Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 187 The victory message from eight hundred miles away reached the capital, shocking the capi

Outside the palace.

The New Year is coming, and the shops on the street have opened early. The distant east is already filled with a wisp of purple air!

The sound of horse hooves from afar attracted the attention of the people along the street. After all, riding a horse is prohibited in the capital!

And looking at the man's attire, with a red feather on his body, everyone's expression changed!

"It's an urgent delivery of 800 miles!"

"From the southern border!"

"Hey! It's almost the New Year, don't let anything happen!"

Many people prayed secretly, and now Kyoto is full of joy, don't let bad news come out again!

"An urgent delivery of 800 miles from the southern border, His Royal Highness King Xuanyong has issued a golden order to open the palace gate quickly!"

"Get off the horse and unload the knife!"

The imperial guards guarding the palace shouted, and the scout turned over and got off the horse without saying a word, and threw the knife hanging on his waist to the ground while running!

When he arrived in front of Zhengde Hall, the scout looked at the Taihuang Bell, and a touch of heat appeared in his eyes!



The crisp bell sound completely broke the silence of the morning, and people woke up from their sleep and looked towards the palace wall!

The civil and military officials also climbed down from their beds and rushed to the palace without stopping!

The Xuanyong Palace.

Zhuge Liang slowly walked out of the thatched cottage, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, and murmured: "It seems that there is news from the south!"

"Kong Ming!"

While he was pondering, he saw Chen Gong and Jia Xu also appeared in the courtyard of the thatched cottage.

"It seems that the lord will return soon!"


Zhuge Liang nodded slightly and said softly: "In half a month, it will be the end of the year, and His Royal Highness Prince Sheng will arrive in Beijing soon!"

"However, the matter of conferring a title will probably have to wait until after the New Year!"

"Not necessarily!"

Jia Xu shook his head slightly and said meaningfully: "I'm afraid it's not just His Royal Highness Prince Sheng. I heard that His Majesty summoned princes from all over the country back to Beijing this year!"

"It seems that he is preparing to establish a crown prince!"


Chen Gong smiled confidently: "Now that the lord is about to return to the south, the position of prince is probably inevitable!"

"Among the sons of your majesty, among the seven adult sons, only the eldest son, Prince Sheng, is young and ranked as a prince!"

"My lord, it is very likely to be the second one!"

As soon as Chen Gong finished speaking, Zhuge Liang nodded slightly, "The position of prince is to convince the people, as for establishing a crown prince, the key lies in your majesty!"


Jia Xu also had a look of emotion on his face!

The third prince, Prince Qilin, had gone to the countryside three years ago!

The fourth prince, Prince Changyang Ningshu, whose mother was weak, was pardoned by Emperor Yu and allowed to stay in Beijing!

The fifth and sixth princes are now training in the Western Border Army, imitating the eldest prince and becoming kings in one fell swoop!

As for the seventh prince, he has just come of age, and after the New Year, he should go to the countryside!

"Kong Ming, in your opinion, is there anyone in the palace who is on guard against the lord?"

After these words, Zhuge Liang also fell into deep thought. After a long time, he whispered: "It is inevitable to be on guard, but His Majesty does not seem to mind the lord's life experience!"

"Besides, Empress Xian is not as simple as we thought!"

Hearing this, Jia Xu nodded in agreement. He was in charge of the Black Ice Platform, so he naturally knew some secrets that others did not know!


The Palace!

Emperor Yu was also awakened by the sound of the bells. Wei Ying hurried in and whispered, "Your Majesty, there is news from the south!"

"How many bells have been rung?"

" rings!"

Without saying a word, Emperor Yu stood up and walked towards Zhengde Hall, asking as he walked, "How is the war situation in the south?"

"It is said...the scouts returned to the capital to report victory!"

"However, I have not seen the scouts yet, so the news is not very accurate!"


Emperor Yu's face was calm, and he strode into Zhengde Hall with a group of people following him!


After the last bell rang, Emperor Yu appeared outside the hall, with a touch of complexity in his eyes!

He took a deep breath and strode into the hall. A group of civil and military officials had already gathered and were discussing at the moment!

"The Taihuang Bell rang nine times!"

"Is this going to start a national war?"

"This is nonsense. The Taihuang Bell is the sacred weapon of my Dayu country. How can it be moved lightly?"

"Could it be that something happened in the southern border?"

Emperor Yu stepped onto the dragon throne, glanced around, and with a loud shout, he saw a figure rushing in!


"The southern border has reported victory in 800 miles. The army of the Duke of Zhenguo has wiped out the main force of the Southern Barbarians and annihilated 400,000 enemies!"

"The Barbarian King's City was broken, and the Barbarian King was captured!"

While the scout was speaking, he took off the letter tube containing the victory report and presented it!

The entire hall was silent at this moment. Even Wei Ying, who was about to submit the letter, and Emperor Yu, who was sitting at the top, were stunned at this moment!

"Little did you say?"

Right Prime Minister Shen Li was the first to react, looking at the scout with an unbelievable look on his face!

"Reporting to the Lord, a great victory in the southern border!"

"His Royal Highness King Xuanyong broke the Barbarian King's City twice, and used a series of strategies to defeat the Southern Barbarians several times, until he wiped out the 400,000-strong army!"

"The Barbarian King was captured, and now the army is returning to the court!"

Hearing the words of the scout, Emperor Yu happened to receive the victory report, and his hands could not help but tremble, but he tried to stay calm and stared at the letter in his hand!

The eyes of all the court officials were also gathered on Emperor Yu. At this moment, the only sound left in the whole hall was the rapid breathing!


With an almost maniacal laugh, Emperor Yu strode down the jade steps and said loudly: "A great victory in the south, my son has the appearance of a unicorn!"

"Let the whole world celebrate together and the whole world rejoice!"

"From now on, there will be no war in the southern region for ten years!"

"Be a big lottery!"

Hearing Emperor Yu's words, all the courtiers reacted one after another. Shen Li and Lin Qiushi both took a step forward: "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The ministers also looked extremely excited, annihilating 400,000 enemies, capturing the Barbarian Emperor, and conquering the Southern Barbarian Imperial Capital!

This was an unprecedented victory for Dayu!

Half an hour later, an edict came from the palace, and people all over the world were excited!

The shops in the middle of the capital were decorated with lights and decorations. There was a wealthy businessman named Shen who spent a hundred thousand taels to buy the entire capital's red cloth and colorful strips!

Send thousands of jars of fine wine for the people in Beijing to drink!

The entire city of King Yu was filled with an atmosphere of joy, and all the ministers in the court also walked out of the palace city one after another and went to the various government offices in groups!

In a luxurious mansion outside the palace city, there are three gilt characters hanging on the door plaque: King Changyang!

This is the residence of Ning Shu, the fourth prince of Dayu!



Crisp sounds filled the dim hall, and along with the chaotic sounds, the entire hall became a mess in an instant!

"How could this loser achieve such great achievements?"

"He can't even pull a bow string, and he can't sit firmly on his horse. When will he be able to mount his horse and kill the enemy?"


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