Great Cold!

At this time, Yuwang City has been decorated with lights and colorful strips, and there are endless merchants on the long streets!

It is only seven or eight days away from the end of the year. As the capital of Dayu, the merchants in Yuwang City are all transporting batches of goods!

"Boss Shen!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are still as elegant as ever!"

"The three hundred jars of Fuguichun that I ordered before?"

A middle-aged man in brocade clothes strode into the Huaxia Liquor Store. Seeing Shen Wansan's figure, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face!

"It turned out to be Mr. Chen!"

"The wine is now coming out of the cellar, and it will be delivered before tomorrow evening!"

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Shen!"

As soon as Mr. Chen left, several figures walked in together, and Shen Wansan's face was already full of smiles!

Now that the end of the year is approaching, it is a great opportunity for Huaxia Liquor Store!

The signs of Huaxia Liquor Store have been hung in various prefectures, counties, and even counties!

Shen Wansan even built three wineries nearby!

But even so, the supply still cannot meet the demand!


"It's bad, our convoy to Jiangnan was robbed by a group of strong men!"

"But there are three thousand jars of Chang Xiangsi!"


The smile on Shen Wansan's face froze instantly, and after a long pause, he whispered: "Have you found out the identity of this gang of thieves?"


Seeing the embarrassment on the servant's face, Shen Wansan strode out of the wine shop and whispered: "Prepare the horse, I want to go back to the palace!"


Shen Wansan was about to return to the palace, but saw a young man in gorgeous clothes striding over with several servants, playing with a paper fan in his hand!

"Boss Shen, I have heard of your name for a long time!"

"Who are you?"

"I am Zheng Yuan, the second son of the Minister of Personnel!"

"It turns out to be Mr. Zheng. Come on, give Mr. Zheng a few jars of good wine. I, Shen, will make friends with Mr. Zheng!"


Zheng Yuan's face darkened instantly. A servant next to him smiled coldly and said sarcastically, "You are a lowly commoner merchant. Who gave you the courage to make friends with my son?"

"These jars of wine, our son can still afford it!"

Listening to the servant's words, Shen Wansan A cold light flashed in his eyes, but he still had a smile on his face: "Yes, yes, yes, I made a mistake, please forgive me, Master Zheng!"

"Hehe, no need to be polite, my dog ​​slave said a little too much, please don't mind it!"

"I came here today to give you a chance!"


Shen Wansan's eyes narrowed into a slit in an instant, and he bowed slightly: "Please teach me, Master Zheng!"

"Well!" Zheng Yuan said lightly: "I am going to invest in your Huaxia Liquor Store. From now on, you will be considered a slave of my Zheng family!"

"How is it, are you very surprised?"


Shen Wansan couldn't help cursing in his heart, but he still smiled: "Mr. Zheng, you are joking. I am just a businessman and dare not marry into the Zheng family!"


Zheng Yuan's face darkened instantly, and he smiled coldly: "Boss Shen, if you open a business in Beijing, you can't avoid making arrangements!"

"I heard that Boss Shen's caravan to Jiangnan seems to have encountered some troubles. Be careful when you are in Beijing!"

Looking at Zheng Yuan's threatening face , Shen Wansan also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "So it was Mr. Zheng's method, Shen admires it!"

"Shen Wansan, if you know what's good for you, you should surrender to our Zheng family. In this capital, this young master guarantees that you will have a good life, otherwise..."

"I'm afraid that this once popular Huaxia Liquor Store will be forgotten by everyone!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Zheng. Shen has always had a good tooth. I can't say soft words or eat soft rice!"

Seeing Shen Wansan's soft and hard look, Zheng Yuan was also aroused. He turned around and strode away.

Several servants of the Zheng family rushed over like wolves and tigers, grabbed Shen Wansan and punched and kicked him!


"Stop, what are you doing!"

"This is the foot of the emperor!"

The people around saw Shen Wansan being caught by the servants of the Zheng family and beaten violently, and they hid in the corner and pointed!

"Take this old guy back to me!"

"Lock him up for a few days first!"

"I want to see how good his teeth are, and whether he can say a few soft words to me!"

Zheng Yuan paused, turned around and looked at Shen Wansan with a sneer on his face.

"Let's go!"

Zheng Yuan was about to leave with his men, but saw a figure suddenly jumped out of the crowd and blocked their way!

This man was wearing a green gown, holding a wine gourd in his hand, and a seven-foot green sword hanging from his waist. He looked at Shen Wansan drunkenly!

"Are you the boss of this Huaxia Liquor Store?"


Shen Wansan nodded slightly, and the green-shirted man's eyes suddenly lit up, and the drunkenness in his eyes seemed to retreat a little!

"Boss Shen, let's go and have a drink!"

"It's very cold today, it's not suitable to travel!"

As he said, he directly passed the Zheng family servant, grabbed Shen Wansan's sleeve, and was about to leave!

"Stop!" Zheng Yuan's face darkened again, and he looked at Li Bai and said coldly: "Who are you? How dare you interfere in my business!" "A commoner!" "Hmph, a lowly person dares to kidnap someone from me, beat him up!"

Zheng Yuan gave an order, and four or five servants rushed towards Li Bai like wolves and tigers.


With a clang, the long sword on the waist of the man in green suddenly came out of the sheath, and a series of sword shadows passed by, and with a crisp sound, the sword was sheathed!


"You are so cool, you really think you are a hero!"

"This kid is really funny!"

A series of mocking voices rang out, and the five servants laughed wildly, but the corners of the man in green's mouth curled up slightly!


The sound of clothes falling to the ground was heard, and in just a moment, the ropes on the waists of the five servants broke almost at the same time, and all the clothes on their bodies fell to the ground, revealing a series of exquisite patterns!


"How is it possible!"

Not only the servants of the Zheng family were stunned, but even the people around them were also surprised!


"Don't be reckless!"

"Why are you causing trouble for no reason!"

A hurried sound of footsteps was heard, and a handsome young man walked quickly to the front of the man in green, pulling him away!

"Brother Zimei, it's just a lesson for a few slaves, no need to be nervous!"

"I'm going to Fengxiang Tower to have a drink later, you come with me!"

As the two were talking, they heard a cry from the crowd: "Look, the patterns on the clothes of those Zheng family slaves are not patterns!"

"But there are a few more words!"

"Dogs relying on the power of others?"

A literate young scholar read it out unconsciously, and his face was instantly stunned!


"This man's swordsmanship is a master of his generation!"


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