"Your Highness!"

Su Xuan and Liu Fengping rushed in from outside the city together. When they saw Ning Fan, they both breathed a sigh of relief!

"Is everything okay?"

"It's okay!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, looked at Su Xuan and asked, "Your Majesty, have you ever wiped out all the 100,000 Qingqi outside the city?"

"Yes!" Su Xuan nodded heavily: "Thanks to General Yue's timely arrival, these barbarians' riding skills are really good and they almost fell down!"


Liu Fengping nodded in agreement: "This general has opened his eyes today. He never thought that there would be such an exquisite cavalry formation in the world!"

"Pengju has the air of a general!"

"Given time, I will be able to become the person who carries the cauldron in my army, Dayu!"

Hearing Liu Fengping's praise, all the generals around him looked shocked. They didn't expect that Duke Ping would speak so highly of Yue Fei!

"Your Highness, has the Barbarian Emperor been captured?"

"The Barbarian Emperor led thousands of his personal guards and fled from the south gate. Qin Qiong has already led his men to hunt him down!"

"That's good!"

Chinese army camp!

Ning Fan and a group of military generals came out of the Man King's city and gathered in the Chinese army's tent!

"Your Highness!"


Ning Fan nodded in greeting one by one, sat at the top, and looked at Zhao Changying first: "Commander Zhao, now that the south has been decided, most of the 400,000 barbarian army's main force has been lost!"

"The Man King City was also attacked by me twice. Within three years, there will be no chance of respite!"

"Now that our army is about to run out of food and fodder, prepare immediately. We can return to the court early tomorrow morning!"


Zhao Changying nodded slightly, his expression moved, and fell on Liu Fengping: "Old Liu, those 50,000 cavalry under your command..."

Liu Fengping held the tea cup and smiled lightly, and said softly: "Of course there is no reason to return it!"

"After this battle, King Huai's 200,000-strong army lost nearly 70,000. Now his 50,000 cavalry are under my complete control!"

"His subordinates can't even count as many as 80,000 troops!"

After hearing the calculations of the three old foxes, Ning Fan pondered for a moment and said, "Now one hundred thousand new troops have entered Huainan!"

"Controlling the lifeblood of each important road, the 80,000 troops under King Huai's command are nothing to be afraid of!"

"Your Highness!" Guo Jia, who had never spoken before, slightly cupped his hands and said softly: "I suggest that you directly bring King Huai to the capital!"


"how you said that?"

Guo Jia pondered and said: "The King of Huai has been operating in Huainan for many years, and his reputation is at the peak of the sky, but now he has suffered a setback on the southern battlefield!"

"But once you return to Huainan, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain!"

"Although there are 100,000 new troops and the Zhennan Army to suppress him, King Huai has a majestic appearance and should not be underestimated!"

"It's better to just bring him into the capital in the name of returning to the capital to receive a reward!"

As soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, Zhao Changying shook his head slightly: "In these years, King Huai has almost never left Huainan, how can he easily set foot in the capital?"


Ning Fan chuckled and said calmly: "This is not Huainan. Whether he goes to the capital or not is not up to him!"

Zhao Changying had a look of concentration in his eyes, looked at Su Xuan and Liu Fengping, and nodded one after another!

Under the cover of night, the Barbarian Emperor led thousands of Qin troops to run southward until the sound of horse hooves sounded from behind!

"Barbarian Emperor, please leave!"

"Generals, listen to the order and capture the Barbarian Emperor for me!"


Soaring shouts of death rang out from all directions, and Dayu's tens of thousands of cavalry swarmed forward. With just one charge, the barbarian emperor's personal guards were rushed to pieces!

"Stop them for me!"

"Damn Dayu, I will not be a human unless I take revenge!"

"My sons, when I regain my strength, I will definitely attack Yudu and bloodbath the capital!"

The Barbarian Emperor's face was as cold as frost, and the murderous aura in his eyes was almost solidified. He glared at Qin Qiong and the others fiercely, then rode away on horseback!

"Chase me!"

"No matter what happens today, we must capture the Barbarian Emperor!"


Qin Qiong was the first to rush out, and Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others beside him also looked excited.

Unexpectedly, this southern expedition not only entered the Man capital, but also captured the Man emperor with his own hands!

With such achievements, after returning to the court, at least he will be a genuine general, and maybe he will be awarded a knighthood!



There were only a few hundred horses left behind the Barbarian Emperor, and Qin Qiong led his army in hot pursuit, chasing him for several miles.

"Your Majesty, look, it's General Aguna!"

A barbarian soldier shouted lowly, and saw another group of cavalry approaching from the distance. The barbarian emperor instantly showed ecstasy!

"Hahaha, God will not kill me!"

"Blessed by the gods!"

"I, if you survive the catastrophe today, you will definitely be trampled on King Yu's city in the future!"

While laughing, he ran towards Aguna!

"Generals, obey the order!"


"Take it!"

Aguna waved his hand, and hundreds of his cronies behind him swarmed forward, knocking the Barbarian Emperor off his horse in one fell swoop!



"Are you going to rebel?"

"It's me!"

The Barbarian Emperor roared one after another at Aguna, and Aguna stepped forward and walked in front of the Barbarian Emperor.

"Bold Yunu!"

"How dare you impersonate me, His Majesty the Barbarian Emperor!"

"Palm mouth!"

They slapped each other in the face, and the Barbarian Emperor's face was swollen, and he almost fainted from the anger!

"Rebellious ministers and traitors!"

"I will cut you into pieces!"

"I am the emperor of the Southern Barbarians, how dare you... insult me ​​like this!"

"How dare you!"

The Barbarian King couldn't stand it after all, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and fainted directly.

Aguna looked at the Barbarian Riders behind him, glanced at Qin Qiong from a distance, turned his horse's head and led the army away!

Qin Qiong silently watched the Barbarian Riders galloping past, looked at the Barbarian King who fainted on the ground, and shouted: "Capture him!"




Yuwang City!

At dawn, the sun has not risen, the morning mist is hazy, and occasionally there are a few sounds of chickens crowing and dogs barking.

The garrison on the tower has been holding on all night, and at dawn, they are also a little sleepy!



A galloping horse hoof sounded, and a man and a horse were seen raising dust all the way from the official road in the distance!

"Something's going on!"

"It looks like a scout!"

"Quick, report to the general!"

Not long after, an armored general hurriedly climbed up the tower, and the man and the horse also walked to the foot of the city!

"Eight hundred miles to the south border, hurry up!"

"Open the city gate quickly!"

The cavalry downstairs shouted loudly, and the guards on the tower did not dare to be careless, and quickly ordered the drawbridge to open the city gate!

After checking the identity, the general guarding the city looked at the scout, his eyes were already full of bloodshot, but with a hint of joy that could not be concealed!

"Brother, how is the battle in the south border?"

The general stepped forward and couldn't help but ask in a low voice. The scout raised his mouth slightly, raised his whip and galloped away!

"You will know later, listen carefully to the ringing of the Taihuang Bell!"

"Taihuang Bell?"

The general guarding the city frowned slightly, with a look of doubt on his face: "What's the matter with the Taihuang Bell inside the pass..."

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