"List of famous generals?"

Ning Fan had a look of doubt on his face and looked at Ning Ru beside him with curiosity.

Seemingly sensing Ning Fan's doubts, Ning Rulai told the rumors about the famous general list before asking any questions.

"This general list was created by Jianghu forces to gather famous generals from all over the world. This man in costume is the third on the famous general list, named Xixiongtu!"

"Why have I never heard of the list of famous generals?"

Zhao Huaiyuan's face showed a deep look of surprise. Ning Rulai shook his head slightly and said in a serious voice: "This list is not recognized by the countries in the Central Plains, so it is not widely circulated in the world!"

"However, none of the people who can be on this list are simple people!"

"Yes!" Liu Fengping also nodded in agreement and said sadly: "I have heard of this drama before. In the battle on the southwest border, he led 8,000 light cavalry and defeated the 70,000-strong army of Yu the Great."


When Ning Fan heard this, his expression suddenly condensed, and he asked doubtfully: "Is this person a military commander from Dali?"


Zhao Changying nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Xi Xiongtu has not worn armor for several years. I didn't expect to appear on this snowy field today!"

"Is it possible that you are here for the Barbarian Emperor?"

Ning Fan's expression condensed, he quickly opened the system, silently clicked on the intermediate dynamic military sandbox, and couldn't help but frown slightly!

It’s really just one person and one ride!

Ning Fan had a look of surprise on his face. There was no ambush nearby, indicating that Xi Xiongtu's decision to come this time was private!

But is he really here for the Barbarian Emperor?

"It's bad, Zhong Kang and Shu Bao can't even defeat him. This man's martial arts... is truly terrifying!"

Guo Jia couldn't help but sigh, and a heroic figure holding Fang Tian's painted halberd appeared in his mind!

Quite the style of its time!

"Yun Chang!"

"You also go up and help!"


Guan Yu responded and patted the horse gently. As the horse galloped faster and faster under his crotch, the power of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in Guan Yu's hand became stronger and heavier!

When Xi Xiongtu saw another figure approaching, there was a trace of impatience in his eyes. The horse under his crotch neighed loudly, and a spear was swept straight towards Qin Qiong!


With a clang, Qin Qiong crossed his maces and blocked Xi Xiongtu's blow. However, the horse under his crotch could not bear the terrifying force and knelt down directly on the ground!

Dian Wei and Xu Chu's expressions changed almost at the same time, but they saw the spear in Xi Xiongtu's hand suddenly inserted into the ground, holding the spear with both hands, and kicked Dian Wei and Xu Chu out at the same time!


Ning Fan couldn't help but curse, "Dian Wei, Xu Chu and Qin Qiong joined forces, and they were defeated?"

What level has Xiongtu's martial arts achieved in this drama?

At this time, Guan Yu galloped his horse and finally arrived in front of Xi Xiongtu. His long sword suddenly started to move, and he used the horse's momentum to slash him head-on!

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

"However, this is not enough!"

Surprise flashed in Xi Xiongtu's eyes, he shouted low, and swung his spear violently towards Guan Yu.


The sword and gun connected, and a flash of sword light was seen passing over the gun body and slashing directly towards Xi Xiongtu's neck!



Seeing the Qinglong Yanyue Sword attacking towards his neck, the distance was getting closer and closer. Xi Xiongtu had no fear on his face, and he pointed the tip of his spear and directly hit the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword!


With a crisp sound, Guan Yu's sword was deflected instantly, and with a touch of blood blooming, a naked knife mark was revealed on Xi Xiongtu's arm!


"It's been a long time since I've been here since I was a general, and no one has been able to see blood on me!"

"The sword skills are good, but the flaws are too obvious!"

As soon as Xi Xiongtu finished speaking, the red-sleeved robe suddenly waved, and the spear in his hand was as fast as thunder. He waved it and launched a fierce attack on Guan Yu!

"The essence of General Guan's martial arts lies in the first three swords. He uses the momentum of the horse to accumulate power and concentrates all his strength on the first three swords!"

"Now that the three swords have passed, if we continue to fight, we will be defeated within thirty rounds!"

Zhao Changying sighed softly, clapped his horse and stepped forward. He looked at Xi Xiongtu and said, "General Xi, why are you trying to rob Dao here?"

"Take him away!"

Xi Xiongtu looked at the prison car heavily guarded by the army and spoke calmly.


Su Xuan also had a look of shock on his face, and said in a deep voice: "General Xi, this person is a wanted criminal of Dayu, why should we rescue this person?"

"Dayu and Dayi have not committed any crimes in recent years. Now General Xi blocks my military path because of a barbarian. It is a bit unjustifiable!"

"Besides, the Nanman are the sworn enemies of Dayu and Dayi. Now General Xi is willing to take the risk of offending me, Dayu, for the sake of a barbarian and an enemy!"

"It's really weird!"

Hearing Su Xuan's words, Xi Xiongtu remained silent, but the spear attack in his hand became more and more fierce, and his figure kept approaching the prison car!

"Drama General!"

"If you don't give me an explanation, don't blame me for being ruthless today!"

There was a murderous intent in Zhao Changying's eyes. Nowadays, Dayu and Dayi are not necessarily on good terms. Besides, this man's body is stained with the blood of a lot of Dayu's soldiers!

If he could be left on this snowfield today, Dayu would have one less confidant from now on!

Xi Xiongtu glanced at Zhao Changying lightly, his eyes fell on Yue Fei, and he said lightly: "Fight with me, if you lose, I will take you away, if you win, I will leave!"


Zhao Changying showed a sneer on his face, slowly raised his right arm, and said in a low voice: "Generals, archers, get ready!"


Ning Fan saw the murderous intent surging from Zhao Changying, and hurriedly rode forward: "I agree to your conditions!"

"Pengju, fight him!"


Yue Fei responded, took the spear handed by the guard beside him, and the white dragon horse neighed, and rushed towards Xi Xiongtu's figure!

"Come on!"

Xi Xiongtu seemed to have noticed the strength of his opponent, and his eyes were a little more solemn. He rode towards Yue Fei!

Ning Fan looked at Ji Wuyi and the others, and reminded them softly: "Both of them are peerless generals, and they are also masters of spearmanship. It's really interesting!"


Zhao Changying did not stop them after hearing this, but instead looked at the two people fighting in the arena with interest!

After Yue Fei came on the field, the Liquan Spear in his hand turned into a trail of afterimages and attacked Xi Xiongtu!

Although Xi Xiongtu had fought several battles in a row, he was not tired at all. He waved his spear in his hand, and the two of them fought back and forth, and it was hard to tell them apart!

"Awesome, these two people are probably the ceiling of martial arts, right?"

"Not necessarily!"

"Don't forget that Xi Xiongtu is only ranked third on the list of famous generals!"

Hearing Liu Fengping's words, Zhao Changying and the others all froze, with a deep horror in their eyes!


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