Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 176: The new army enters Huainan, the four famous generals in history!


Another sound of galloping horse hooves was heard in the distance, and the black cavalry was approaching like a huge dark cloud!

The guards beside Mu Qingcheng suddenly tightened their expressions, and one of them, a burly man, suddenly took a step forward!

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"Generals, listen to the order and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Yue Fei also condensed his eyes, raised his spear, and his troops all turned their horses' heads to face the north!

"It's my person!"

Mu Qingcheng looked far away and saw those black riders riding in front of the people. The generals led by them all got off their horses and knelt down on one knee: "General, my rescue was late, please forgive me!"

Mu Qingcheng ignored it and turned his eyes to Ning Fan: "Everything in the court has not yet been decided. I will return to Beijing immediately!"

"When the four directions are settled, if King Xuan Yong is willing to come to Dali, I will welcome him with national gifts!"

"I like your poem very much!"

Mu Qingcheng took a deep look at Ning Fan, and his eyes fell on the generals kneeling on the ground. They were so calm that no color could be seen.

"Go back to Beijing!"

Following Mu Qingcheng's order, the black mass of Dali cavalry retreated like a tide. Ning Fan suddenly looked stunned, "I still don't know your Majesty's name!"

"My lord, Your Majesty the Empress is so famous that she is admired all over the city!"


Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, looking at the beautiful figure gradually disappearing, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Thousands of miles of land, why not give it to her!"

"The country is mine, and so is the beauty!"

"Emperor's not a big problem!"

North of Huainan!

On the desolate official road, the cold wind howled and heavy snow filled the sky.

A group of soldiers stretching for more than ten miles gradually appeared in the sight of the defenders of Julong City, and immediately attracted the attention of the defenders!

"This is……"

"The Dragon Banner of Dayu is the military force of the imperial court?"

"The imperial army is here, go and report to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Not long after, a figure appeared on the city tower. With a serious look on his face, he looked at the guard next to him: "General, what do you think the imperial court has for sending troops at this time?"

"Your Majesty is marching south, and now we only have 100,000 troops stationed in Huainan. Could it be..."


Before the general finished speaking, Lu Shaoyang shook his head and said softly: "The imperial court will never use troops against us at this time!"

"Send out scouts quickly and report this matter to the palace, asking Mr. Ye to make a decision!"


The general responded and hurriedly walked down the tower, while the army in the distance also marched to Julong City!

At the foot of Julong City.

Ji Sui and Li Xiuning rode horses side by side, followed by the generals beside them, looking towards Julong City!

"Master Ji, this Julong City is the gateway to Huainan!"

"Lu Kan is always wary of the imperial court. Julong City must be heavily guarded. In your opinion, will he let him go?"

Ji Sui narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully: "Now Lu Kan is leading his army to the south. According to the Jin Yiwei's intelligence, Lu Kan's adopted son Lu Shaoyang is stationed in Julong City with an army of 50,000!"

"We are here with His Majesty's decree. It would be best for him to let us go. If we don't let him go, we will be disobeying the order!"

"He cannot bear the charge of rebellion, and he does not have the courage to do so!"

As soon as Ji Sui finished speaking, a handsome-looking man appeared on the tower. He stood quietly on the tower and shouted softly: "Who is here?"

"Ji Sui, Minister of the Ministry of War of Dayu, is ordered by His Majesty to guard the southwest border!"

"Master Ji, with Prince Huai's Mansion guarding the southwest border, everything will be safe. Thank you for your kindness!"

A sneer appeared on Ji Sui's face, and he slowly took out a golden imperial edict from his sleeve, raised it above his head, and said loudly: "The emperor's imperial edict is here, why don't you go out of the city to receive it?"

Seeing Ji Sui suddenly take out the imperial edict, Lu Shaoyang's expression on the tower suddenly changed, and he became extremely confused for a moment!

"Your Majesty, you must accept this imperial edict!"

"But if I accept it, what should I do if the emperor wants to tighten his military power or even let the army enter?"


The general next to him also showed a look of embarrassment, not knowing what to do!

"Now my foster father's main force is not in Huainan, and there are only 100,000 soldiers and horses guarding the sixteen prefectures and counties. If the imperial court is really desperate to launch an attack on Huainan, what should we do!"

"Your Majesty, they only have a hundred thousand soldiers and horses. My Huainan soldiers are all soldiers who can fight a hundred battles. They may not be unable to fight in one battle!"

"Haha!" Lu Shaoyang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't forget that during this southern expedition, Qingyun Hou's Zhennan Army did not send out a single soldier!"

"The purpose is to restrain us!"

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have let my adoptive father apply!"


Lu Shaoyang sighed softly and said in a low voice: "Let's open the city to accept the order. Now that things have happened, we can only act according to the situation!"

The city gate slowly opened, Ji Sui and Li Xiuning rode up to meet them, and Lu Shaoyang led a group of city guards to the front of the formation.

"Prince Huai's Mansion accepts the order!"

"Emperor's edict: Order Ji Sui, Secretary of the Ministry of War, and Li Xiuning, Princess of Changning County, to lead one hundred thousand troops to guard the southwest border. All prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Prince Huai's Mansion will be allowed to pass without any obstruction!"

After hearing Ji Sui's edict, Lu Shaoyang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was just taking advantage of it. It seemed that he was overthinking it!

"According to the order!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

With a cry of long live, Ji Sui and Li Xiuning led their troops directly into the city and officially entered the land of Huainan.

Southern grassland!

The barbarian army retreated, but Zhao Changying and the other three led the army to pursue them all the way to the barbarian king's city!

Looking at the huge city in front of me that was almost reduced to ruins, I couldn't help but sigh!

"Your Highness, this move is so cruel!"

"The city is burned and the people are exterminated. The food and water are cut off. In addition, it is freezing cold. Even if you can escape from the Barbarian King City, you may not survive more than three days!"

"I just don't know which direction your highness is leading the army!"

Zhao Changying's face was filled with worry. Now that Dayu's 400,000 troops have penetrated deep into the grassland, it is extremely difficult to supply food and grass. In addition, the grassland is severely droughted and the water source is exhausted. They can only stay for three days at most!

If the whereabouts of your highness cannot be found within three days, the army must be withdrawn no matter what!

"Old Zhao, don't worry!"

"If we can't find it, it means the Barbarian Army may not be able to find it either!"

"Besides, His Highness has only a thousand men under his command, and it is very easy to hide his whereabouts!"

"It's not that easy for the Barbarian Army to find them!"

As soon as Su Xuan finished speaking, Liu Fengping seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and his eyes became extremely deep: "When His Highness left the camp, he only had 3,000 elite cavalry!"

"But there are at least 30,000 elite armored soldiers stationed in the Barbarian King City. How did His Highness take it?"


As soon as these words came out, Liu Fengping also looked at Zhao Changying, revealing a deep doubt!

"I don't know either!"

Zhao Changying's eyes gradually became deep, and he said softly: "In the letter from His Highness, he only mentioned the burning of the Barbarian King City. As for how to break the city and how to burn the city, he doesn't know anything at all!"

"Your Highness King Xuanyong, if you return to Beijing safely after such a great achievement!"

"I'm afraid those people in Beijing will be restless!"

"Such an achievement is no less than that of His Highness King Sheng back then!"


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