There are no cicadas in winter, the full moon is high in the sky, and the moat outside the city reflects a shadow of the moon, swaying, and the breeze blows gently, breaking and round!

On the tower, many soldiers are drowsy, and the cold wind blows on their faces, but it is difficult to blow away the sleepiness on their faces!

"What's going on!"

"Why am I so sleepy tonight, as if there is a naked girl waiting for me in my dream!"

"It's strange, I'm also very sleepy!"

One after another, the figures staggered half-leaning on the city wall, and soon, they fell to the ground one after another. A barbarian general held his body and shouted in a low voice: "Something is happening!"

"Come quickly!"

With a loud shout, one after another, the figures rushed to the tower, and there were still figures falling to the ground. The changes on the tower soon alarmed the guards below!

"What's going on?"

"Is he poisoned?"

"Quick, ask a doctor to come and take a look!"

"You, go to the camp and report to the general!"

A general looked at the soldier beside him and shouted, and the latter left in a hurry!

The guard also felt a little sleepy. He bit his tongue hard and tried to stay awake, but the strength in his body seemed to be drained. His legs softened and he sat on the ground.

The soldier who sent the message just walked down the tower, and a cold light flashed, piercing the throat, and the figure of the barbarian fell to the ground instantly.

One after another, black-clothed men appeared on the tower silently, with short daggers in their hands shining with cold light, sending away the sleeping barbarians one by one!


The leader was dressed in black. His voice was very cold and hoarse, but there was no distinguishing degree.

Following his order, three fires were lit on the tower, and the heavy city gate was slowly opened by several black shadows. Almost at the same time, heavy horse hoof sounds were heard outside the city gate!

"Xu Chu, listen to the order!"


"You lead 3,000 cavalry to the east gate!"


"Dian Wei, listen to the order!"


"You lead 3,000 cavalry to attack the west gate!"

"Got the order!"

"Qin Qiong, you lead the Taotie camp to the barbarian army camp!"


After Yue Fei selected the generals, he looked at Ning Fan beside him and said, "My lord, we will attack all the way and attack the barbarian palace!"


Ning Fan nodded, with a sharp light in his eyes, looking at the black clothes in all directions, and whispered, "Let's start!"


Dozens of black clothes swept up together, and stepped several feet in the air. In just a few breaths, they disappeared directly on the spot!

The various mansions in the Barbarian Imperial City also started a bloodbath. One after another, black-clad people entered the mansions silently like Asuras seeking their lives.

Barbarian Imperial Palace!

A young man in noble clothes sat in the hall. In front of him, several young women danced gracefully. The mist was hazy and the sound of pianos was lingering!

A man in armor rushed in and whispered, "Your Highness, the enemy has entered the city and is heading towards the palace!"

"Your Highness, please move quickly!"

"What did you say!"

The young man stood up suddenly, looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, and raised his voice a few points: "This is my Nanman capital, where did the enemy come from?"

"Could it be Dali?"

"There are 30,000 fine armors in my Barbarian King City, how could the enemy enter the city silently!"

The little Barbarian King's face was full of coldness, and the drunkenness on his face seemed to fade away in an instant. He waved to the dancer in the palace and took a deep breath: "What is going on!?"

"Reporting to your Highness, it should be Dayu's ghost army. Since the Qingyang tribe was destroyed yesterday, they have disappeared!"

"I didn't expect , now they dare to attack my Barbarian King City!"


"What I'm asking is how they broke into the city!"

"Where are the 30,000 troops in my Barbarian King City?"

Seeing the little Barbarian King getting angry, the Barbarian general's face fell, and he whispered: "I don't know how they broke into the city!"

"Now the soldiers in the city are organizing defense, but for the sake of safety, Your Highness, you should move quickly!"

"No, I won't go anywhere!"

The little Barbarian King waved his hand and said: "Gather all the people in the palace, I want to see what this ghost army has!"

"Your Highness!"

"Go quickly!"


Seeing that the little Barbarian King had made up his mind, the general stopped persuading him, bowed respectfully, and quietly left the palace!

"Brother Wang, what happened?"

The general had just retreated when he saw a woman with a face that could charm the common people walk into the hall. She was wearing a light green long skirt, with a jade on her forehead and silver chains hanging on her jade hands. There was a touch of enchantment in her every move!

"Yao Ji!"

"Brother Wang, I heard that Dayu's troops entered the city?"

"It's okay, they are just a group of ants, not to be afraid of!"


"Your Highness, the Xunfeng Palace was attacked by assassins. Please send troops to support!"


The Xiaoman King's face immediately sank, and he saw another figure coming over: "Your Highness, the Gongyang clan was slaughtered!"

The Xiaoman King's face became more gloomy, and Yao Ji's eyes were full of emotion, which made people feel moved!

"Brother Wang, since the enemy has entered the city, we should quickly close the defense line!"

"Otherwise, once the army is defeated one by one, the royal city will be in danger!"


The Little Man King nodded slightly, and with several young maids waiting on him, he put on a suit of armor and strode out of the palace with a broad sword in his hand!

"Brother Wang, be careful!"

"rest assured!"

Yao Ji stood quietly in front of the main hall, looking at the leaving figure, her beautiful eyes were in trance!


"Soldiers, the Nanman palace is right in front of you, follow me and kill it!"

"Avenge my little sister!"

"It's been four years since I killed all these beasts. I'm lucky I'm still alive. Today is the day of revenge!"

A group of people of Dayu who had been enslaved by the barbarians for many years all had angry expressions on their faces. They held the scimitars captured from the southern barbarian tribe tightly in their hands, and their eyes were filled with hatred!

Zhao Huaiyuan and several others were in the lead, with broad swords crisscrossing the area, and barbarian soldiers fell into a pool of blood one after another.

Liu Yuan and Su Chi showed no signs of weakness and attacked side by side with Zhao Huaiyuan. Behind them, Li Yan led a group of soldiers in a battle formation!

Ning Rulai was dressed in a white shirt, and a seven-foot green sword flashed in his hand, and the sword was bloody, and he was killing with every move!

Ji Wuyi swung his spear in the air, possessing the power of a fierce general. His moves were wide open and closed, and no one could get close to him!

"Yu people are looking for death!"

A loud shout rang out, and a man was seen rushing forward on horseback, mopping the ground with a copper pole in his hand, sparking off the slightest sparks!


I saw the man leaping on his horse, directly over the heads of dozens of barbarians, waving the copper spear in his hand, and suddenly smashed it towards Zhao Huaiyuan, who was charging at the front!


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