Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 163: Peerless enemy general, hidden weapon frenzy!

A loud shout came from Ning Fan's side, and a standard long spear stabbed at him.

Ning Fan's expression changed slightly, and he quickly waved his spear to block it, but the man was as fast as lightning. In a blink of an eye, the tip of the spear was less than a foot away from his throat!


A sharp whistle sounded, and an arrow flew over, almost brushing Ning Fan's cheek and shooting towards the man!


Tian Mang's expression changed slightly. Under the pressure of this arrow, he had to retract his spear and tremble, and the spear shaft blocked the arrow.

At this moment, Ning Fan got a chance to breathe, and stabbed out with a spear, and his body landed steadily on the horse's back, and he was already sweating coldly!


"Who are you, sneak attack is nothing!"

Tian Mang's eyes swept around, directly through the gloomy battle formation, looking at a figure riding a horse.

"You are a shameless barbarian!"

"It was you who attacked first, but you are so shameless that you are crying wolf!"


Ning Fan sneered, but saw that the barbarian glanced at him lightly, and then he came up again with a spear, and a long spear came across!

"Come on!"

Ning Fan's eyes were shining with a gleam of brilliance, and his heart was filled with anger. He waved the Fierce Dragon Soul-breaking Spear and swept towards Tian Mang!


With a muffled sound, the spear in Tian Mang's hand seemed extremely flexible, and did not collide with Ning Fan head-on. The spear shaft was bent, and the tip of the spear accurately bounced on Ning Fan's spear shaft. With this clever force, he actually directly repelled him!

"Good spearmanship!"

Ning Fan exclaimed in amazement. Although this barbarian was hateful, his spearmanship was indeed unprecedented. He did not give him a chance to breathe, and stabbed again!

The oppressive feeling coming towards him forced Ning Fan to be extremely alert, tightly grasping the spear of the Fierce Dragon Soul-Breaking Spear!

Shouts of killing rang out in the distance, Qin Qiong and others led their troops directly to kill the Barbarian King's Guards, Yue Fei also galloped all the way, holding a longbow in his hand, staring closely at Ning Fan's direction!

In front of him, Tian Mang's spear had already killed in front of Ning Fan, the spear was like a swimming dragon, moving like thunder, mixed with heavy spear power!

Ning Fan's eyes condensed, waving his spear and went up, just in a moment, the two of them hit dozens of spear shadows, sparking sparks in the air!

"So strong!"

"His martial arts value is far above mine!"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a talent among the barbarians!"

Ning Fan waved his spear, and several cold rays burst out from his sleeves, bursting towards Tian Mang's cheek.

Now, relying on spear skills alone, he is no match for him at all. With the help of hidden weapons, Ning Fan can barely parry!

There was a hint of surprise in Tianmang's eyes. He waved his spear, and the shadow followed the spear. Instantly, an absolute barrier was formed in front of him, shooting down all the hidden weapons shot by Ning Fan!

"System, check this person's attribute page!"

"Please wait!"

[Name]: Tianmangxun

[Force]: 100

[Intelligence]: 75

[Command]: 99

[Politics]: 87

After seeing Tianmangxun's four-dimensional attributes, Ning Fan's face showed a condensed color. He didn't expect that this ordinary-looking man with a gun in front of him was actually a peerless general!

And he was a commanding talent. His martial arts entered the peerless world, and his commanding talent was just one step away from touching the threshold of the peerless world!


Ning Fan looked at the person in front of him with a serious face, and a strong murderous intent surged in his heart!

After a test just now, Ning Fan knew that if he had not been proficient in hidden weapons, he would have been beheaded by this person's gun!

"Damn, I thought I was strong enough!"

"I didn't expect that a difference of only 5 points in force value could actually form such a strong crushing effect!"

"Sure enough, peerless is a threshold!"

Ning Fan sighed silently in his heart. Just now he felt that he was inflated and had an invincible momentum!

Unexpectedly, a peerless general would jump out in the next second, and he was suppressed in just a few rounds!

It's really outrageous!


"You are unlucky to meet me today!"

"Do you have any last words?"

Tian Mang looked at Ning Fan with a playful face and said calmly.

"If I have any last words, can you help me convey them?"

"Since you are a man, I will convey them myself!"


Ning Fan showed a thoughtful look on his face, and a cold light suddenly shot out of his eyes. He jumped into the air, and dozens of cold lights flashed in his sleeves!

"How dare you!"

"Damn, are you an old cunning bastard?"

"A petty trick!"

Tian Mangxun showed a trace of anger on his face, sneered, and waved his spear to shoot down the hidden weapons one by one!

His figure kept shuttling through the crowd. Ning Fan shot too many hidden weapons. If he tried his best to dodge, he would definitely be able to dodge them!

But there were still a large number of barbarian soldiers behind him. If he dodged, at least more than ten soldiers would die under this boy's hidden weapons!

"I swear to kill you!"

"Go to hell!"

Tian Mangxun seemed to be really angry, waving his spear and killing Ning Fan, with whistling sounds!

Three arrows were shot at Tian Mangxun at the same time, as if locking his dodge path in advance!



Tian Mangxun shouted and swept away the three arrows that were coming towards him. He also retreated one after another, looking at the figure running in the distance, with a deep fear in his eyes!

"What an amazing archery skill!"

"Dayu is really a fierce general!"

"But no one can stop me today!"

Tian Mangxun looked at Ning Fan's figure, murderous intent was revealed, and the standard spear in his hand seemed to be unable to withstand the force in his hand, breaking inch by inch!

"Catch the spear!"

A spear was across, and the remaining barbarian general suddenly threw a spear. Tian Mangxun jumped into the air, held the spear in his hand, and stabbed straight at Ning Fan!


Tian Mangxun was determined to kill with this shot!

"Damn it!"

"I can't beat you, but can't I cure you?"

Ning Fan couldn't help but burst out a swear word, his arms began to dance wildly, and cold light flashed from his sleeves!

"Anything else?"

"Little beast, you deserve to die!"

"Break it!"

Tian Mangxun watched the cold rays coming towards him one after another, and waved the spear in his hand constantly to resist Ning Fan's hidden weapon frenzy!

But the hidden weapons in his sleeves seemed to be endless. In just a few breaths, he shot out nearly a hundred hidden weapons!

There were darts, flying knives, silver needles, steel pillars, and so on!

There was even a piece of clothing that turned into a hidden weapon and shot out!

Before Tian Mangxun rushed to Ning Fan, there was already a dense bead of sweat on his forehead!

"Is the fight over?"

"It's my turn!"

"Boy, I want to see what other tricks you have!"

Seeing Ning Fan stop, Tian Mangxun showed a sneer on his face and jumped again!



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