Ning Fan roughly recounted the history of the late Han Dynasty. Guo Jia's expression suddenly changed, while Zhao Huaiyuan and others looked puzzled!

"Second Master, which dynasty is this Han Dynasty? Why have I never heard of it?"

"And who is this Prime Minister Cao?"

Dian Wei and Xu Chu also looked over with puzzled faces. Ning Fan pondered for a moment and said softly: "The Han Dynasty was a very long time ago!"

"As for Prime Minister Cao, I have to say that this man is a man of great influence, and his Jian'an character will be widely circulated in later generations!"


"My lord, what is the character of Jian'an?"

"I like wives!"


Everyone was speechless for a while, and Guo Jia and Yue Fei couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths, with a hint of amusement in their eyes!


"Your Highness, a large Li army has been spotted ahead!"


Ning Fan frowned slightly, looked at the scout, and asked softly: "How many people and horses are there, and how far away are they from us?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are at least tens of thousands of people who seem to be encircling and suppressing a group of bandits!"

"We're still miles away!"

Ning Fan's expression condensed, and he immediately opened the dynamic military sandbox, frowning slightly: "Let's go, rush up and have a look!"


On the snowy field, a group of dozens of horses galloped wildly, followed by more than ten thousand soldiers chasing them all the way. The arrows were as fast as thunder, and one after another figures fell off their horses and fell to the ground!

The leader was a young woman with a stunning appearance and a heroic demeanor. She was dressed in a light red battle robe and exuded an aura of calmness and authority!

"Go after them!"

"The prince has an order. Whoever can capture this girl alive will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins and be made a prince!"

"Brothers, rush!"

The soldiers and horses chasing from behind were running wildly, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. Arrows were flying from time to time, and there were fewer and fewer people escaping in front!

"His Majesty!"

"The rebels are strong, and they will reach the border of the Southern Barbarians if they go further. You go first, and we will stop them!"

A strong figure suddenly turned the horse's head, with a look of determination on his face. There was a coldness in the woman's eyes, and she said lightly: "How long can you stop them with just dozens of riders?"

Knowing that she could not escape, the woman immediately reined in her horse, turned her horse's head and looked at the group behind her. Even when faced with thousands of troops chasing after her, she still looked indifferent!



There were sounds of reining in horses, and the pursuing rebels directly surrounded the woman and her group. A figure rode out with a wave of smile on his face!


"Your Majesty, I allowed you to escape today, but now you have finally fallen into the hands of this general!"

"You are destined to have trouble flying today!"

The person who spoke was a young man with a feminine face. His eyes fell on the stunning woman, and his lustful thoughts flashed through her!


"A bunch of clowns!"

"Today I am a tiger in Pingyang, but I will not be humiliated at the hands of you and other rats!"

"I am the emperor of Dali!"

The woman's face was extremely calm. Her eyes glanced around and landed on the soldiers who were following them. She said calmly: "Since I came to the throne, I haven't seen any battles!"

"Soldiers, you are all soldiers of our Dali. You have fought for our Dali through life and death, fought against the Southern Barbarians, and resisted against the Great Yan!"

"You are all my great heroes!"

"I am Mu Qingcheng, the empress of Dali. I am now forced by traitors and have been in a state of decline!"

"However, I believe that you are all loyal and loyal people of our country. You are helping the tyrants to do evil now. It is really forced by the situation!"

"Would you like to follow me to kill the traitors?"

Mu Qingcheng's words were sonorous and powerful. Even though he was in a desperate situation, he still had a calm look on his face and said calmly: "Whoever kills this thief will be my great hero!"

After hearing Mu Qingcheng's words, the feminine man also showed a deep fear on his face.

"His Majesty?"

"Is this person my Empress Dali?"

"This...general actually wants to commit an act of rebellion?"


For a moment, many soldiers showed a hint of hesitation. After all, the person in front of them was Empress Dali and the orthodox emperor!

Now that they are going to cause rebellion and commit rebellion, all the soldiers have become extremely anxious!

"Kill me!"

General Yinrou shouted low, waved his sword in his hand, and the cronies behind him killed Mu Qingcheng and his party without hesitation!

"Those who disobey military orders will be killed!"

"This woman was in an unfair position and brought trouble to the imperial court. Your Highness, Prince Qi, is the orthodox one. He followed the late emperor's decree to punish the traitor!"

"Kill me!"

Following the general's order, a chaotic battle began in the battle formation, but the bandit army was obviously powerful!

Many soldiers tried to bring order to the chaos, but in the end they were outnumbered!


"I didn't expect that after three years of fighting, I was not killed by the Great Flame or the Southern Barbarians, but I would be killed at the hands of a group of rebels!"

Mu Qingcheng smiled self-deprecatingly and said lightly: "Everyone, I have failed at Dali, so I will die calmly now!"


Mu Qingcheng held a seven-foot green blade in his hand and rode towards the rebels!



There was a sound of horse hooves in the distance, and a light cavalry was seen galloping all the way, charging towards the rebels without hesitation!

"His Majesty!"

"It's reinforcements!"

One of the guards spoke excitedly. After hearing this, Mu Qingcheng also looked over and his face suddenly condensed: "Dayu's Qingqi?"


A loud shout rang out, and a general with a gun took the lead, followed by two fierce generals, and rushed straight towards the Dali rebels!

The feminine general's eyes condensed, his face showed a hint of ruthlessness, and he hissed: "Soldiers, kill Mu Qingcheng, and reward ten thousand gold!"

"Kill her for me!"

Accompanied by the order of the feminine general, the black soldiers behind him also killed all the way towards Mu Qingcheng!


"Brothers, since the empress ascended the throne, the national strength of Dali has been booming!"

"Now that the King of Qi is plotting rebellion, we must not help the tyrant!"

"Protect the empress!"

A fierce shout rang out in the army, and hundreds of cavalry rushed out in an instant, guarding Mu Qingcheng's side tightly, and hissed: "Protect the emperor!"

A fight unfolded on the grassland, Yue Fei guarded on Ning Fan's side, looking very surprised: "My lord, the group being hunted seems to be led by a woman!"

"The empress of Dali!"

Guo Jia With a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, he said calmly: "I have heard that Dali is in turmoil for a long time, but I didn't expect it to reach this point!"

"I just don't know why the empress appeared on the grassland!"

After a moment of hesitation, Ning Fan said softly: "Yunchang, E Lai, Zhong Kang, you go and rescue the empress!"


"Pengju, repel this rebel army!"

A sharp light flashed in Yue Fei's eyes, and he raised his spear high, and shouted: "All generals, listen to my orders, follow me to charge!"



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