Accompanied by Yue Fei's order, more than 10,000 ghost soldiers rode their horses and rushed towards the Dali rebels!

After the battle of Barbarian King City, more than 17,000 ghost soldiers lost nearly 5,000 men and horses, and now there are only more than 10,000 light cavalry left, one man with two horses!

Although the Dali rebels are numerous, the ghost army's murderous aura is obviously more intense!


"The Dali empress now appears in the southern border, which means that Dali must have unexpected changes!"

"However, the enemy army is more than three times ours, so we can't let the soldiers take risks!"

Guo Jia frowned, Ning Fan nodded slightly, and looked sideways: "Sir, what do you think about saving the Dali empress, for us!"

"Benefits and no disadvantages!"

"I would like to hear more!"

Ning Fan showed a hint of curiosity on his face. Guo Jia looked deeply at the figure in the crowd and said softly: "Lord, these rebels who are attacking the empress now, if If I am not mistaken!"

"It should be a vassal king who is plotting to usurp power!"

"If the empress dies here today, within seven days, Dali will definitely change its master, and it is even likely to cause warlords to fight for power!"

"In this way, wouldn't it be more beneficial to Dayu?"

Ning Fan asked back, Guo Jia shook his head slightly, and said softly: "My lord, even if Dali is in turmoil now, Dayu is powerless to attack!"

"Among the countries in the Central Plains, Dayan has suppressed the three countries. Over the years, it has become increasingly powerful, with strong soldiers and horses, and a rich country and strong people. If it were not for the northern border Hu Nu (Dayu's northern border is the eight barbarians in Mobei, and the Hu Nu is in the north of Dayan) ), I'm afraid that Dali would have died at the hands of Dayan long ago! "

"We, Dayu, are bordering Dayan. We have been fighting for years. Sooner or later, there will be a national war!"

"With Dayu's current national strength, it is like hitting a rock with an egg against Dayan!"

Ning Fan listened to Guo Jia's analysis of the general situation and nodded slightly: "Feng Xiao is right. Now that we have Dali, we can still contain Dayan!"

"But if the Queen of Dali abdicates, there will be other kings to take the throne. What impact will it have on us?"

"My Lord, the change of the lord will inevitably cause turmoil. Now Dali has suffered a setback in the northern battlefield. If we give Dayan another opportunity, the country will be in danger of extinction!"

"The strength of Dali is of no benefit to Dayu, and the destruction of Dali is even more disadvantageous to Dayu!"

"The half-dead Dali is the situation that Dayu wants to see the most!"

"Although the empress is tough, Dali has been weak for a long time, and Dayan is eyeing it covetously. It is as difficult as ascending to heaven to turn from weak to strong!"

"There are mountains between Dayu and Dali, and the only border is Huainan!"

"If the lord can save the empress, such a favor will be repaid!"

Guo Jia explained the interests clearly, and Ning Fan fell into deep thought, looking at the battlefield ahead.

"In that case, let's save the empress first!"

"My lord, although these rebels are powerful, the empress of Dali is here after all. As long as there is a chance to call for help, these rebels will collapse without a fight!"

"No need to bother!"

Ning Fan's mouth curled up slightly, and he said lightly: "Beiwei Army, it's time to enter the world!"

"Beiwei Army?"

Guo Jia showed a puzzled look on his face, as if he noticed something, and suddenly looked in one direction!



The dull sound of horse hooves instantly attracted everyone's attention. Yue Fei also turned back at the first time. Niu Gao beside him trembled all over, "Big... Big Brother!"

"Is it them?"

"How... is this possible?"

"Yes, it's the Beiwei Army!"

Zhang Xian, Li Dao and others also looked at Yue Fei with joy, and their eyes all looked at Yue Fei.

At some point, Yue Fei's eyes were already filled with tears, his eyes fixed on one direction, and he said to Qin Qiong beside him: "General Shubao, from now on, the Ghost Army will be under your command!"

"General Yue?"

"This cavalry is..."

"Beiwei Army!"

Yue Fei left a camp number lightly, and rode his horse towards the direction of Beiwei Army. Zhang Xian, Li Dao and others followed closely behind. Zhao Huaiyuan looked at the 10,000 iron cavalry galloping and muttered to himself!

"This is the real cavalry!"

"Elite, the elite that has never been seen in the world!"

"The army is neat and the formation is strict. More than 10,000 cavalry gallop together. The formation has never been scattered at all. The momentum is like a tidal wave!"

"This cavalry is better than the golden armor cavalry in Mobei!"


Hearing Li Yan's evaluation, Zhao Huaiyuan showed a touch of shock. You know, the golden armor cavalry of the Eight Barbarians in Mobei is the best in the world!

A top-notch warrior, he is one of the top three cavalrymen in the world!

I didn't expect that the Beiwei Army in front of him was even stronger!

Yue Fei rode his horse all the way, and in just a moment, he came to the front of more than 10,000 Beiwei Army, reined in his horse, and raised his spear!



More than 10,000 cavalrymen turned over and dismounted, made uniform movements, saluted Yue Fei respectfully, and said in a stern voice: "Meet General Yue!"

"Generals, no need to salute!"

Yue Fei raised his spear, and his eyes carefully scanned the figures one by one, and whispered: "Tell me, who are you?"

"Yue Family Army!"

"It's easy to shake the mountain, but it's hard to shake the Yue Family Army!"

"Today, when you enter the world, you must show the style of my Yue Family Army to the world!"


More than 10,000 soldiers shouted together, and Yue Fei also turned over and dismounted, strode to Ning Fan, and shouted in a low voice: "Yue Fei, meet His Royal Highness King Xuanyong!"

"Greetings to His Royal Highness King Xuanyong!"

Ten thousand riders knelt on one knee, their eyes looking at Ning Fan, full of heat!

"No need to be polite!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Ning Fan looked at the armored riders in front of him, and Lang Sheng said, "I am very pleased that you have come to the world, but I have only one word to say to all the generals!"

"Don't forget China, don't let down the Chinese people!"

Ning Fan's voice was very light, but it could be clearly heard. For a moment, many soldiers had complicated expressions and firm eyes!

"Don't forget the land of China!"

"Don't let down the name of the Chinese people!"

These soldiers also have the memory of their previous lives when they come to the world, but part of them have been erased by the system, leaving only some military careers!

Every battle and every fight they have experienced are clearly imprinted in their minds!

They know the land of China, the name of the Chinese people, and their origins, but they are loyal to Ning Fan!

If the civil and military officials who have recovered their memories still have a slight possibility of betrayal, then these soldiers are Ning Fan's staunch followers!

The kind that will never betray!

"Beiwei Army, listen to my orders!"


"Follow me and kill!"

Yue Fei's body surged with unprecedented arrogance, and his eyes became extremely hot. At this moment, even if there were a million troops in front of him!

He also had the confidence to rush forward and kill him without leaving a single piece of armor!

Because he had brothers and comrades around him!


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