Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 162: Another breakthrough in military power, the inflated Ning Fan!

With Ning Fan's low shout, all the strength in his body gathered on his arms, the armor shook and made crisp sounds, and the Fierce Dragon Soul-breaking Spear in his hand almost turned into a cold light!

At this moment, it seemed that only Ning Fan was left in the army of 10,000 people. His unparalleled and invincible aura swept across the world, and all the barbarians around him looked up and stared at the gun blankly!


A cold light flashed under the moonlight, like a moment of beauty, disappearing in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a splash of blood splashed, and the spear had penetrated Nurhaha's chest, blood dripped, Ning Fan pulled out the gun, and the system sounded a prompt!

"Congratulations, Master, kill a top general and drop a golden treasure chest!"

"Do you want to open it!"

"Open it!"

"Congratulations, Master, get Hercules Pills * 5, agility increased by 30%"

As a warm current swept through his body, Ning Fan only felt that his figure instantly became much lighter, and he directly took out five Hercules Pills from the system and stuffed them into his mouth!

The pill melted in his mouth, and Ning Fan also felt the terrifying brute force permeating his limbs. For a moment, it seemed as if he had endless strength!

"System, check my attribute page!"

[Name]: Ning Fan

[Merit]: 1370

[Reputation]: 48200

[Task]: Participate in the Southern Expedition (waiting for settlement), surprise attack on the Barbarian King City (to be completed)

[Identity]: One of the heirs of the Dayu Dynasty, Snowfield Butcher, Ghost Army Commander, Ruler of the Underworld, Jinyiwei Killing Star, Aphrodisiac Collector

[Power]: Jinyiwei (directly affiliated) Underworld (under the command) Yanyun Eighteen Riders (personal attendants) Ghost Army (command) Hundred Thousand New Army (command)

[Military Strength]: 95

[Intelligence]: 84

[Command]: 79

[Politics]: 71

[Magic Weapons]: Lielong Soul-breaking Spear, Xuanyuan Sword

[Mount]: Purple Lightning Flying Dragon

[Skills]: Photographic Memory, Calligraphy (Master Level ) Hidden weapons (Grandmaster level) Gentle and elegant (temperament) Cooking skills (Master level)

[Items]: Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Suoyang Gujing Pills, Jinkui Shenqi Pills, Wuzi Yanzong Pills, Ancient Body Tempering Recipes, Refined Salt Purification Method, Ancient Winemaking Technology, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-Six Stratagems, Potato Seeds*1000, Sweet Potato Seeds*1000, Quyuan Plow Manufacturing Drawings, Taotie Baoxuan Armor

[Unique Skills]: Thirteen Deadly Spears, Picking Leaves and Flying Flowers (Entry Level) Swift Wind Sword Shadow

[Summoning Heroes]: Dian Wei, Shen Wansan, Qin Qiong, Zhuan Zhu*, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Yue Fei, Gao Shun, Chen Gong, Xu Chu, Ran Min

[Summoning Arms]: Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, Xianzhen Camp, Qihuo Army

Ning Fan was slightly surprised to see that his identity page was updated. The system is a bit naughty!

However, when he saw that his force value reached 95 points, he was stunned. Five Hercules Pills plus a 30% increase in agility only increased his force by two points?

Isn't that a bit too much?

Ning Fan could feel that his force was very strong now, at least he could fight against a hundred people alone, but you have to know that no matter Qin Qiong, Yue Fei, Xu Chu and others, their force values ​​were higher than his!

In other words, they were stronger than him, but Ning Fan clearly felt that he was already very strong!

"System, is my force value really only 95 points?"

"Master, your understanding of spearmanship has not yet been fully developed. You rely entirely on brute force and moves to fight the enemy, and you have not reached the point of mastery!"

"If you face a real master, once you crack the first four shots of the master, you can win the battle!"

"Is that so!"

Ning Fan was also thoughtful when he heard this. He understood what the system said. With his current strength, he could defeat some ordinary soldiers, even without relying on spearmanship and moves, and relying on brute force alone, he could defeat thousands of troops!

But if you face a real master, you can't hurt him with brute force alone, and as for the moves, once the first four moves of the Thirteen Deadly Spears are cracked, you're at your wits' end!

"It seems that I have to continue to fight monsters and upgrade... to hone my spear skills!"

"Now what I lack most is the experience of fighting with masters, especially life-and-death battles!"

"However, it seems that it's not bad to hide quietly. When you reach the peerless realm, even if you don't have any moves, you can break all the methods with one force!"

Ning Fan thought silently until he was awakened by a strong wind coming from the front, and saw that Xun Jiu's axe was already three feet away from his front!


"If you dare to kill him, I will cut you into pieces!"

Xun Jiu's face became extremely ferocious, Ning Fan's face changed slightly, and his body leaned back to the extreme, almost lying flat on the horse's back, but since Xun Jiu had seized the opportunity, how could he stop easily!


Another axe chopped vertically, Ning Fan hastily resisted, and a trace of fear surged in his heart. Being absent-minded on the battlefield is much more dangerous than being absent-minded in the examination hall in the previous life!

"Sword Shadow of the Wind!"

Ning Fan's long spear was horizontal, blocking Xun Jiu's axe, and he took out the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist, swung his right arm, and a series of sword shadows stabbed towards Xun Jiu!


Xun Jiu jumped high, avoiding Ning Fan's sword shadow, and swung the long axe in his hand, cutting Ning Fan in the waist.

This time, Ning Fan did not dodge, but thrust his spear in, a straight stab, and hit Xun Jiu's axe, directly pushing him back several steps!


"How is it possible!"

Xun Jiu was shocked when he realized that Ning Fan's strength seemed to have increased sharply, and his hands tightly grasped the axe!


"Compare brute force!"

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you!"

"Come and fight!"

Ning Fan felt the surging power in his body, and he flew up, attacking Xun Jiu with the spear in his hand one after another!

Now Ning Fan is not only better in moves, but also has achieved suppression in strength. He attacked more than ten times in a row, and Xun Jiu was unable to resist!

On the high platform, Tian Mang frowned. He didn't expect that Nurhaha and Xun Jiu attacked together, not only did they fail to take down the young general in black robe!

Instead, one of them was lost. Now Xun Jiu is also struggling to hold on and may die at any time!

"General, Xun Jiu is going to lose!"

"We underestimated this young black-robed general, whose strength is even higher than that of Xun Jiu and the other two. Now that Nurhaha has died in battle, if nothing unexpected happens, Xun Jiu will lose within ten rounds!"

"Damn Yu people, why are their soldiers so brave!"

The little Barbarian King showed a hint of anger in his eyes, clenched his fists tightly, and said in deep thought: "If this continues, the shield formation will be broken by those black-clad knights!"

"Your Highness, please wait a moment!"

"I'll be back soon!"

Tian Mang took a spear from the weapon rack on the high platform, jumped up, and jumped directly from the two-meter-high observation platform!

He stepped on the shoulders of the barbarian soldiers and swept across quickly. In just a moment, he crossed a hundred meters and came to Ning Fan!


Ning Fan hadn't noticed the person coming yet, and he stabbed Xun Jiu with a gun, ready to kill him with one blow. In an instant, the breath of death enveloped Xun Jiu's whole body, and fear spread. Xun Jiu's pupils shrank violently!

"General Yu is so brave!"


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