Ghost Army Tent!

Ning Fan held his breath and concentrated, feeling a faint sense of Qi in his body wandering around his body, with a slightly surprised look on his face!

"I didn't expect it to be so smooth!"

"Although I'm just practicing for the first time, all nine main meridians in my body are actually open. If it is divided according to the realm of martial arts, it is the innate realm!"

"But the internal force in my body now is probably far beyond the reach of ordinary acquired martial artists!"

After a moment of hesitation, Ning Fan vaguely understood the problem. The marrow cleansing and bone-breaking pill rewarded by the system's novice gift package!

Although it did not make his martial arts too strong, it had already completely connected his meridians!

In other words, although Ning Fan's realm is now in the innate realm, the internal force in his body is not full!

As long as the internal force catches up, everything will come naturally, without any bottlenecks!

Thinking of this, Ning Fan became more and more excited, and the physical sensation in his body wandered around his body, and this faint internal force gradually strengthened!

"It seems that in three days at most, you can reach the level of a post-natal warrior!"

"The mystery of the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra should not be so profound!"

"This dragon-catching technique is not simple either!"

Ning Fan once again opened the secret realm of the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra, with a gleam in his eyes.

"I wonder if Yue Fei has finished!"

Ning Fan silently opened the system and checked the dynamic military sand table, and found that the red dots on the map had almost disappeared!

And tens of thousands of green dots were rushing towards the camp, and the sparse red dots in the tent were particularly dazzling!


"This red dot seems to be much more conspicuous than usual?!"

"And, it's just outside my tent?"

Ning Fan suddenly stood up, his eyes looking in one direction, and the figure outside the tent seemed to have noticed something unusual!

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to discover my existence!"

"Very good!"

"In that case, I will send you to the west today!"

A series of gloomy voices seemed to ring in Ning Fan's ears, and a figure suddenly rushed into the tent and slapped Ning Fan with a palm!


Ning Fan's eyes condensed, feeling the strong wind coming towards him, and his expression also had an unprecedented solemnity!

The momentum released by this thin old man is much stronger than any warrior he has ever seen before!

Even the leader of the Grandmaster Realm of the Blood Evil Pavilion in the barren mountain that day could not compare!


Ning Fan stretched out his hand to draw the sword out of the sheath, and his figure jumped lightly, and the whole person rose to the back, saying lightly: "I didn't expect that a dignified Grandmaster Realm warrior would act so despicably!"

"It's really disgraceful!"

The thin old man showed a strong disdain on his face, and a terrifying pressure spread, all covering Ning Fan!

"What a terrible pressure!"

"This is the unique aura of the inner master!"

"One step difference is like a natural moat!"

Ning Fan stared at the palm of the thin old man, shook the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and shouted: "Swift Wind Sword Shadow!"

Take a step forward, and inject all the internal force in his body into the Xuanyuan Sword, and the sword shadows in the sky stabbed towards the palm of the old man!

"Don't overestimate your ability!"

"Boy, today is your death!"

"The capital city that I have managed for hundreds of years has been burned by you. I will eat your flesh and drink your blood!"

"It turned out to be a barbarian!"

Ning Fan's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand swung violently, and the sword shadows in the sky directly forced the thin old man back!

Taking advantage of the situation, he slashed with a sword, leaving a blood mark on his wrist, but the thin old man was a genuine master after all!

Even if his figure was forced to retreat, a Grandmaster Realm warrior could completely transform his internal force into a shape. With one palm strike, he slapped out with the force of mountains and rivers, and directly bombarded Ning Fan!

"Not good!"

Ning Fan's expression condensed, and he quickly took out the Taotie Baoxuan Armor from the system space to block in front of him, and slashed with a sword!

The oncoming suffocation instantly made him breathe fast, and he didn't expect that he still underestimated the power of the Grandmaster!

The thin old man smiled coldly and said lightly: "I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me!"

"But, that's it!"

As he said, he slapped out another palm, and Ning Fan's figure was almost unable to move under the sweep of this terrifying momentum!

Seeing a palm strike coming, he saw a man in white clothes stepping in, his sleeves fluttering, and a force of internal force swaying out, instantly dissolving the palm into the invisible!

"Little Dragon Girl!"

There was no need to ask the system at all. Ning Fan recognized the elegant and beautiful figure in front of him at a glance!

Wearing a plain long gown, with a slightly pale face, she looked sick and bloodless!

But even so, it was still difficult to conceal her fresh and unworldly, elegant temperament that was independent and detached from the world!

Like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, she was completely incompatible with this world!

This person was the third-generation leader of the Tomb Sect, Xiaolongnu, as described by Mr. Jin in his previous life!

Moreover, she looked very similar to a fairy sister in his previous life. Even though Ning Fan was strong-minded, he couldn't help but feel a little more throbbing!

With such a wife, what else could a husband ask for?


Xiaolongnu landed in front of Ning Fan, bowed slightly, and her cold eyes fell on the thin old man in front of her, flashing a hint of coldness!

In an instant, the temperature in the entire tent seemed to drop a few degrees!

"Sir, how do you deal with this person?"

Xiao Longnu stood in front of Ning Fan with her peerless grace, without even glancing at the thin old man.

"Can you beat me?"

"Can beat it!"

"Then take it down and try to catch as many alive as possible!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, he saw the little dragon girl tapping her feet, the white silk sleeves suddenly swinging away, and two seven-foot green blades shot out at the same time!

The surging sword energy swept away instantly, heading straight towards the thin old man!

"What an amazing girl!"

"It just so happens that Grandpa Puppet still needs a few maids to warm the beds. It's you!"

"Through the Ape Fist!"

The thin old man shouted low, clasped his hands, stretched out his arms like an ape, and hit the little dragon girl with two fist marks!


Two cold rays of light flashed through, and Xiao Longnu's sword energy directly dispersed the shadow of her fist. She also stood up and struck out with one sword after another!

The entire tent was riddled with holes at this time. Teams of armored soldiers surrounded the place and set up strong bows and crossbows!

"Protect Your Highness!"

With a light shout, a group of soldiers rushed forward, guarding Ning Fan firmly in the middle!

"Archers prepare!"


A general waved his hand and directly ordered his soldiers to release arrows. As the bow strings crashed, hundreds of arrows came forward and shot towards the thin old man!

"Damn it!"

"A bunch of ants dare to attack me!"


The thin old man swung his hands, and the surging internal force instantly knocked away the arrows that were shot from the bow.


I saw the figure of the little dragon girl flying by, holding two long swords and stabbing straight at the thin old man!

"not good!"

"Little girl, are you a mid-stage master?"

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