
Accompanied by a scream, the man who secretly shot the arrow was thrown off his horse by Dian Wei's halberd!

A small flying halberd was inserted in his chest, flashing with cold light.

"Is the leader dead?"

"Oh no, the leader is dead!"

"Brothers, retreat!"

A burly man shouted in a low voice, looked at Dian Wei and his party with some fear, and said coldly: "You wait for me, today's revenge will be returned a hundredfold in the future!"


As he said this, he waved his hand and prepared to leave the remaining 300 riders calmly. Dian Wei showed a sneer on his face and shouted: "Stop for me!"

"Did I let you go?"

Dian Wei ran and rushed forward, and in an instant he caught up with the barbarian who had just spoken harshly, with a strong mockery on his face!

"Want to leave?"

"No need to wait until tomorrow!"

"None of you can leave today!"

As he spoke, Dian Wei swung the large double halberds in his hands, and swept away all the surrounding barbarian riders. Halberd shadows flashed by, accompanied by screams!

Blood splashed in the void, poured on Dian Wei's battle robe, and reflected on his face, hot blood!

But at this moment, this killing god has already started to kill, how can he stop easily without killing all these barbarians?


"Let's go!"

"Your Majesty the Barbarian God, please take this damn two-legged sheep!"

"He is not a two-legged sheep, he is a ferocious beast!"

The barbarians showed a look of fear on their faces, and turned their horses to escape!

Ning Fan and others seemed to be prepared, and chased after them with guns.

"Woo woo!"

A whistle sounded, and arrows flew from behind, making sharp whistling sounds!

In a short moment, eighteen arrows hit the target accurately, shooting the eighteen barbarians to the ground.

"Yanyun Eighteen Riders!"

Zhao Huaiyuan's face lit up immediately, and he laughed loudly: "Second Master, I didn't expect you to bring them out too!"

"Great, with Yanyun Eighteen Riders escorting us, what's there to fear even if there are thousands of troops!"


Xie Yan's eyes were also filled with excitement. You know, Yanyun Eighteen Riders are like gods to them. They fought on the battlefield yesterday!

If it weren't for Yanyun Eighteen Riders opening the way, they might not have been able to kill it so easily!

Now these eighteen black riders have already worshipped them like gods!


"Good boy, these eighteen cold-faced men are really amazing!"

"Hahaha, boys, let's see who kills more!"

Xu Chu saw Yanyun Eighteen Riders showing their power, and he also rushed forward a little unconvinced, waving the Chiyou Waterfall Fragment in his hand, and caught up with a barbarian rider, and hit him and flew out!

It must be said that although Xu Chu is a fierce general of the time, in terms of single combat, I am afraid that the 18 Riders of Yanyun are not a match for them even if they fight alone. However, in terms of fighting on the battlefield, Xu Chu is far inferior to the 18 Riders of Yanyun!

Xu Chu is more like a peerless general who can conquer thousands of troops, while the 18 Riders of Yanyun are battlefield weapons specially born for killing!

Each of them is a war machine born for killing. The 18 people support each other, and the unique formation can come and go at will on the battlefield even if facing thousands of troops.

Each of them is comparable to a top general, but 18 people form an army, which is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

The 18 people turned a deaf ear to Xu Chu's words, chasing all the way, bending their bows and arrows, and the quiver on their waists was equipped with 18 arrows, and it only took half an incense stick of time!

At least a hundred barbarian cavalry died under their arrows!


"These people are too abnormal!"

"Every one of them is a sharpshooter, and every arrow hits the target. Those barbarians are like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered when facing their pursuit!"

"It's really terrifying!"

Even Li Yan, who has been on the battlefield, had to exclaim in admiration at this moment. Looking at the eighteen chasing figures, he sighed: "Fortunately, they are not our enemies!"

"Otherwise, these eighteen people would probably become our nightmare!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Huaiyuan and others nodded in agreement, speeding up and rushing to chase and kill!

On the snowy plain, dozens of riders chased hundreds of barbarian riders all the way. Almost every barbarian rider charging in front showed unspeakable fear, looking back from time to time, wishing to give the horses a pair of wings!

"Auntie, I can't go back!"

"May the glory of Changshengtian bless you, never let these evil gods get close to you!"

"Great barbarian god..."

The voices of prayers rang out, and the barbarian riders who were fleeing all the way suddenly turned their horses' heads and rushed towards the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun.


"I am a great barbarian warrior, not a coward who is afraid of death!"

"Hahaha, it's a pity that I can't enjoy Dayu's beauty anymore, leave it to my son to taste carefully!"

"Warriors, tear them apart, kill!"

The barbarians rushed towards Ning Fan and his party with scimitars as if they were injected with chicken blood, and the ferocious faces on their faces made people shudder.

But Ning Fan showed a cold smile, not afraid of their fierceness, but afraid of them running away!

"Keep chasing!"

"Leave these barbarians to us!"


The eighteen riders of Yanyun responded in unison and spurred their horses to chase after them again. Ning Fan held up his spear and looked at the dozens of riders rushing over. He said lightly: "Quickly deal with them, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with Pengju's large army later!"


Dian Wei and others responded excitedly. Qin Qiong, holding a double halberd, took the lead and rushed out. He rode and fought all the way. Just one charge took away seven or eight barbarians!

Before Zhao Huaiyuan and others could make a move, these dozens of barbarians were slaughtered by Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others!

"Gather these horses and take them away together!"

"The Guyang tribe is not far ahead!"

"Let's go and meet Pengju!"

Ning Fan looked at the group behind him, all of whom were injured. Zhao Huaiyuan and others fought all the way. At this moment, they seemed to be exhausted, but their faces were tough, and there was a hint of murderous aura on their bodies!

Sure enough, in this world, the only thing that can make a man grow quickly, besides women, is probably the enemy!

Fortunately, they all experienced the second type!

The hundreds of barbarians who escaped were hunted by the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun. In less than an incense stick of time, they all turned into corpses. The blood was stained on the white snow, adding a touch of bright red to the vast snowfield!

Ning Fan led everyone to chase Yue Fei's large army, heading south all the way, and attacked the Guyang tribe directly!

"We're here!"

"The Guyang tribe is in front!"

Looking at the wisps of smoke rising, it was more like a large village than a tribe. A team of cavalry rushed out, pulling a long rope behind them, dragging a group of people whose lives and deaths were unknown, moving at a fast speed!

"My lord, the people dragged behind those barbarians seem to be my people of Dayu!"

"Yes, they are wearing the clothes of my people of Dayu!"


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