Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 192 The peak showdown, Ning Fan cheats again!

Yue Fei's spear is agile and his moves are varied, while Xi Xiongtu's spear is heavy, moving like thunder and carrying a mighty force!

Both of them have their own schools of thought in spear arts, and now they can be said to be evenly matched and talented!

You should know that Yue Fei's basic martial arts has reached 101 points, plus the 3 points of the title [Martial Saint] attribute, the peak martial arts has reached 104 points!

Now Xi Xiongtu has fought more than a hundred rounds in a row, but he can still fight on par with Yue Fei. His strength is really terrifying!

"Boom, peak martial arts duel detected, martial arts auxiliary system starts observation function!"

A system prompt sound suddenly sounded, and Ning Fan's eyes suddenly showed a faint golden light.

At this moment, the flow of time seemed to slow down several times, and the moves of the two were all disassembled and differentiated.

Ning Fan's eyes were shining with brilliance, as if he had an epiphany, and seemed to have more insights into the Thirteen Deadly Spears!

Now his spear skills are too simple, and now he can observe from the two peerless generals, and he has gained some new insights!

"You have gained insights into the spear way during the observation, and your understanding of the Thirteen Deadly Spears has increased!"

Ning Fan quickly clicked on the details, and was stunned. He didn't expect that the first three shots of the Thirteen Deadly Spears had all reached perfection!

"System, do you think I'm too weak, help me cheat?"

"Master, you are gifted, you don't need the system's blessing, the martial arts auxiliary function has been turned on, master, don't miss this opportunity!"

Hearing the system's words, Ning Fan also focused on the duel between the two.

Yue Fei's spear skills became more and more fierce, and Xi Xiongtu was hit by Guan Yu's knife on the shoulder, and he had experienced a round-robin battle. At this moment, he was obviously a little cramped!

The offensive of the two became faster and faster, and gradually, the two spears almost turned into a residual image, and Ning Fan showed a touch of surprise on his face!

"Xi Xiongtu's spearmanship is more about strength, while Pengju's spearmanship is more about skill. I didn't expect Xi Xiongtu's speed to be so fast now!"

"When it comes to speed, I only admire Su Chi!"

Zhao Huaiyuan smiled frivolously, looking at Su Chi with a playful look on his face!

Su Chi blushed immediately, glared at Zhao Huaiyuan fiercely, and raised his fist to him!


"The world's martial arts can only be broken by speed!"

"Su Chi, after returning to Beijing, you come to my house, I know an old Chinese doctor..."

"No... no need!"

Ning Fan grinned, he didn't expect Su Chi to be... But it doesn't matter, he has nothing else, just a lot of medicine!

"It's time to decide the winner!"

Ji Wuyi reminded softly, and everyone looked at the two people in the field with a serious face!

The two people galloped along the ancient road in front of them, and the long spears in their hands stirred up sparks!

The strength of the peerless general was fully demonstrated. Ning Fan looked at Zhao Huaiyuan and asked softly, "General Zhao, what is the reputation of Xi Xiongtu?"

"Not bad, a man of iron bones, this man is extremely strong in martial arts, proficient in military tactics, loyal and upright, and is a famous general of Dali!"

"The empress was able to sit on the throne smoothly, and it was inseparable from the strong support of this guy!"

"So that's it!"

Ning Fan's face showed a playful look, and the two people in the field suddenly pulled away, as if they were adjusting their breath!

"One move to decide the winner?"


Yue Fei slowly raised the Liquan Spear, and a sharp momentum suddenly surged from his body, and the three-foot snowflakes around him were instantly shaken up!

A strong wind swept up in all directions. Su Xuan was stunned and said in a lost voice: "Warrior's Qi?"

"Is Pengju's martial arts power actually reached the level of a world-famous person?"

"A peerless martial general!"

Zhao Changying didn't seem surprised. He nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Pengju can fight Xi Xiongtu to a draw. It's not surprising that a peerless martial general can fight!"

"It's just that it's hard to say who is better between the two!"

Ning Fan silently opened the system and wanted to check Xi Xiongtu's attribute page, but found that the distance was not enough!

"It should be Xi Xiongtu's martial arts power that is better!"

"General Yunchang's move injured his arm, but even so, he can still fight Pengju for more than a hundred rounds!"

"It's really amazing!"

Qin Qiong, who had just been defeated, spoke softly, and Ning Fan also nodded in agreement. According to his speculation, Xi Xiongtu's martial arts value should be between 105 and 107!

"Yue Family Spear - Lonely Smoke in the Desert!"

"Xihua Spear - Digging Mountains and Rivers with Strength!"

The two of them called out the names of the spears to each other, and their auras rose to the extreme, and their qi were also different!

They attacked almost at the same time, and two different qi collided violently. Yue Fei's spear skills were extremely swift, and the tip of the Liquan Spear, with the blessing of the qi, also burst out with a touch of scorching heat!


With a loud bang, the qi swept, and the terrifying air waves spread. The strong wind swept around, and the area within a hundred feet was flattened by the two people's qi!

A gust of wind and snow filled the void, drifting in all directions

"Internal force?"

"It's not internal force, it's Gangqi!"

Zhao Changying shook his head slightly and said: "Martial artists are divided into internal and external cultivation. Internal martial artists cultivate internal force, while external martial artists cultivate tendons and bones!"

"However, when external martial artists condense Gangqi, they will enter a new realm, a peerless realm!"

"Generally speaking, internal martial artists cultivate internal force and focus on skills, while external martial artists need years of training!"

"When the flesh and bones reach a certain strength, they can be transformed into Gangqi!"

"So that's it!"

Ning Fan found that he had learned a lot. The figures in the field were almost frozen in the void. After a brief contact, the two figures fell from the air at the same time!


Xi Xiongtu retreated seven steps in a row before he could stabilize his body, and there were seven or eight bullet marks on his body!

Yue Fei retreated nine steps in a row, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the spear in his hand kept shaking!

"I admire your martial arts!"

"In today's world, among the worldly generals I know, I am afraid that only Brother Ran can beat you!"

Yue Fei clasped his fists slightly, waved his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the white dragon horse neighed and galloped in front of him!

"I lost!"

Xi Xiongtu shook his head slightly and said softly: "If you hadn't shown mercy just now, today would be the day when Xi died!"


"You also retracted your force at the end of that shot, otherwise, I couldn't catch it!"

The two looked at each other, both showing a touch of appreciation, quite a hero cherishing each other!

Ning Fan rode forward, his eyes fell on Xi Xiongtu, and whispered: "What is your relationship with the Barbarian King?"

"Who are you?"

"Dayu, the King of Xuanyong!"

"I didn't expect that it was the King of Dayu who came in person!" Xi Xiongtu clasped his fists and saluted: "Xi is defeated this time, and I have nothing to say!"

"I wonder if Your Highness can agree to Xi's request?"

"Barbarian King?"

"Can you spare his life?"


"This person..."

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