Fan was not in a hurry to check his attribute page at this moment, but he became more and more excited as he killed more and more. The average strength of these barbarians was around 50 or 60. With his current martial arts, he could do it with ease!

Besides, with Dian Wei and Xu Chu, two peerless perverts, protecting him, it can be said that it is quite enjoyable!

"Damn it!"

"Five hundred men of my Guyang tribe can't even take down these more than ten two-legged sheep!"

"I'm so angry!"

A barbarian stood up from his horse in anger, bent his bow and arrow, aimed at Dian Wei who was surrounded by barbarian cavalry, and shot an arrow away!

"Evil Come!"

Xu Chu noticed it at the first time and reminded him immediately. Dian Wei showed a sneer on his face, and swung the flying arrow away with a halberd, and threw it back with a flying halberd!

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