Zhao Huaiyuan looked at the spear coming towards him, the whistling wind was overwhelming, and under the terrifying momentum, the whole person seemed to be locked!

"Get out of here!"

Zhao Huaiyuan shouted, and the broadsword in his hand suddenly chopped at the bronze spear. When the two soldiers met, he felt his arms numb, his arms bent, and his body suddenly flew backwards, falling heavily into the crowd!


"Old Zhao!"

Two figures ran towards him almost at the same time, and a figure behind him suddenly rushed out, with a long spear across, straight towards the barbarian!

Ji Wuyi had a murderous look on his face, and fought with the barbarian general. The two of them fought back and forth, and for a while, it was hard to tell who would win!


"This barbarian is so strong!"

Zhao Huaiyuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and spoke bitterly.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just got some internal injuries!"

"Let's go!"

Su Chi and Liu Yuan lifted him up on the left and right, and Li Yan and others rushed forward to block the three people!

"Top generals!"

Ning Fan's face also showed a trace of concentration, his eyes fell on the barbarian general, and he silently opened the system's scanning function!

"Li Yan, this man is quite powerful, Ji Wuyi should not be his opponent!"

"You go up and help him!"


Li Yan responded, Ning Fan looked at the dark long street, slowly put away the spear, and drew the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist!

"Soldiers, follow me to kill!"


As he spoke, the purple lightning flying dragon under his crotch let out a neigh, four hooves flying, and rushed forward!


[You use swordsmanship to kill a barbarian soldier, swordsmanship proficiency +7]

[You kill a barbarian soldier and get 10 merit points! 】

Whenever Ning Fan kills a person, two system prompts will sound, one is the experience value prompt of the martial arts auxiliary function, and the other is the task reward!

Every time you kill a barbarian soldier, you will get ten points of merit!

After several days of fighting, Ning Fan's merit value has once again exceeded one thousand points!

However, he was not in a hurry to summon, as he had no shortage of fierce generals under his command, and as for civil officials, they were no longer needed!

"It would be great if I could find a way to gain some more reputation points!"

While thinking, Ning Fan's swordsmanship became more and more fierce, and he rode his horse all the way, and no less than twenty barbarian soldiers died under his sword!

[You killed a barbarian soldier, and your swordsmanship proficiency +11]

"Congratulations, Master, you have learned swordsmanship while killing the enemy, please name it!"


Ning Fan's face showed a touch of surprise. He learned swordsmanship while killing the enemy, but he didn't do anything?

"Let's call it - Xuanyuan Sword Scripture!"

"Named successfully, martial arts assistance is enabled, please use the "Xuanyuan Sword Scripture" to kill enemies and accumulate experience points, the current martial arts level is low-grade!"

As soon as the system finished speaking, Ning Fan flew, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand flashed with sword light, instantly releasing more than ten sword shadows.




A scream sounded, and under the sword light, seven or eight barbarians were directly pierced through the armor by Ning Fan's sword shadow, and they were injured if not dead!

[You killed five barbarians with the Xuanyuan Sword Scripture and gained 52 points of proficiency! 】

"Good guy!"

"So this is the sword move I comprehended!"

"It should be called the Jiying Sword Technique, the Xuanyuan Sword Scripture seems a bit inappropriate!"

Ning Fan pondered in his heart, waving the long sword again and again, constantly killing barbarians!


A loud shout attracted Ning Fan's attention, and saw that the barbarian general burst out with amazing combat power under the siege of Ji Wuyi and Li Yan!

One against two, not at all inferior!

Yue Fei narrowed his eyes, slowly raised the Liquan spear, and was about to attack, when he saw a figure flying away!


With a low shout, he waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword light flashed, and a series of sword shadows appeared, stabbing at the barbarian general from all directions!

"Get out of my way!"

The barbarian general seemed to be aroused with anger, and shouted: "What's the point of bullying the few with the many, go to hell!"

After a low roar, the copper spear in his hand suddenly smashed towards Ji Wuyi.

At this moment, Ning Fan's sword shadow also stabbed straight at the barbarian general!


The long spear in Ji Wuyi's hand connected with the copper spear of the barbarian general, and the warhorse under his crotch let out a painful neigh and was almost crushed!

A trace of blood bloomed in the void, and Ning Fan's sword shadow passed through, and blood holes appeared on the barbarian general's body!

"Yuren, the victory is not fair!!"


Accompanied by a loud and arrogant laugh, the barbarian general fell to the ground unwillingly, and the system prompt sounded in Ning Fan's mind!

"Congratulations, Master, kill a top-level general and drop a gold treasure chest!"

"Golden treasure chest!"

Ning Fan was stunned, and suddenly remembered that day outside Chang'an City, he killed a third-rate general, and also dropped a gold treasure chest!

If he remembered correctly, there are four levels of treasure chests!

"I almost forgot that killing enemy generals can drop treasure chests!"

"Damn, I missed a lot of opportunities to drop treasure chests these days!"

"Why didn't it trigger a critical hit?"

Ning Fan recalled that he was only concerned with killing enemies to brush up his proficiency these days, and he forgot that killing enemy generals could also drop treasure chests!

Many third-rate and above generals were in the hands of Dian Wei and Xu Chu.

"Master, the gold treasure chest dropped by killing a third-rate general last time was because it triggered a hundred times critical strike!"

"And the critical strike was triggered because the master killed a general for the first time last time!"

"If you want to trigger a critical strike, you can only trigger a critical strike by killing a general at a higher level!"

Hearing the system's prompt, Ning Fan was stunned. Killing a general at a higher level?

In other words, if he wanted to trigger a critical strike, he could only kill a peerless general?

Ji Wuyi's force value was only two points different from that of the barbarian general, and he barely managed to hold on for seventy or eighty rounds in his hands!

And he had just stepped into the threshold of a top-level general, and he was going to kill a peerless general?

I'm afraid he's too lucky!

"System, open the gold treasure chest!"

"Congratulations, master, you got a battle pet!"


Ning Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and a look of doubt appeared on his face!

"System, what battle pet?"


A tiger roar sounded, and a white shadow rushed in from the darkness and rushed towards the barbarian army!

"White tiger?"

"Where did this beast come from!"


A series of terrified voices rang out, mixed with the neighing of war horses, and the white tiger rushed directly into the barbarian army formation!

"This white tiger is the master's war pet!"


Ning Fan was also shocked by the ferocity of the white tiger. It was so fast that it almost turned into a shadow as it galloped!

Some barbarian soldiers were terrified and wanted to shoot it to death with bows and arrows, but the white tiger was so fast that they couldn't lock its body at all!

"What a powerful tiger cub!"


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