In front of the Chinese army tent!

Zhao Changying was still standing on the high platform, looking calmly at the fire-filled sky to the west!

"It's over!"

After a murmur, a man and a horse were seen riding a horse from outside the camp. Zhao Changying looked at the attire of the visitor, and his eyes suddenly condensed!

"Secret Agent No. 1 of Heibingtai Tianzi, pay homage to Duke Zhenguo!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Zhao Changying walked down the high platform step by step, looking at the man in front of him with wet blood on his body, with a look of emotion on his face!

"It's time to begin!"

"Okay!" Zhao Changying's aura bloomed, and he looked at the generals who were already waiting for him: "Send my command to surround the West Camp and not annihilate it!"


"Sir, see you later!"

Wu You bowed respectfully to Zhao Changying, then turned back on his horse and ran all the way towards Man King City!

"Black Ice Platform..."

"It's so scary!"

Barbarian King City!

Aguna stood on the city tower, looking at Dayu's military camp filled with flames in the distance, his eyes fixed on the direction of the camp gate!

Until a group of soldiers and horses rushed out, Aguna's expression was shocked, and his eyes were fixed on the rushing group!

"It's General Wuyou!"

"Quick, open the city gate!"

Aguna shouted as he rushed towards the bottom of the city tower. With a soft creaking sound, the heavy city gate slowly opened!

"Hurry, His Highness the Little Man King is trapped in a tight siege!"

"Your Majesty, please send troops for reinforcements quickly!"

As soon as these words came out, all the barbarian troops in front of the city gate changed their expressions. As soon as Wu You rushed into the city gate, he fell off his horse!


"Ready your horse!"

"Ben is about to enter the palace!"

Barbarian palace!

The Barbarian Emperor sat at the top, looking at Aguna who looked anxious, with a very deep expression on his face.

"His Majesty!"

"General Wuyou fought his way out of the siege. He is now seriously injured and is now undergoing all-out treatment!"

"His Royal Highness, Xiaoman King, is deeply trapped in the enemy's formation. Please send troops to help as soon as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was silent!

Aguna knelt on the ground with a sincere look on his face: "Your Majesty, this matter concerns the Crown Prince, and Your Highness cannot afford to make any mistakes!"

The Man Emperor's expression was gloomy and uncertain. He glanced around and said in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

"His Majesty!"

"His Royal Highness the Little Man King is my Da Man Crown Prince, he must be saved!"

"Besides, there is great chaos in Dayu's camp now. If we take the opportunity to break out at this time, we will definitely achieve great success in one fell swoop!"

Hearing the high priest speak, all the princes and ministers agreed one after another!


"Pass on my decree and send one hundred thousand Qingqi to rescue the little Barbarian King!"

"According to the order!"

Several armored generals strode out of the palace. Aguna also looked relaxed and slightly cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, the situation in Dayu's camp is unclear now. Why not send a team of soldiers and horses to respond at the city gate?"


The Man Emperor nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Aguna, with a look of admiration on his face: "As expected of Grand Duke Hao Lian's grandson!"

"In case of danger, we should not be chaotic and handle things in an orderly manner. In this case, I will give you another 30,000 troops to meet the army at the city gate!"


Aguna bowed respectfully and silently exited the hall, holding a military talisman tightly in his hand!

Now he has 60,000 troops under his command!


The city gate opened again, and groups of barbarian knights came out of the barbarian king's city and rushed straight towards Dayu's military camp!

Beside the ancient road in the distance, Su Xuan looked at the barbarian army several miles in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised!

"Send my order!"


Horns sounded one after another, and the army that had been lying in wait behind Su Xuan for a long time came out in one fell swoop. Bowstrings sounded, and thousands of arrows were fired!

"There's an ambush!"

"Quick, the whole army will defend against the enemy!"

The expressions of the leading barbarian generals changed drastically. Unexpectedly, Dayu's soldiers and horses were already ambushed outside the city!

"Damn two-legged sheep!"

"This is a trap, boys, rush forward and kill all these two-legged sheep!"


The shouts of killing resounded directly under the barbarian king's city, and another sound of horse hoofbeats was heard, and Liu Fengping led 50,000 light cavalry to kill!

The dull sound of horse hoofs cut through the silent night. Liu Fengping personally led the 50,000 cavalrymen of Prince Huai's Palace to attack the barbarian army from the rear!

"Oh no!"

"General, Dayu's cavalry is coming from behind!"

"At least fifty thousand riders!"

The leader, Grand Duke Xunfeng, had a glimmer of concentration in his eyes. Now they were attacked from two sides by Dayu just after they left the city!

It was obvious that Dayu had anticipated their every move!

"Haha, the weak two-legged sheep will never understand that in this grassland, I, the barbarian warrior, is the real king of the grassland!"

"My sons, follow me and fight out!"

"Bloodbath in Dayu's camp!"


Grand Duke Xunfeng gradually raised the scimitar in his hand, took off the iron helmet on his head, shouted low, slapped his horse and charged towards the Yu army!


"Fire the arrow!"

A sneer appeared on Su Xuan's lips. He had been lying in wait here for nearly an hour and was fully prepared!

A series of ravines lay in front of them, and the horse and spear formations had already been laid out. It would not be easy for the Southern Barbarian cavalry to kill them!

"Took the bait!"

On the city tower, Aguna grinned and looked towards Dayu's military camp in the distance, only to see teams of armored soldiers coming out of it!

The overall situation is decided!

"Only the last step left!"

Agu's eyes looked towards the dark night. Now that the battlefield here has begun, the time should be calculated. Your Highness should be here soon, right?


"Your Highness, the Barbarian King City is ahead!"


Ning Fan looked at the noisy city in the distance, while checking the remaining time of the God Card!

"Pengju, lead the army to charge!"


Yue Fei looked into the distance, slowly raised his spear, and shouted in a low voice: "Beiwei Army, charge!"

At the command, the dull sound of horse hooves was like a thunder, followed by a faint fire!

More than 10,000 black-armored cavalrymen rode and rushed straight to the gate of Barbarian King City!

"System, now that the mission is completed, will I be rewarded with merit points for killing the barbarians?"

"Master, the southern expedition has not yet ended, and it can still be settled!"


Ning Fan's eyes were filled with joy. Looking at Dian Wei and Xu Chu behind him, he whispered: "Elai, Zhongkang, you two protect Fengxiao!"


"General Xu, let's charge into the Barbarian King City together!"

"Your Highness, the Barbarian King City has not been broken, and we don't carry siege equipment..."

"It doesn't matter, someone will open the city gate for us!"


Ning Fan took the lead. Xu Yang was stunned for a moment, and immediately gave an order. His 30,000 cavalrymen rushed out together and ran straight towards the gate of the Nanman City!

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

One after another exclamations rang out. Aguna looked at the cavalry rushing out from a distance, and a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes!

"All the generals, listen to my order, open the city gates!"


"What are you standing there for? They are my king's personal soldiers!"

Hearing Aguna's words, the barbarian soldiers did not doubt him and immediately opened the city gates.



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