"Damn it!"

"This is the heartland of my Nanman, how could Dayu's cavalry appear?"

"Could it be... the legendary ghost army?"

After seeing the green-faced and fanged mask, a white-haired barbarian's face changed immediately, and he said in a deep voice: "Yes... it's them!"

"It's that ghost army!"

"Quick, run for your lives!"

"These ghost soldiers never leave anyone alive. They are evil ghosts wandering in the world. They are the nemesis of my Daman. Children, run for your lives!"

Seeing the old barbarian kneeling on the ground, as if he was scared out of his wits, the barbarians around him all showed fear!


The figure covered with a hideous mask waved his hand, and the stern-faced cavalry behind him swarmed up, scattered in all directions, and launched a charge!

Figures fell under their butcher knives one after another. In a short moment, the huge barbarian tribe turned into a sea of ​​corpses and blood!

"General Yue!"

"Second Master, come with me and take a look!"

Zhao Huaiyuan suddenly rode forward and spoke to Yue Fei and Ning Fan who were charging. A moment later, the group came directly to a huge hunting ground.

This is an arena covering an area of ​​nearly 100 acres, with thousands of iron cages scattered around, as high as four floors!

One after another, fierce figures were locked in iron cages, with ferocious faces and scarlet eyes, like ferocious beasts that have been trapped for many years, with terrible evil spirits all over their bodies!

"This is..."

Yue Fei's pupils suddenly shrank, and Zhao Huaiyuan's fists were almost bleeding. He said hoarsely: "These are all my Dayu people!"

"Every year during the autumn harvest, the barbarian cavalry would come to my Dayu border to burn, kill and plunder, and we couldn't defend ourselves!"

"They rely on plunder to survive the cold winter, and every year they will abduct some people from our border and capture them as slaves!"

"This is the largest arena in the Nanman, very close to the Nanman King City, and is specially provided for the entertainment of the nobles in the Nanman King City!"

"Most of these people are our Yu people, and there are also some Dali people. They are all ordinary people, but these damn barbarians let them fight with wild beasts!"

"Only the victorious side can survive!"

"Over time, the longer people live in these cages, the more ferocious they become!"

"These are the lucky ones who have just been captured, or have survived a series of battles!"

After hearing Zhao Huaiyuan's introduction, Yue Fei, who was used to big scenes in his previous life, couldn't help but be moved.

"These people have been wandering on the edge of life and death for years, and have already developed a ferocious nature. They are more ferocious than ordinary beasts!"

"Second Master, how should these people be dealt with?"

Ning Fan raised his foot and walked towards the nearest iron cage, drew out the Xuanyuan Sword hanging from his waist, and slashed at the cage with one sword!


A spark shot out, and the iron cage was instantly split open by Ning Fan's sword. A ragged figure in the cage suddenly stretched out his claw-like hands and twisted the broken iron rod fiercely!


The man's nails were nearly five centimeters long, and his face was covered with hair. He rushed out of the cage barefoot and roared at Ning Fan with his teeth bared!

"Don't get excited!"

"I am from Dayu, and I am here to save you!"

"Are you from Dayu?"

Seeing Ning Fan striding forward, Yue Fei and Zhao Huaiyuan both took a step forward, looking at the fierce figure in front of them with a vigilant look!

"My Lord!"


The man was stunned for a long time, staring at Ning Fan. In the iron cages next to him, figures were shaking the cages frantically, roaring like wild beasts!


Ning Fan looked at the wild-looking figures, his eyes became moist, but his tone was unprecedentedly calm. He glanced around and said lightly: "I am Ning Fan, the King of Xuanyong, Yu the Great!"

"Today, I will take you home!"

"Open the cages!"

At Ning Fan's command, Yue Fei waved his hand, and a group of armored soldiers rushed up and split the cages one by one, their faces were moved!




A group of hairy figures roared like wild beasts, and rushed out of the cages barefoot, looking at the barbarian-dressed figures next to them, with fierce looks on their faces!


A savage who had just been released from the cage suddenly pounced on a barbarian, his sharp nails pierced the man's neck directly, and he opened his mouth and bit the man's neck!

Figures rushed around, killing the surrounding barbarians in the most cruel way!

Ning Fan stood quietly, and many soldiers showed a strong sense of discomfort, but seeing that the general did not come forward to stop them, they stood quietly in place, looking at these very pitiful and extremely cruel "savages" with a vigilant face

"Stop it!"

After seeing the slave who had just been released from the cage venting, Ning Fan spoke softly, and figures with fierce eyes looked in his direction!

"I will give you a chance for revenge!"

"Join the army and form your own army!"

"I will avenge you for all the grudges of these years!"

Ning Fan's eyes swept over the embarrassed figures and sighed: "You look like this, even if you return to Dayu, I'm afraid it will be difficult to integrate into your previous life!"

"From now on, you are all soldiers of Dayu, and the camp name is Taotie!"

"Those who are willing, stand on my left, and those who are not willing, stand on my right!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, figures began to think, and many of them immediately walked to Ning Fan's right hand side!

Some hesitant people pondered for a moment and silently walked to his left hand side!

Two-thirds of the thousands of figures walked to Ning Fan's left hand side, looking at the barbarian figures next to them with hatred!

"Most of you are from Li, right?"

Ning Fan looked at the group of people on his right hand side and said softly: "Now, you look like this, even if you return to Dali, who can recognize you?"

"How are you going to see your relatives?"

"Will Dali accept you?"

Ning Fan asked three questions with one face, and the figures on his right hand side all showed a trace of thinking, with a very painful look on their faces. What's more, they roared directly at Ning Fan with a fierce look on their faces, as if they were refuting!

"From now on, Taotie Camp will be an army of its own!"

"However, since you are soldiers, I have to set rules for you!"

"First, you must not kill innocent people, except for barbarians!"

"Second, you must not rape women, including barbarians!"

"Third, you must not disobey military orders, and obey orders!"

"Fourth, you must not leave the camp without permission and fight each other!"

"There are only four rules. If anyone violates them, they will be killed without mercy!"

Ning Fan's face showed a touch of majesty, his eyes calmly staring at the line below, and said lightly: "However, since you are soldiers, you are my Dayu's soldiers, and your military pay and treatment are the same as other soldiers!"

"Those who have made contributions will be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will be punished!"

"Treat them equally with my Dayu soldiers. After one year, you can decide whether to take off your armor or not!"


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