

"Brothers, go faster!"

"Order the three armies to march at full speed, and we must hold on to this barbarian cavalry!"

Xu Yang kept squeezing the horse's belly, and the warhorse under his crotch accelerated again and again, rushing forward!

Over the years, he has followed the Duke of Zhenguo in battles and has seen many storms, but this time, he was repeatedly told by the Duke of Zhenguo to bring His Royal Highness Prince Xuanyong back intact!

Besides, there are several dignitaries in Beijing around His Royal Highness. If they really have any accidents, I'm afraid the sky will fall!


Thirty thousand light cavalry galloped all the way, and Xu Yang looked at the vast wilderness ahead, his expression became more and more gloomy!

The riding skills of these barbarians are really superb, and the war horses on the grassland are better than those in the Central Plains!

The leg strength is naturally incomparable!

"General, we have lost the trace of the barbarian army!"

"The soldiers have been rushing for half a day, do you want to stop and rest?"

"When the scouts find the trace of the barbarian army, we..."

"Shut up!"

Xu Yang's face was stern, and he said in a low voice: "Your Highness has only 3,000 soldiers and horses, and now he is facing the encirclement of 50,000 barbarian cavalry!"

"It only takes one charge to overthrow the danger!"

"Now we have to race against time!"

"Send an order..."

Before Xu Yang finished speaking, he saw several cavalrymen galloping over and shouting: "Report!"

"General, there is a situation!"


Xu Yang's face was condensed, and his eyes were full of concentration: "Have you found the trace of the barbarian army?"


The scout nodded weakly, and seemed to be hesitant to speak!

"Your Highness, is in trouble?"


"I have not found any trace of Your Highness and his party!"


Xu Yang frowned and said in a low voice: "What is going on? Why are you so hesitant..."

"General, you should go up to that hill and take a look yourself!!"

"The corpses of the 50,000 barbarian soldiers are scattered all over the wilderness, and the blood is almost flowing like a river. They are lying in all directions and almost wiped out!"


Xu Yang's expression condensed, and he rushed towards the hill. After half an incense stick, he arrived at the hill with hundreds of riders.


Looking at the corpses of the barbarian soldiers in front of him, Xu Yang was stunned. There were still many surviving war horses galloping nearby on the grassland!

But the corpses all over the ground, and the blood that stained the entire land, made them tremble all over!

"All these people died within an hour!"

"Before we came, this war should have just ended!"

"General, what should we do?"

Xu Yang's face was silent for a long time, and he whispered: "Send someone to pass the news to the commander-in-chief, and send all scouts to continue to explore the whereabouts of His Highness!"

"Yes, sir!"


The fire in the Barbarian King City has been put out, and the entire city has almost turned into ruins.

One by one, the burnt houses stand on the street, and the once magnificent palace has now been turned into a scorched earth!

A side hall within the palace wall, this is the best preserved part of the entire Barbarian Palace!

"Your Majesty, we have now tracked down the whereabouts of that ghost army, and we will definitely bring back all the princes and concubines safely!"

"With 50,000 light cavalry chasing them, they will definitely not be able to escape from our grasp!"

"Your Majesty, Dayu's main force has camped outside the city!"

A group of staff gathered in the side hall. Now most of the court of the Southern Barbarians has been destroyed, and the officials in Beijing have been slaughtered!

At this time, the officials serving around the Barbarian Emperor were all the officials who followed him to the battle!

"Your Majesty, these damn two-legged sheep burned my royal city and looted the royal family. They deserve to die!"

"Your Majesty, please give the order to fight to the death with Dayu's army!"

Figures stood up to ask for orders. In this attack, their families in Beijing were not spared!

The Barbarian King's face was as gloomy as water, and he spoke in a serious tone: "Do you know the whereabouts of the Little Barbarian King?"


"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have sent people to intensify the search!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, His Highness will be safe!"

A series of comforting voices sounded, and the Barbarian King's face eased a little. He looked around and said lightly: "What plans do you have to destroy the enemy?"

"Your Majesty!"

A figure wearing a python robe came out, looking straight at the Barbarian King with tiger eyes: "Dayu has always lacked cavalry, and now the grassland is flat!"

"If we face it head-on, our army will not be afraid at all!"

"Besides, now that Dayu's main force has penetrated deep into the grassland, logistical supplies must be difficult to provide!"

"Your brother suggests attacking Dayu's grain transport team!"

As soon as King Pingjing finished speaking, he instantly attracted the second opinion of a group of court officials!


"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Little Barbarian King is back!"


The Barbarian Emperor stood up suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face: "Hurry up and spread it!"

Not long after, several figures walked into the hall one after another, and the leader was the Little Barbarian King who escaped in the chaos!

"Son pays homage to father!"

"No need to be polite!"

"Father, I was able to escape this time, thanks to Aguna's desperate rescue!"


The Barbarian Emperor looked at him with a look of admiration on his face, and said with a smile: "You are the grandson of Grand Duke Haolian, right?"

"Your Majesty!"

"No need to be polite!"

Seeing his crown prince return, the depression on the face of the Barbarian King seemed to fade a little, and the whole person was glowing with a different spirit!

"Aguna, you have made great contributions to the ancient country, and you are worthy of being my son of the Great Barbarians!"

"Your Majesty, this is my duty!"

Aguna smiled modestly, and the Little Barbarian King beside him couldn't wait to say: "Father, this time Aguna also found out an important news!"


The Barbarian King looked slightly surprised, and his eyes looked at Aguna. The Little Barbarian King couldn't wait to say: "Father, Aguna found out that Dayu's grain transport team was blocked by wind and snow!"

"That is to say, Dayu will definitely withdraw his troops in three days at most!"

"Otherwise, they will be out of food!"

The Little Barbarian King's eyes were full of energy, and he was not affected at all by the destruction of the royal city and the abduction of royal family members!


The Barbarian King's eyes sparkled with brilliance when he heard this, and he asked in a deep voice: "How did you get this news?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty!" Aguna stepped forward and whispered: "That day, Dayu's ghost army broke into the city. After I rescued His Royal Highness the Little Barbarian King, I fled all the way!"

"When we reached the outer valley, we met Dayu's grain transport team. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough soldiers under our command, so we didn't dare to move rashly!"

"The grain transport teams of the Yu people rely on horse-drawn carriages for transportation, but the grassland, especially near the royal city, has deep snow, and the horse-drawn carriages of the Yu people can't move at all!"

"I am still sending people to observe the every move of those Dayu grain transport teams!"

"Within three days, Dayu's main army must withdraw!"

As soon as Aguna finished speaking, figures stepped out one after another, and their faces were all shining with a different kind of brilliance!

"Your Majesty, I want to fight!"

"When Dayu withdraws his troops, it will be the time for our army to attack. We will surely tear these two-legged sheep to pieces in one fell swoop!"

"Your Majesty, please give the order!"

The Barbarian King also nodded heavily and whispered: "Order all tribes to prepare food and grass for the army. I want to use these 400,000 Yu troops to sacrifice for the people of my Barbarian King City!"


All the generals shouted in unison. Aguna and Wuyou looked at each other calmly and nodded to each other!


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