Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 193: Forged Imperial Edict, Poetry Gift Pack!

Xi Xiongtu looked at the cage, a trace of pain appeared on his face, and he said sadly: "It's my brother!"


Ning Fan was stunned, and Zhao Changying and others were also surprised.

One of them is the emperor of Nanman, and the other is a famous general of Dali. They are actually brothers?

It's ridiculous!

"This matter is not well known to the world. There are many past events. Ximou does not want to mention it!"

"If Your Highness can meet Ximou's request, from now on, Ximou will never be an enemy of Dayu!"

"If Your Highness can use Ximou, I will definitely help!"

Xi Xiongtu's face was full of sincerity, and his eyes looking at Ning Fan also had a hint of request!

"Your Highness!"

Zhao Changying and Guo Jia spoke almost at the same time, looking at Ning Fan's face with a serious look.

"I promise you!"

Ning Fan hesitated for a moment, and nodded and agreed directly. Guo Jia's expression suddenly relaxed, while Zhao Changying's expression suddenly tightened!

"Thank you!"

Xi Xiongtu looked at Zhao Changying and his party, and bowed slightly: "General Zhao, thank you for your mercy today. If you come to Dali in the future, I will welcome you!"

"Generals, I am sorry for the offense!"

"General Yue, see you later!"

After that, he took a deep look in the direction of the cage and rode away!

"Your Highness?"

Zhao Changying hurriedly slapped his horse and looked at Ning Fan, with a worried look on his face: "This man is the pillar of Dali's army, and he should not be let go!"

"Besides, if your majesty knew about his conditions, I'm afraid..."

"No problem!"

Ning Fan smiled and shook his head. Now he had just saved the Queen of Dali and earned a favor from Xi Xiongtu, who was ranked third on the list of famous generals!

This wave of business is not a loss, and besides, he is still a legitimate prince of Dali!

If this guy is really killed, the relationship just established with Dali will be completely broken!

Now Dayan country is eyeing it covetously. Dayu alone is absolutely unable to compete. Perhaps, in the near future, he will drag Dali to play the Three Kingdoms together!

Seeing Zhao Changying's worried look, Ning Fan's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, Duke. After returning this time, I will give my father an explanation!"

"That's good!"

The army continued to set off. Ning Fan rode the purple lightning flying dragon and opened the system again!

"System, what level has my force value reached now?"

"Checking, please wait!"

"The master's current force value is 98 points!"

"Sure enough, he didn't break into the peerless realm!"

"It's a bit far!"

Ning Fan didn't seem satisfied. He just took ten pills and increased from 95 points to 96 points. Now he comprehended the spearmanship in observation, but it only increased by two points!

It seems that it's not as easy as imagined to enter the peerless realm in one step!

"System, open the diamond treasure chest!"

"Opening, please wait!"

"Congratulations, Master, you have received a great gift pack of poetry!"


Ning Fan showed a hint of doubt on his face. Could it be that he was proficient in poetry again, or maybe he could just write 300 Tang poems?

Diamond-level treasure chest, it shouldn't be that!

"The Tang Dynasty poet [Da Li Du] has entered the world, and his current identity is a guest of the Xuanyong Palace!"

"The Song Dynasty poet [Su Xin] has entered the world, and his current implanted identity is a guest of the Xuanyong Palace!"

"What the hell?"

"Da Li Du, Su Xin?"

"It's a big profit!"

Ning Fan couldn't help but look a little happy, not to mention what kind of power the four people's poetry attainments can inject into the Dayu literary world!

You know, Li Bai is not only good at reciting poems!

Xin Qiji is not only good at writing lyrics!

These two fierce men are all-rounders of civil and military talents. As for Du Fu and Su Shi, their talents are not limited to poetry!

It's a pity that one person was born at the wrong time, but he still has a heart that worries about the country and the people. He has experienced ups and downs, but he has not changed his heroic spirit!

"It's going to be lively back in Beijing now!"

"System, do the four of them have memories of their past lives?"



Ning Fan suddenly thought of the day when he made Li Bai famous overnight at the Fengxiang Tower Poetry Meeting. I wonder what he would think when he found out that he was already famous in this world after entering the world!

Thinking of this, Ning Fan's mouth curled up slightly, and a horse hoof sound came, and a scout rode up!

"Your Majesty has an order!"

"A great victory in the southern border. Please invite the King of Huai, the King of Xuanyong, the Duke of Zhenguo, the Duke of Pingguo, the Duke of Yueguo, Yue Fei and others to the capital to receive rewards!"

The scout held a scroll of the imperial edict high up. Zhao Changying and Ning Fan looked at each other, bowed slightly, and looked at the scout: "Pass the imperial edict to the King of Huai!"


This time it was obviously a formality. The scout headed towards the King of Huai's army, but soon turned back, looking very ugly!

"What happened?"

"Your Highness, Duke, His Highness the Prince of Huai has returned to Huainan alone!"


Zhao Changying snorted coldly, with a hint of darkness in his eyes: "This old fox!"

"Your Highness, do you want to..."

Su Xuan looked at the 80,000 troops of the Prince of Huai. Ning Fan pondered for a moment and whispered: "Since the Prince of Huai has run away, these 80,000 troops cannot be allowed to enter the pass!"

"Let them garrison in the southern border!"

"But without the order of His Majesty, how can they obey our orders?"

Ning Fan pondered for a long time and suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, when I was in Beijing, my father asked Lord Ji to send a message to Qingyun Hou to monitor Huainan!"

"If there are special circumstances, can we do it cheaply?"


"That's what happened!"

The three princes nodded almost at the same time. Ning Fan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said calmly: "It's too late for my father to issue the decree, but I can ask Qingyun Hou..."


Before Ning Fan finished speaking, Zhao Changying shook his head and refused: "Your Highness, even if you have the power to act expediently, forging an imperial edict is a major crime against the nine clans!"

"Besides, Marquis Qingyun has always been cautious, so how could he do such a risky thing!"

"Okay, since he doesn't dare to forge it, I will do it myself!"

"Fengxiao, you draft an imperial edict to strand King Huai's 80,000 troops in the southern border!"


Guo Jia nodded slightly and reminded softly: "Your Highness, we need to inform His Majesty immediately about this matter!"


"What happened here is that it's time to return to Beijing!"

"In the blink of an eye, it's been nearly two months since I came out, and it's so cold in this damn snowfield!"

Ning Fan has the blessing of an elegant temperament, and he seems to be full of gentleness even when he uses curse words. To describe it simply in one sentence, he is a gentle and gentle beast!

"I still have two memory beads in my hand that have not been used!"

"The potatoes and sweet potatoes in the greenhouse at home should be almost ready. After winter, it will be time to promote the Quyuan plow nationwide!"

"There are also golden sore medicine and mafei powder. I need to find a good doctor to study them carefully when I go back!"

"Cai Zhaoji..."

Ning Fan couldn't help but think of the rewards of the god-level lottery. The system couldn't give him an answer, so he had to investigate it himself!

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