The Southern Barbarian King's City!

A man and a horse came flying, and when they reached the tower, they were stopped by the soldiers guarding the city.


"The Dayu ghost army attacked the Qingyang tribe!"

"Go and report to the Grand Duke of Qingyang!"

The man was Barhan, who pretended to be dead and escaped. His face was full of anxiety. After a few words, the guards of the city also realized the seriousness of the problem!

"You come with me to the palace and report to His Majesty!"


The two rode all the way towards the palace. After reporting to the higher authorities, the Barbarian King who got the news was furious.

"This damn ghost army, in just a few days, slaughtered tens of thousands of my people!"

"Pass on my order and send 30,000 light cavalry to encircle and suppress them!"

"As ordered!"

A burly figure saluted respectfully and immediately led 30,000 cavalry out of the city!


"Your Majesty, the front line reports that Dayu's troops are divided into three groups, less than a hundred miles away from our royal city!"


A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Barbarian King, and he whispered: "Gather the chieftains of each tribe, and several princes, and prepare to go to war!"

"As ordered!"


Qingyang Tribe.

Looking at the huge tribe in front of him turned into a ruin, Ning Fan's face was filled with a cold light!

I think Dayu's main force should be here soon!

However, whether they can attack the royal city is still to be said. Now the Nanman has gathered nearly 400,000 cavalry. In this vast wilderness, it is difficult for Dayu to gain an advantage!

"My lord, this battle has seized more than 10,000 cattle and sheep, and nearly 30,000 stones of grain!"

"We can't take it away!"

Xu Chu came to Ning Fan, clasped his fists and saluted, with a look of asking for instructions.

"My lord, we have rescued 7,000 slaves this time, most of them are young and strong. Will they be incorporated into our army?"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "The Qingyang tribe is only more than 70 miles away from the Nanman King City. I believe the King City has received the news by now!"

"Notify them to bring enough food, and burn the rest of the food and grass!"

"Kill all the cattle and sheep and throw them into the water!"

"Set fire, burn everything that can be burned!"

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Xu Chu showed a trace of pain on his face, but still nodded respectfully and went down to give the order.

"My Lord, where are we going next?"

"Next stop!"

Ning Fan's eyes fell on the cowhide map, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, looking at Yue Fei, and said lightly: "In ancient times, there was a champion who was sealed in Langjuxu!"

"Today, I want to attack the royal city directly and perform a ceremony to offer sacrifices to the heaven!"


Yue Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he watched Ning Fan's fingertips pass across the sheepskin map, and his eyes immediately lit up!

"My lord, the Nanman army is about to set off!"


Ning Fan chuckled and saw a scout riding a horse and whispered: "Report to the general, a group of barbarian cavalry is coming to encircle us!"

"How many people are coming, how far are we from us?"

"More than 30,000 cavalry, less than ten miles!"

Hearing the scout's words, Ning Fan's mouth curled up slightly, looked at the generals beside him, and whispered: "Notify them, it's time to set off!"

"Let's go!"

Half an hour later, a barbarian general led his army to kill. Looking at the raging fire in front of him and a tall tower of human heads standing in the wind and snow, he immediately looked terrified!

"Where are the people?"

"Send out all the scouts to find the whereabouts of these two-legged sheep!"




As a state on the southeastern border of Dayu, the geographical location is very remote, and it even became the territory of Dali for a time!

For more than a hundred years, this land has been devastated by war, so that the people here are very poor, various forces are intertwined, thieves are everywhere, strong men are rampant, and it is very chaotic!

The night is bleak, and the cold moon is hidden.

The thick clouds cover the last trace of moonlight. In the ancient city, armed figures are running towards every corner of Huoyun City in a planned way!

"Brothers, you go to control the city gate. After half an hour, we will kill from the south gate!"

"You go to the county governor's mansion. No one is allowed to enter or leave before we are done!"

"The last team of brothers, go to the food and armory in the city. Within half an hour, all the supplies must be emptied!"

A burly man wearing a layer of broken armor looked at the line in front of him and ordered one by one.


In a moment, dozens of figures scattered, and a moment later, teams of ragged but orderly figures emerged from the streets and alleys!

The appearance of this group of people quickly attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers on the street, and hundreds of people were directly stopped by a team of soldiers!

The two sides confronted each other!

"Who are you!"

"Haha, robbing in the middle of the night, of course it's a strong man!"

A rogue figure held his nose, holding a machete, and blocked the soldier with the machete!



Accompanied by a series of sharp clanging sounds, hundreds of people behind him took out their weapons!


"Take off their armor!"

At the order of the general, hundreds of beggars behind him suddenly rushed towards a line of soldiers!


"Don't know how to live or die!"

"A group of bandits, holding a few broken knives in their hands, confronting us without knowing the sky and the earth!"

"Go, take them down for me!"

The commander of the palace soldiers showed a trace of contempt on his face, waved his hand, and the palace soldiers behind him pounced on him like wolves and tigers!

A moment later, accompanied by figures falling to the ground, a group of palace soldiers were robbed like a group of bandits, and their bodies were stripped clean, leaving only a thin layer of clothes!

County Magistrate's Mansion!

The county magistrate of Huoyunzhou was sleeping soundly with his concubine in his arms, and a figure suddenly rushed in!

"My lord, it's not good!"

"The bandits are coming to kill us!"

"Our county magistrate's mansion is surrounded!"

The man cried and woke up the person on the bed. The county magistrate woke up from his sleep in a daze and immediately looked furious!

"You bastard, who let you in!"

"What the hell are these bandits? This is the county town, how can there be bandits?"

The figure dressed as a housekeeper had a sad face, knelt on the ground and whispered: "You'd better go out and take a look. Our county governor's mansion has been surrounded by nearly a thousand bandits!"

"What did you say!"

The county governor's face changed immediately, and he ran barefoot out of the hall. A delicate face appeared on the bed, and he threw a wink at the figure kneeling on the ground.


"Who are you!"

"Do you know where this place is?"

"You are so bold, you... you are going to..."


A long knife was placed on the county governor's neck, and the county governor's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, and he couldn't speak for a long time!

"Good man..."

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding!"

"Stop talking nonsense, whether it's a misunderstanding or not, don't I know?"

A fierce and evil man glared at the county governor fiercely, with a threatening look on his face.

"Don't be rude to the county governor!"

A gentle voice sounded, and a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar strode over accompanied by a burly man with thick eyebrows and big eyes!

The general didn't know the scholar, but he knew the man next to him, so he stepped forward and saluted respectfully!

The group of "rebels" saluted respectfully as if they saw their own bandit leader.


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