In the barbarian king's city.

Aguna accompanied the Little Man King and stood quietly on the city tower, ever since he rescued the Little Man King from the chaos that day.

After half a month of getting along with each other, the two have already become brothers, and lament every day that they meet each other so late!

"Your Highness, Lord Wuyou is leading an army of 50,000 to attack the camp. Yu will be defeated tonight!"

"Master Wuyou is afraid that he will become famous in one battle!"

"It's a pity that we can only watch with helpless eyes at such a great achievement!"

Hearing this, the Little Man King shook his head slightly and said, "Yu's camp is not that easy to steal. The people of Yu are always cunning, and there is no way they would not set up defenses for our army!"

"not necessarily!"

Aguna said softly: "Since Dayu went south, he has been defeated many times, and now his troops are approaching our royal city. They are proud soldiers!"

"Besides, the Yu people are in short supply of horses and their cavalry is less than one-twelfth. Our Daman cavalry are natural warriors!"

"It's a huge advantage to use a horse against a horse!"

"If it doesn't go as I expected, within one stick of incense time at most, there will definitely be a fire in Dayu's camp!"

Seeing the determined expression on Agu's face, the Little Man King also showed a strong look of expectation.

Not long after, a flash of fire appeared in the camp in the distance, and a look of surprise appeared on the little barbarian king's face!

"It's really what you expected!"

"Wuyou actually got in, hahaha!"

"I'm afraid these damn two-legged sheep will be slaughtered completely now!"

As soon as the Little Man King finished speaking, Aguna shook his head slightly and said softly: "Your Highness, after all, Dayu's main army is 400,000!"

"And General Wuyou only led 50,000 warriors this time. If he wants to annihilate Dayu in one fell swoop, it may not be enough!"

"makes sense!"

The joy on Xiao Man King's face gradually disappeared, and he said softly: "In your opinion, what should we do?"

"So what can we do?" Aguna said with a wry smile: "Your Highness, we were ordered to garrison the city, and we only have 30,000 troops under our command!"

"Even if we send them all out, we will only be able to wipe out 30,000 to 50,000 enemy troops at most!"

"Besides, we can't move lightly without His Majesty's will!"

Aguna looked very disappointed and murmured: "What a pity, it would have been better if he had gone to battle with General Wuyou earlier!"


"Now that Dayu's army camp is attacked, Yu's army will definitely not leave the camp!"

"Why don't we just lead our troops out and help General Wuyou expand his victory?"


Aguna shook his head directly, with a serious look on his face: "Your Highness, we are responsible for the city's defense. If something goes wrong..."


The Little Man King looked confident and said in a deep voice: "Even if we fight out, there are still nearly 300,000 defenders in the city!"

"What's the harm!"

"Aguna, I don't want to miss this great victory!"

"If I can assist General Wu You to defeat Dayu in one fell swoop, I will be the hero of Dayu!"

"Not only is there no fault, but it is meritorious!"

Seeing a different look on the little Man King's face, Aguna sneered in his heart and said softly: "Your Highness, in this case, you should send someone to inform your Majesty in advance!"

"That's too late!"

"Aguna, I will bring out 20,000 soldiers and horses to support General Wuyou, leaving you with 10,000 soldiers and horses to garrison the city!"


Aguna agreed immediately, and the Little Man King couldn't wait to walk towards the bottom of the city tower.

Not long after, with the sound of the city gate, another group of wild cavalry came out, and a sneer appeared on Aguna's lips!

"The show is about to begin!"


"Commander Qi, another group of barbarians came out of the city!"

"Which camp are they heading towards?"

"West Camp!"

Hearing this, Zhao Changying waved his hand: "There is no need to stop him, His Highness Prince Huai can handle it on his own!"


After the scout went down, the corners of Zhao Changying's mouth slightly raised, and his eyes looked towards the Man King City not far away!

"Lao Su and Lao Liu should be in place by now!"

"Your Highness should be arriving soon!"

"I just don't know if that old guy Man Huang has taken the bait!"

Nanman Palace!

Side hall!

The Barbarian Emperor was still awake late at night, waiting for the battle report outside the city, when he saw a figure striding in, slightly arching his hand!

"Your Majesty, General Aguna of the city defense camp wants to see you!"


"Invite him in!"

The Barbarian Emperor frowned and looked at the figure striding in with confusion: "Aguna, aren't you stationed in the city?"

"What happened?"

"Your Majesty!" Agu looked remorseful and knelt down with a thud: "His Royal Highness the Little Man King has led his army out of the city!"


The Barbarian Emperor suddenly slapped the case and stood up with an angry look on his face: "What on earth is going on?"

"Back to Your Majesty, General Wu You led his army to successfully enter Dayu's military camp. Upon seeing this, Your Highness said he would lead his army to help!"

"The general tried to dissuade me, but His Highness the Little Man King refused to listen. He said that he wanted to achieve great achievements and impress His Majesty!"

"Now that the 30,000 city defense troops have been transferred away from 20,000, please make your decision, Your Majesty!"


The Barbarian Emperor had a hint of anger on his face and said sternly: "The city defense army is related to the survival of the royal city, how can they be mobilized so easily!"

"Aguna, take my golden order and go to the camp to mobilize another 30,000 troops!"


Aguna bowed respectfully and strode out of the palace. There was already a person waiting outside the palace.

“Spread the word, it’s time to begin!”


Dayu's camp!

West Camp!

"Report, Your Majesty, the barbarian army is coming!"


Lu Kan's face was as gloomy as water. He looked at the generals in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Mobilize the rear army and surround these barbarians for me!"

"Use the heavily armored spear army to resist the charge of the barbarian army, shoot people with strong bows, and shoot horses with hard crossbows!"

"I want to keep these barbarians completely!"


The generals took the order and left. Teams of armored soldiers rushed out from the major camps. The sky was full of flames and the sky was full of fire. Lu Kan felt a little uneasy!


"Your Highness, another group of barbarian cavalry is coming!"

"Our formation has been broken!"

When Lu Kan heard this, his face suddenly changed. He raised his foot and jumped onto a warhorse. He looked into the distance and said in a low voice: "Let our cavalry press on!"

"We must stop them!"

"Your Highness, our cavalry has been transferred to the Duke of Zhenguo!"


Lu Kan's face was as red as the bottom of a pot. He took a deep breath to adjust his mood and said in a concentrated voice: "Order the three armies to fight and retreat, delay time!"

"I want to see how a few tens of thousands of barbarians can kill my 200,000 elite armored soldiers!"

"Your Highness, it's bad!"

"The fire in the tent can't be controlled!"

Another exclamation sounded. Lu Kan looked over and said in a low voice: "No need to put out the fire, throw all the tents in the rear away!"

"The whole army retreats three miles!"

One after another military order was issued, and the soldiers of the Huaiwang Mansion in the West Camp also gathered and fought and retreated.

Wu You looked at his cavalry, which had already shown signs of fatigue, and the army of the Huai Palace also reacted and moved forward step by step!

"My men, now we have entered Dayu's camp, whether we can achieve success depends on today!"


Wu You gave an order, and the barbarian cavalry behind him raised their scimitars and rushed forward!

"Almost, it's time for the next step!"

Looking at the little barbarian king in the distance who had led his men into the battle formation, Wu You showed a sinister smile on his face and shouted: "Wu Man!"


"You continue to lead the army forward, and I will lead a battalion of soldiers to destroy Dayu's general tent!"



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