Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 156 System Task: Surprise Attack on Barbarian King City!

"You... who are you?"

When the county magistrate saw the figure of the person coming, the calm and elegant temperament on his body was definitely not what a mere robber or thief could possess. His face suddenly froze, and the fear in his heart was also relieved a lot!

Neither of them answered. The burly man looked at the middle-aged scholar next to him. He waved his hand and all the "thieves" retreated!

"Mr. Qian, I have heard of you for a long time!"

"You are..."

Looking at the scholar in front of him who looked very familiar with him, the county magistrate frowned. This person had obviously never seen him before, and he didn't even have any impression of him, but he looked like an old friend reunited!

Really strange!

Judging from this person's temperament, he is definitely not an ordinary thief, and may not even be a thief!

Who are they!

Qian Zhengyang's eyes kept scanning Jia Xu's body, and as for the strong man next to him, he was naturally ignored by him!

"I'm Jia Xu!"

"Sir Qian, has your father's illness improved recently?"

"Yes... much better!"

"That's good!" Jia Xu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "I heard that Qian Chong has changed his personality recently. He goes to school every day and his temperament is much gentler than before!"

"Yes, I'm very pleased that this kid can turn back..."

Qian Zhengyang stopped talking halfway, staring at Jia Xu with a deep fear, and said in a deep voice: "You are really good at it. I guess you have figured out my background!"

"Haha, Sir Qian, don't be nervous!"

"I have no ill will towards Sir Qian. It's a bit abrupt to come to visit today. I hope Sir Qian will forgive me!"

As he spoke, Jia Xu bowed slightly to Qian Zhengyang, with a gentle smile on his face, making people feel like spring breeze!


A man in black suddenly came from outside the mansion, but was stopped by the soldiers of the Qihuo Army. Ran Min stepped forward and waved his hand. The man walked in quickly and bowed slightly to Jia Xu!

"Have you invited him?"

"Reporting to the lord, Mr. Sun is waiting outside the mansion!"


Jia Xu smiled, waved his hand, signaled the man in black to go down, and said softly: "If Mr. Sun wants to see you, you must not stop him!"


Qian Zhengyang frowned slightly, not knowing who Mr. Sun was talking to.

"Sir Qian, I know a few famous doctors in Beijing. I heard that your father was suffering from an old illness, so I invited them over. Tomorrow I will go to the Qian Mansion to cure the old illness for Old Master Qian!"

"As for your son, he is diligent and studious, and he is talented. I have found a great scholar to teach him, and I will send someone to Jiangnan tomorrow!"

"Now the bandits are rampant in Huoyun Prefecture, and the people are living in dire straits. Let Brother Ran lead people to eliminate them one by one from tomorrow!"

Jia Xu did not give Qian Zhengyang any room for negotiation. As soon as he said this, it seemed that he had made up his mind. His face was as calm as ever, and his tone was neither hurried nor slow.

Qian Zhengyang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes staring straight at Jia Xu, and he said in a lost voice: "You...are you from the capital?"

Jia Xu smiled but said nothing, only to see two figures striding in from outside the mansion, and bowed to Ran Min together, and whispered: "Brother, the granary has been taken!"

"Brother, the armory has also been taken, and now it is being moved with all our strength!"


Ran Min nodded slightly, and saw another figure walking quickly, bowing and saying: "Reporting to the general...Brother, the four gates of Huoyun City have been fully controlled, and all the county soldiers in the city have surrendered!"

"Very good!"

"Tell the brothers that before dawn, the granary, the treasury, and the armory must all be emptied!"


Qian Zhengyang Yang showed a bitter smile on his face, and bowed slightly to Jia Xu: "Master Jia, I am willing to obey your orders, please leave a way out for Qian!"

"Master Qian is really smart!"

"From today on, Jia and several brothers will probably have to bother you for a while!"

"I couldn't ask for more!"

Qian Zhengyang's smile was uglier than crying. Jia Xu on the side glanced at the guards and servants of the county governor's mansion, and said softly: "Does anyone recognize me?"

"Jinyiwei Xuanzihao spy, see Master Jia!"

"Lv Wei, you you..."

The county governor looked at the housekeeper who had followed him for many years with a look of horror, his face full of disbelief!

Lv Wei glanced at Qian Zhengyang calmly, bowed slightly, and remained silent!

"Tonight's news, Jia doesn't want to spread out of Huoyun City!"

"Don't worry, sir!"

Lv Wei bowed to Jia Xu again and strode out of the county governor's mansion.

Jia Xu walked into the main hall and sat down at the top without any hesitation. Then he saw a man striding over and whispered, "Sir, Sun Lun wants to see you!"

"Sun Lun... is he also one of yours?"


Jia Xu shook his head slightly and stood up with a smile: "But it will be soon, please come in, sir, the county lieutenant!"


Southern grassland.

Ning Fan led more than 10,000 cavalrymen in the vast snowfield, running all the way to the south!


"Turn around and run to the southeast!"


Yue Fei responded, Ning Fan silently closed the dynamic military sandbox, and heard the system prompt sound!

[Release system task: surprise attack on the Barbarian King City! ]

[Task time limit: one month]

[Task requirements: capture the Southern Barbarian King City]

[Task Reward: Dynamic Military Sand Table (Intermediate) Memory Rosary * 3, Nine Dragons Creation Sutra (Volume 1)]

After Ning Fan carefully checked the task, a deep surprise appeared on his face. He clicked on the task reward details. Needless to say, the memory rosary, if redeemed from the system mall, one would cost 50,000 reputation points!

The intermediate dynamic military sand table can expand the enemy's reconnaissance range by 50 miles, which is equivalent to a radar!

After upgrading, it is equivalent to the enemy's every move under the nose. With this system bug blessing, Ning Fan is completely invincible on the battlefield!

Seeing the third reward of the system, Ning Fan clicked on the item details, and his expression changed slightly. It turned out to be an internal power mental method!

After practicing this skill, you can prolong your life, nourish your spirit, and even have your own matching martial arts. If you practice it to perfection, you can live a hundred years, break stubborn stones with your fingers, and break rivers with your palms!

Even if it is just the first volume, it is enough to make Ning Fan's internal power cultivation enter the first-class realm!


"These three rewards are very tempting!"

"It seems that this time, the Nanman King City cannot be missed no matter what!"

Ning Fan's eyes sparkled with a gleam of light. After bypassing the Nanman army rushing in front of him, he ordered the soldiers to set up camp in a valley.

"Your Highness!"

Just after setting up camp, the spy of the Black Ice Platform appeared in front of Ning Fan and saluted respectfully.

"Lord Jia and General Ran have successfully controlled Huoyunzhou, and everything is ready in the capital. We can start!"

"Where is the army of King Huai now?"


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