Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 175 Your Majesty, are you willing to marry me?

"It's Dayu's cavalry again!"

"Damn it, why did Dayu's cavalry appear here!"

"Quickly, kill the empress at all costs. His Highness Prince Qi will not treat you badly!"

The Yinrou general also had a hint of madness in his eyes, and he personally rode his horse to kill Empress Dali!

"Very good!"

"Your Majesty, Dayu is here to help us!"

When Mu Qingcheng heard this, a glimmer of hope ignited in his eyes, and he immediately stood proudly on the horse, with a hint of scornful power in his heroic posture!


"My reinforcements have arrived. If you are willing to abandon the darkness and surrender to the light, and obey my orders, today's crime of rebellion will be forgotten!"

"I know that you were bewitched by this traitorous general!"

"You don't know what happened today, so I give you a chance!"

As soon as Mu Qingcheng finished speaking, many of the rebels showed hesitation on their faces, and the face of the feminine general became extremely ferocious: "Don't believe her, this woman has always been cruel and ruthless!"

"Now there is no turning back. If we let her go, will we let us live?"

"Brothers, kill me!"

Hearing the low shout from the Yinrou general, the soldiers once again attacked Empress Dali!

"General, Dayu's cavalry is coming!"

"Brothers can't stand it anymore!"


General Yinrou's face was as dark as water, and he shouted angrily: "This general has 30,000 fine cavalry, and Dayu is nothing more than a rabble, so how can he not stop them?"

"Kill me!"

"This Dayu cavalry will be completely buried here today!"

General Yinrou was like a man possessed, his eyes were fixed on Empress Dali, revealing an undisguised murderous intention!

"Your Majesty, even if you come back alive, it will be useless!"

"If I guess correctly, His Highness King Qi's army should have already invaded the capital by this time!"

"Haha!" Mu Qingcheng's face showed a touch of ridicule, and he said lightly: "I really didn't expect that King Qi dared to send troops to ambush me!"

"Today I, Dali, may be in danger of overthrowing, but the one who can take my place is definitely not King Qi!"

"He doesn't deserve it!"

Mu Qingcheng's eyes flashed with deep disdain, and he said lightly: "I have never put Prince Qi in my eyes, but his move did bring me a lot of trouble!"

After finishing speaking, he looked directly at the rebels and shouted coldly: "Anyone who does not defect within three breaths will be killed!"

"If you find your way back, I will forgive you for your guilt!"

"Otherwise, when I return to the country, all thieves who conspire today will be killed without mercy, the nine Yi tribes!"

Mu Qingcheng stood on the horse, a faint power sweeping over her body. For a moment, many soldiers were actually forced by her calm momentum in the face of danger!

"Your Majesty, we have no objection at all and are willing to follow your Majesty to kill the rebels!"

"I am willing to follow your majesty to kill thieves!"

"Your Majesty, the Empress, is my rare wise master in Da Li. Today, I was bewitched by a traitor, and I cannot escape the blame. Even if Your Majesty intends to punish me, I will be willing to do so!"

"Brothers, protect Your Majesty!"

There were loud shouts among the rebels who were charging, and they all gathered in the direction of Mu Qingcheng!

Yue Fei also immediately ordered his soldiers to charge in the direction of the rebel general!


Under the charge of more than 30,000 rebels and 10,000 Beiwei troops, their formation was instantly dispersed!

The overall situation is decided!

"I am willing to obey your Majesty's orders!"

"I would like to follow His Majesty!"

The corners of Mu Qingcheng's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes glanced around, and he said calmly: "All generals, listen to the order and kill this traitorous general!"

"According to the order!"

As soon as Mu Qingcheng finished speaking, the feminine general's expression suddenly changed. He looked at the hostile figures around him with a look of fear in his eyes!

"What are you doing?"

"Are you going to rebel?"

"My general's military talisman is here, you guys..."

Before he finished speaking, several tall and thick men waved their spears at him, accompanied by a cold taunt: "You are the one who wants to rebel!"

More than a dozen soldiers rushed forward and captured the rebel leader directly. Mu Qingcheng just glanced at him and said, "Take him back to the capital and wait for his fate!"


Although thousands of the 30,000 rebels were slaughtered by the Beiwei army, there are still more than 20,000 riders at this moment, all of whom were subdued by the empress!

A figure came forward and patted the horse. Yue Fei, Xu Chu and others quickly turned over and dismounted, slightly cupping their hands: "I have met my lord!"

Ning Fan nodded slightly and looked at the Empress Da Li with a look of surprise. Unexpectedly, it was just as Guo Jia expected, with peerless grace and stunning appearance!

Wearing a pale white dress, she is extremely elegant, her skin is tender and tender, her eyebrows are trimmed and her nose is straightened, and there is a faint sense of authority surrounding her body, which makes her look surprisingly good!

Mu Qingcheng seemed to have noticed Ning Fan's gaze. She looked sideways and couldn't help but look startled. But what deserved her attention more was the names of the generals just now!


You know, this title is unusual. Only by recognizing him as the master can he be called the lord!

The man's temperament was elegant, but his behavior was very casual. Even the eyes he looked at himself were a little frivolous, and he showed no awe of the emperor's status!

It’s more like the appreciation and surprise of a talented man meeting a beautiful woman!

"There is a beauty in the north, peerless and independent!"

"Look at Qingren City once, then look at Qingren Country!"

"I would rather not know a beautiful city or a beautiful country. A beautiful woman is hard to come by!"

Ning Fan couldn't help but recite a poem. Mu Qingcheng was stunned when she heard it, and her eyes became more playful!


"Although the general has done a favor to my Majesty, I will not allow the general to offend me in my great world!"

The generals around Mu Qingcheng suddenly stepped forward and looked at Ning Fan with a sullen look on their faces, ready to fight if they disagreed!

"Back off!"


Mu Qingcheng looked at Ning Fan, her beautiful eyes rolling, and her red lips slightly opened: "I will remember today's feelings. If we meet on the battlefield one day, I will let you go!"

"That's all?"

"What else?"

"I wonder if your majesty is married, will you marry me?"

"How dare you!"

Listening to Ning Fan's frivolous words, Mu Qingcheng's followers drew their swords directly, their faces furious!


Mu Qingcheng also smiled, stayed on Ning Fan for a moment, and whispered: "Are you from the royal family?"

"King Dayu Xuanyong!"

"I have never heard of him. I only know King Dayu Sheng. He is just a young man, guarding one side and defeating Dayan several times in a row!"

"I have admired the style of my eldest brother for a long time. I wonder if Your Majesty is willing to marry me!"

Listening to Ning Fan's continued teasing, Mu Qingcheng was not as angry as she imagined. Instead, there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes. She said lightly: "Since I ascended the throne, you are the first one who dares to tease me!"

"It's an honor!"

"So, Your Majesty, are you willing to marry me?"

"If you can use the dog head of the Emperor of Dayan as a betrothal gift and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains as a gift, what if I marry you?"

"It's a deal!"


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